Categories > Celebrities > Simple Plan > Pierre Bouvier FanFic

Chapter 2

by evry1lovesmichelle 0 reviews

Pierre comes over to Michelle's house.

Category: Simple Plan - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: David Desrosiers,Pierre Bouvier - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2009-03-24 - Updated: 2009-03-25 - 1267 words

Chapter 2

Everyday Pierre would call Michelle and they would talk for hours. One day, Pierre told Michelle that he was going to have an autograph session in London this weekend, so after that he would come see her.

That morning, Michelle Decided to go to the session to surprise Pierre.

Pierre was really excited to see Michelle after the session. All he thought of was her. The guys got sick of him talking about Michelle 24/7.

The line up for this session was long. But once Michelle got to Pierre, Pierre said “Hey hot stuff, can I have your digits?” “Does that line even work anymore?” Questioned Michelle. “Well... sometimes!” Laughed Pierre. Then they hugged.

After the session, they went off to Exeter. What a fancy place ha ha! Michelle decided to take Pierre to school. So Pierre once again, had his shades and hat on for a disguise.

Once they got inside the school, no one knew who this guy was. But Miranda knew. And of course Pierre tried to hook up David with Miranda, so he brought David.

Miranda says while whispering “Hi.... Pierre and David. How are you David?” “I’m faaaantastic!” Said David enthusiastically. “how about you?” “Good.” Said Miranda shyly.

Then of course Alice came over... “Who are you guys?” Asked Alice Curiously. “Umm... I’m Pablo and this is my friend Moostaffa!” Said Pierre who’s trying to keep a straight face. “So Michelle is your girlfriend?” Questioned Alice. “That is so fucking true!” Said Pierre with a happy face. “Well see ya around guys!” Said Alice. “Bye Alice” everyone said. When she was out of site, everyone bursted out laughing.

They went off to the computer class. Everyone had some red bull during lunch so they were a little out of it... They each sat down, and of course Pierre doesn’t know anything about flash programs.

Pierre started to get mad at the computer so he started to swear to himself. “WTF is happening?! Work you fucking computer or I will kill you!!” Michelle, Miranda, and David started to laugh. David started to spin around in his chair and as clumsy as he is, he fell off his chair!!

Then Pierre and David got kicked out of the classroom. Pierre said “What? am I too cool for school?”

After school, David went home with Miranda and Pierre walked home with Michelle. “So what do you think Miranda and David will do tonight?” Asked Pierre. “Well hmmm...” Said Michelle sarcastically. “Eww Michelle your gross!! Get away from me!!” After Pierre said that, he tried to run away from Michelle. But unfortunately, he slipped on ice and fell on his back. Michelle caught up and slipped and fell right on top of him. “Well this is kind of awkward huh?” Said Pierre. “Uh yeah, just a little bit!” They both got up and continued walking.

Later that day, Michelle wanted to show Pierre her favorite place to go. So they went up to the park with the river and a beautiful view of it.

They went to sit on one of the benches there. “This is where I like to go when I’m just sad or want to think things over.” Said Michelle. Pierre looked at Michelle and she turned her head to look at him. Then they both looked at the river. 5 minutes later, right when Pierre was going to say something, a bird pooped on his head.

Michelle laughed at him, and Pierre had a serious look on his face and kissed her. Another 5 minutes went by and Michelle’s cellphone started to ring. So Michelle answered it. “Michelle, me and your mom want to have a talk to you... without Pierre!” “okay...” replied Michelle.

“It was my dad... They want to have a talk with me without you?” Said Michelle very confused. Pierre and Michelle looked at each other with very puzzled looks on their faces. So they got to the house as fast as they could.

Once they got there, Pierre sat down on the porch while Michelle went inside.

Michelle and her parents sat around the table looking very serious. Pierre went under one of the open kitchen windows so he could listen. “Michelle.... me and your father think your getting a little attached to Pierre, so we decided that you should break up with him for now..” Said her mom.

“But mom! we’ve only been going out for a week and a half and you say that I’m attached to him? When I’m with him, I don’t feel judged and I can be myself around him. I love him mom!” Argued Michelle.

“WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ONCE HE GOES BACK ON TOUR?” Yelled her father. Michelle got really aggravated. “I’LL JUST GO WITH HIM 2 WEEKS A MONTH!” “AND MISS SCHOOL? I THINK NOT!” Yelled her mother. “FINE!” Screamed Michelle. “GO TO YOUR ROOM!” Said her dad.

Michelle started crying and went to her room. Pierre ran to the other side of Michelle’s house and went to her window. “Michelle, calm down! We will get around this problem okay?” Said Pierre as frustrated as can be. “But how?” Said Michelle sadly. “I don’t know but I’ll figure it out. I’m going to go for a walk. I’ll be back later okay?” “Okay” replied Michelle.

It was 11:00PM and Michelle’s parents were fast asleep. But there was no sign of Pierre. So Michelle thought he left, so she went to bed. At 12:00PM she heard someone knocking on her window.

She looked through the window and it was Pierre! So Michelle opened her window. “Can you help me get in?” Whispered Pierre. So Michelle helped him through the window.

Pierre was soaking wet because it was pouring outside. So as Pierre was taking of his shirt, Michelle asked “So what are we going to do?” “Well I was thinking that if your parents go somewhere tomorrow, we can move you out... if your willing to.” Said Pierre. Since there was no other idea, Michelle agreed.

Since Michelle’s bedroom floor was messy, Pierre had to sleep with Michelle. Michelle didn’t want to touch his hair because it still had bird poop in it.

At 7:00AM, Pierre and Michelle woke up. “Good morning Michelley!” Said Pierre. And right when Michelle gazed into his eyes, she heard her parents coming. “Hurry! Go in the closet!” Whispered Michelle. So Pierre went in the closet.

“Michelle, we have to work till 4:00PM.” Said her mother. “Okay mom.” Replied Michelle. Then her parents left.

Pierre got out of the closet. “Can I have a shower first?” Asked Pierre. “Knock yourself out.” Said Michelle sarcastically. Pierre went to the shower.

3 minutes later, Michelle saw her mom through the window walking back to the house. So Michelle had no choice but to go in the shower with Pierre. But with her PJ’s on.

Michelle ran to the washroom and jumped into the shower. “WHAT THE FUCK!” Yelled Pierre. “SHH! My mom is in the house! And besides I’m not looking at your hotdog!” Said Michelle.

Michelle’s mom came into the bathroom. “Hunny it’s just me, I just forgot my keys okay?” “Okay mother goodbye!” “bye Michelle.” And her mother left. Michelle looked at Pierre and gave her a look that she has never seen before, and then she knew.

“Ha ha! No way man, get some clothes on and lets go!” After Michelle packed, and Pierre got dressed, they hopped into the car and drove away.
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