Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Black, Gray and White

Chapter 12

by dust101


Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Humor,Romance - Characters: Fleur,Harry,Tonks - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2009-03-31 - Updated: 2009-04-01 - 4547 words

Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns Harry Potter and the crew.

Author's note: Here's the new chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter 12 – Bitch

Harry blocked a kick directed to his face and held on the attacker’s foot. He then went for the attacker’s other foot, sweeping it, and he smiled as the person was caught off balanced. However instead of falling like Harry intended, the attacker caught herself with one hand, kicked his stomach, then his face, making him let go of her foot.

She smirked as Harry touched his lip, looked at his fingers, and then spat the blood collecting in his mouth.

“I’ll get you for that Cami.” Harry said, taking an offensive stance.

Harry and Nym were at the basement of Number 12 Grimmauld Place, which they’ve transformed into a gym, complete with weights and other equipments on one side and an open space for sparring on the other. They’ve agreed to call each other with their operative names while they sparred.

“Bring it on Nox.” She said, smirking as Tonks took a defensive stance and made a ‘come hither’ motion with her fingers.

Harry laughed, took two big steps and started his attack. He threw a punch to her face, which she blocked and countered. He dodged her elbow, ducking under her arm, he quickly hooked his arm under her armpit and her extended elbow, and using her momentum, threw her on the floor. He quickly followed it with a stomp, but she dodged it by rolling away. However, as she was getting up Harry quickly swept her legs from under her, making her airborne for a split second.

Time slowed as it registered with Cami, what happened. “Shit!” Cami cursed, knowing what’s going to happen next.

Harry smirked inwardly as he was pushing himself up with his arms into a hand stand from his crouching position after he swept her legs. The flow of time was restored as Harry brought one of his elevated knees down on her chest, making her crash on the floor hard. The move was so fast that it happened with a blink of on eye, from him sweeping her legs to kneeing her on the chest.

Harry quickly stood up from his kneeling position on top of her as he heard her cough, blood dribbling from her lips, the wind knocked out of her.

“Damn pant you got me cough good” Cami struggled to say, as she took gulps of air.

Harry quickly sat her up, and asked Talons to come down in the basement. The disheveled form of Fleur Delacour appeared behind them.

She yawned and wiped her eyes, “What’s wrong now?”

Nym gasped and coughed up more blood. Harry smiled sheepishly, “We decided that we shouldn’t be complacent… and we agreed to fight for real, knowing you’re here but I kind of overdid our sparring…”

Fleur’s eyes shot open, wide awake as she took in Nym’s condition. “Merde!” She swore as she dropped on her knees beside her. She quickly waved her glowing wand over Tonks’ body, “Broken ribs, a cracked sternum and a collapsed lung.” She glared at Harry, “Were you trying to kill each other?” She demanded.

She muttered some spells and nodded as Nym took a sharp intake of breath. “That takes care of her lung... I’ll be back.” She said and apparated silently.

“Okay” Harry answered and smiled as he noticed Nym’s watery eyes on him. “Hey you.”

“I’m guessing I lost then?” Nym asked softly.

Harry chuckled, “Yup... I told you I was going to get you.” He whispered as he kissed her lips softly. "I'm sorry love, does it hurt?"

"Hurts like a bitch." Nym answered, chuckling softly, but winced in pain.

Fleur smiled as she appeared silently behind them holding a black case. Harry was whispering something, while Nym giggled softly. “Nym, I’m going to give you a new kind bone regenerating and pain relieving potions.”She interrupted, and took out some vials from her black case. She handed them to Harry, whom placed it on Nym’s lips and poured the contents in slowly. "I've healed your lungs, and that new bone regenerating potion that I just invented last night will work instantly, but I still want you to rest."

Nym took a deep breath then smiled, “Thanks Love.” She said looking at Fleur who smiled back and packed up her case. She walked up and knelt beside the metamorph and kissed her on the lips softly. “No problem.” She pulled back and glared at the only male occupant in the room. “Lay her on the couch in the living room, and I forbid you from sparring like this with each other again.”

“Yes love.” Harry answered as he rolled his eyes, earning him a smack on the head.

“I’m serious!” She snarled.

“No you’re Fleur, I’m Harry and she’s Nym. Are you feeling okay?” He asked innocently, earning him another smack on the head.

She huffed got up and left the two snickering wizard and witch on the floor. She paused on the basement door and stuck her tongue out at the two, making Harry and Nym laugh harder.

“Let’s go get some breakfast dear, I’ll give you a reward for winning.” Nym said as she got up, pulling Harry up as well.

“I’m supposed to lay you down on the couch in the living room, Remember?” He said playfully.

The pink haired witch smirked and looked over her shoulder to Harry. “Who said I wanted food for breakfast.” Harry looked at her confused. She sighed and shook her head. She walked up to him, grabbed his crotch, nibbled on his earlobe and whispered, “Harry you provide a rather tasty meal.” She backed up and slowly licked her lips.

Harry stared at her dumbfounded, making Nym laugh as she ran up the stairs. Harry realized he was left by himself in the basement and growled, “Damn it! You minx!” as he hurriedly climbed the stairs leading to the living room.

MI6 headquarters, Underground, North London

Hermione Granger, head of the Information Gathering Department of the Mi6, walked in the Special Training Room her department uses. She looked around and noticed that it looked like a martial arts dojo of some sort, complete with a rack of an assortment of weapons. She smirked as she found her newest recruit bloody and panting, faced down on the floor.

“How is she doing Jefferson?” She asked the man drinking coffee on a small table.

He didn’t answer right away as he took a big whiff from his mug, enjoying the smell of his hot beverage. He took a sip and placed his mug down. “Gabby’s got potential, but she has a lot of work to do…” He took another sip. “I still can’t believe that this type of Magical training room exists. The effect of this type of facilities will be immense. Hermione you’re a genius…” the tall man in the black combat uniform said in awe.

Hermione blushed, “Thanks, but it wasn’t just all me. It was a joint effort of the American Unspeakables and my department.”

Master Jefferson snorted. “Hermione, you just used the research we did with time turner sand. However, you developed the Charms and Spells to be able to apply the magical property of the sand to create a room like this. It’s amazing really…”

Hermione beamed at the man for his praises, “I just used this room we have at Hogwarts called the room of requirements as an inspiration. Complex charms were the hardest part of the whole thing, but we got through it and viola! You have a room which you can ask for anything you want, and combined with the magical properties of the time turner sand, and warp the time.” She finished explaining just like a teacher would.

“So how long has she been in this room with her combat training then? I’ve lost track of it after four months…” Master Jefferson asked.

“She’s been here…” She said as she opened the folder she was holding. “… Six months by tomorrow, but outside this room it’s only been two weeks.”

“Wow… okay what about me?” He asked.

“You don’t stay here the whole time so you’ve been here for…” She paused and looked in another folder. “…three months as of today.” She closed the folder and asked, “By the way, how long will her training regime be?”

“To teach her everything? I say about two years and she’ll know what she has to. It’s up to her to practice everything by herself after that. So what is that to the outside world? Four, five weeks?” He asked.

“Yup.” Hermione answered brightly. “Hey Jefferson, can I ask her some questions?”

“What about?” The man asked.

“About the attack in Diagon Alley and what happened at the Malfoy Estate.” She answered, curious as to why Master Jefferson was being protective of Gabrielle Delacour. “My sources have told me that she was there.”

He thought for a second ‘What if she finds out?’ he sighed and said, “Hermione, you have to swear on your magic, that whatever you find out, you can’t tell or discuss with anyone.” the woman across from him was surprised, hesitated, but nodded in the end.

“I swear on my magic that I will not tell or discuss what I find out from Gabrielle Delacour regarding the incident at Diagon Alley and Malfoy Manor, to anyone unless you or she says otherwise.” She said, making her wand and chest glow for a second.

Jefferson looked back at the still panting girl on the floor, thought about it then nodded. “Hey, gabby! Get you’re lazy French ass up. Your boss wants to talk to you!” He barked. All he got was a groan and a mumbled ‘fuck you’, making him smile. “Go ahead.”

Diagon Alley

Bellatrix Lestrange was walking around the alley dressed in a long black cloak, with her hood up. The entire alley was busy with people rebuilding their shops and their lives. She noticed that people were in good spirits even though they’re under tough circumstances. ‘Fuck! It’s because of that damned Daily Prophet article!’

Bodies of Death eaters scattered in the ruins of the Malfoy Manor Estate!

Brian Morris

Wizards and witches, this morning, Director Shacklebolt released this information in a press release. “…countless bodies of dead Death Eaters were found scattered in and around the destroyed home of the well known Malfoy family. The entire estate was riddled with huge craters, burnt debris and toppled trees. The only way to describe it was a huge battle was waged over the Malfoy lands and from what it looks like… You-know-who’s camp lost.”

If this was not enough of a shock, several prominent figures were in the list of dead Death Eaters found. Some of the people in the list were:

Lucius Malfoy

Gregory Goyle Sr.

Thorfinn Rowle

Olga Rowle

Theodore Nott Sr.

These five were some of the most prominent and well known figures around wizarding Britain. However, fifteen years ago these five also pleaded not guilty in their respective trials under the judgment of former minister of magic, Cornelius Fudge. Using the Imperious curse as a defense, they were let off, causing some outrage among the populace.

During the press conference, Director Shacklebolt was asked about the identities of the people who fought and assumed won against the Death Eaters. “… As of now, no person or organization have claimed responsibility for the attack, but whoever it was, the wizarding populace of Britain wishes to thank you. This is a major blow to you-know-who’s forces and would most likely take time to regroup.”

Whoever was responsible for the attack on the Death Eaters, this reporter, and I’m sure a lot of the members of the wizarding population, wish to thank you. It gives us hope that maybe, just maybe we can win.

The list of the Death Eaters found in the Malfoy Estate pg. 5

The summary of Director Shacklebolt’s press release pg. 9

Daily Prophet’s predictions on who was responsible for the attack pg. 10

‘I’m going to kill that writer, Brian Morris.’ She thought as she turned into Knockturn Alley. She quickly walked in a shady bar and looked around. ‘Fuck! No one looks like a person who can give me some decent information.’

She was about to leave, when she noticed a person sitting in the corner nursing a half empty bottle of firewhiskey. She was a woman, based on how her body was shaped under her cloak, even if like her, the hood of the woman’s cloak was up. Something about this person pulled on her so, following her gut-feeling, she sat across her.

Bellatrix took out a few galleons and slid it infront of the stranger. “I would like to ask some questions.” The stranger pocketed the galleons in her cloak and nodded. Bellatrix quickly shoved her hand in her cloak but froze as the stranger, fast as lightning, drew her wand and trained it towards the Death Eater.

This angered her, ‘This bitch dare points her wand at me? I should kill her this instant!’ she yelled in her mind. However, deciding that fighting the stranger was counter productive, she forced her anger down and said, “I’m only taking this out.” taking out the pink device slowly from her inside pocket. “I want to know what this is.”

The stranger nodded, lowered her wand and grabbed the device from the woman across her. She inspected the device and clicked a button, making something pop out. To Bellatrix it looks some sort of odd key, ‘muggle made probably’ she thought.

“It’s a muggle device, called USB key. It stores information.” The stranger said looking at the pink device.

“Filthy muggles and their filthy devices.” She muttered. “How do I use it?”

“You need to get a muggle device called a computer and plug it in.” The stranger answered.

“A what? Combuder?” Bellatrix asked frustrated. “Damn! How am I supposed to find out who those people are? They destroyed Malfoy Manor! How am I going to kill that bastard who looks like the angel of death?” She whispered harshly to herself.

The stranger smirked, “So you’re a Death Eater?” She asked, not getting an answer she laughed, “You guys are fucking incompetent, getting your headquarters destroyed and you guys humiliated by some fucking unknown group.”

Bellatrix quickly drew her wand and fired a curse towards the stranger, but was blocked by a yellow shimmering shield. “See? Most feared organization my ass!” The stranger taunted.

“Do you know who you’re talking to bitch?” Bellatrix asked as she lowered her hood.

The stranger smirked, “Bellatrix Lestrange, what a pleasure.” She said in a mocking tone, as she parried another curse, making the curse hit a window, shattering it and sending shards everywhere. The other patrons quickly left the bar, while the bartender shouted obscenities at the two women who are destroying his bar.

“And you are?” Bellatrix demanded as she glared at the smirking stranger across from her.

“The name is Violette Deux, wife of the late French Dark Lord, Jacque Deux.” She answered as she lowered her hood.

“I’m going to kill me French tart! Wonderful!” Bellatrix said in a baby voice as she threw a series of spells at the still smirking wife of the French Dark Lord.

Violette blocked and reflected the spells, “I want to see you try bitch!” As she counterattacked and threw a series of spells forcing the Death Eater into defense, as another wall exploded from a reflected spell.

Number 12 Grimmauld Place

“Harry maybe we should get a house elf.” Nym said as she walked in the kitchen sleepily. “I’m starving.”

“There’s sushi on the counter love.” Fleur said pointing at the counter, with a frustrated voice.

“I don’t know about that, Hermione have pounded in my head that owning house elves makes me an evil person.” Harry said as he looked up from the paper he was reading.

A female laugh was heard, alerting Nym to the presence of the other females sitting beside Harry. “How naïve…” The woman said, dressed in a form fitting muggle business woman’s suit, the buttons of her blouse under the suit done halfway and her skirt stopping mid thigh.

“Oh! Minister Sauru… how nice to see you!” Nym quickly said, a forced smile on her face. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you too busy being Japan’s Minister of Magic and all?”

“Oh nothing, I just came by to check on my favorite Unspeakable.” She answered, smiling towards Harry, who awkwardly smiled back.

“She brought new information she got from the ICW archives against Dumbledore.” Harry explained.

Nym nodded and walked over to the counter where some Styrofoam containers were stacked on top each other. She opened one, nodded and took out a pair of chop sticks. She then walked over and kissed Fleur then Harry deeply, before taking a seat, smirking at the young minister of magic across the table who was glaring at her.

Just then Minster Amelia Bones walked in the kitchen and noticed Tonks sitting at the table. “Tonks! How was your nap? I heard you got hurt.”

“It was great Director, I mean Minister Bones.” She said blushing from the mistake. “I’ll give you an advice; never kick Harry on the face.” She said rubbing her chest. “What are you doing here?”

“Harry asked me to drop by.” The middle-aged woman answered, laughter in her voice. “He said he wanted to discuss Dumbledore’s case.”She explained as she found a seat around the table.

Nym nodded, shoved a roll in her mouth. “So what do you have?” She asked through a mouthful of sushi. Harry snorted, and nodded towards Fleur.

“Our agents in the ICW, found some fresh dirt on the old man.” Fleur explained passing the folder she was holding to Nym. “Apparently during the First Wizard War, the whole Grindewald debacle, his trial regarding his suspected involvement with the death of his sister, Ariana Dumbledore, was on hold. However, since he was declared the hero of that said war, the case was dropped and was ‘swept under the rug’ if you may.” She said angrily.

The metamorph nodded, chewing on the food in her mouth. She swallowed and asked, “…and we suspect his involvement with the deaths of Eliza Lovegood and Barty Crouch Sr. as well.”

“You suspect his involvement in the deaths of Eliza Lovegood and Barty Crouch Sr.?” Amelia asked.

“Yes, but before I continue I need you to swear on your magic to never to let anyone other than the people in this room know about what you are going to find out tonight, unless we tell you otherwise. It’s not that I don’t trust you Amelia, it’s just this is a delicate matter.” Harry explained.

Amelia quickly took the oath, making her wand and chest glow. Harry waited until the glow faded and explained. “ You see Eliza Lovegood was my mom’s partner in the Research and Spell Development department of the Unspeakables. They discovered a spell that could destroy Voldemort. However, this spell requires a human sacrifice for it to work. Somehow Dumbledore got wind of this, but was unsure if it was true. Only when I survived because of my mom’s ‘Sacrifice’, were his suspicions confirmed. He knew that Voldemort wasn’t really dead yet, so as soon as he got the chance, he went after that spell. Eliza Lovegood, knowing about the prophecy from her bestfriend Lily Potter, knew that the only way for Voldemort to be killed for good, was to… sacrifice me. Eliza Lovegood never died from an accident experimenting with spells. Dumbledore confronted her and demanded for the spell, probably spouting about his greater good.” Harry said bitterly. “Mrs. Lovegood however fought against him, but she was beaten… and as she laid there bloody and gasping… she used the last of her strength to protect the spell from him… she killed herself… to protect me.” Harry ended with a whisper.

Fleur got up, sat on Harry’s lap and hugged him tightly, “Arry don’t blame yourself for what happened.”

“What about Barty Crouch Sr.?” Minister Bones asked.

“Crouch Sr. was actually the former head of the Unspeakables, and was Eliza’s and my mom’s boss. As the head of the department, he’s gone over every spell that was developed or discovered under him. Having Crouch Sr. in the tournament was the opportunity he needed to corner the former Unspeakables’ head. Him being a Master Legilimens, destroyed the man’s Occlumency shields and proceeded to sift through his memories, until he found the spell. However, his mental assault have caused Crouch Sr.’s mind to be destroyed, turning him into a vegetable. Dumbledore decided to end the mindless man’s misery and took his life.” Harry answered.

The room was quiet for a while, until Amelia broke the silence. “Ummm… Harry? How do you know these things?”

“Actually, Fawkes was the one who told me about them. Since I’m bonded with a phoenix, I’m able to communicate with the magical creature. We used the Unspeakables’ database to look for clues that support what Fawkes said. Xenophilius Lovegood was walking with her daughter towards the house, just before the ‘accident’ occurred. Authorities took a memory strand from Xenophilius since, asking him was impossible. He was too distraught and shocked with the fact that his wife was dead to answer questions.” Harry said as he took out a vial, holding a shimmering, silver strand. “Nym, can you get the pensieve please.”

“Sure, wait up.” She answered and disappeared through black smoke, only to appear seconds later holding a pensieve. “Here you go.” She said handing the magical device to Harry.

“Fleur, babe? Umm… can you get off please? Not that I’m not enjoying it, it’s just that I need to stand up to show them the memory.” He said smiling at the veela on his lap, whom gave him a peck on the lips and stood up. Harry thanked her and dumped the memory in the pensieve. He stirred it a couple of times before asking both ministers to accompany him in the memory.
A much younger Xenophilius Lovegood was walking on a dirt path, beside his seven year old daughter, Luna.

“So Luna, what do you have behind your back?” Xenophilius asked.

“I picked flowers for mama from the hill!” She answered excitedly, showing the bouquet of flowers to her father.

“It’s lovely, I’m sure your mom is going to love it.” He said as he looked up towards their oddly shaped home only to stop dead in his tracks, making Luna stop as well beside him. Flashes of different colored lights are erupting from the house.

He dropped Luna’s hand quickly and ran towards the house as fast as he can. He took out his wand and yanked the front door open, only to be blinded by flash of fire. As soon as the fire blast stopped, he opened his eyes and they fell on the lifeless body of his wife on the floor of the living room.


The memory stopped and pensieve brought them back in the kitchen, where Fleur and Nym were waiting.

Harry straightened himself and waited after the two ministers were sat. “Now Amelia, did you see any evidence that incriminates Dumbledore in Mr. Lovegood’s memory?”

Amelia thought about it for a second, “No, I don’t. And I was an auror for 24 years. I would’ve noticed anything, unless it was possible to trace someone’s magic in a memory.” She answered confused.

“No it’s not.” Harry said smiling. “Not many people would notice it, because not many people own a phoenix.” Harry nodded when comprehension shined in the minister’s eyes. “Yes, that flash of light was a phoenix blaze. Dumbledore used Fawkes to get through the Lovegood’s house wards because phoenixes can go through wards without activating them. What, Xenophilius saw was Dumbledore escaping with Fawkes.”

“Bloody hell… I can’t believe it. Dumbledore really did… kill?” Amelia said shocked. “Can’t we use this evidence to bring Albus in custody?”

“Unfortunately, no. We don’t have any solid evidence incriminating Dumbledore of said crimes. If it was that simple I wouldn’t have had to send Harry and his team over here to infiltrate the school.” Minister Sauru answered. “As he said, only Harry can understand Fawkes. Who would believe him if he presented his evidences to the court as ‘Fawkes said so’.”

"So... you're going to teach in the school, using yourself as bait?" Amelia asked.

"That's the plan. I'm hiding my identity so that he can't come up with a flawless plan. He will be caught off guard and he's going to make a mistake." He answered.

Amelia nodded and sat silently, going over the things she just learned. After sometime she asked, “So, how long do we have before the start of the semester?”

“School starts in Hogwarts on September 7, so… we have two weeks.” Nym answered.

Knockturn Alley

Two female figures can be seen in the middle of the wreckage somewhere in the now deserted part of the Alley. Craters, destroyed establishments, stores ablaze are the things surrounding the two panting women.

“I hate to say it, but you are pretty good.” Violette Duex said as she took in shallow breaths, her wand pointed at the woman across her.

Bellatrix Lestrange took in a big breath, “I could say the same to you.” She responded. “No one has ever lasted this long in a duel against me.”

Violette looked at her strangely, as if studying her. “Didn’t you say that the person who attacked you looked like the Angel of Death or something?” She suddenly asked.

Bellatrix was surprised by the sudden question. She looked at the other woman carefully and answered. “Yes. So what?” She was surprised when her opponent suddenly lowered her wand and smiled.

“It turns out that I’m looking for the same person. You see that fucking bastard was the one who killed my husband.” She explained.

Bellatrix also lowered her wand, but quickly pointed it up again. “You’re trying to trick me bitch!” she yelled.

Violette laughed, “No I’m serious. I’m-” She stopped talking as she heard people coming towards them. “Aurors.” She whispered. “Lestrange! I’m going to hold on this thing for tonight. I’ll meet up with you tomorrow to see if I can find out anything from it, regarding our Angel of Death.” She explained before apparating away.

“Wait! Fuck!” Bellatrix yelled after the French woman, as aurors rounded the corner yelling for her to freeze and surrender. She cursed again under her breath before apparating away as well.
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