Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Sweetheart Rebels

Red Alert

by Noizchild 1 review

Sakura and Adam are fine with no problems, right? That's not how everyone else sees it! I'm back, so read and review!!!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Published: 2009-04-04 - Updated: 2009-04-04 - 797 words - Complete

Red Alert:

Vanessa and I walked back to work. I felt bitter all over again. Halfway there, Vanessa stopped me and yanked me around to her. I stared at her in random shock.

"Sakura, what the hell?!?" Nessa asked me sharply. "Don't bring your personal problems into these missions! You become distracted too easily!" I glared at her pissed off.

"What the f**k are you talking about?" I hissed at her. Vanessa glared at me coldly.

"Whatever issues you have with Adam," she said. "Sort it out right away! This is ridiculous between you two. You got me?" I snorted at her.

"Whatever," I shot back to her. Then, I walked on ahead of her. Ridiculous, ha! Me and Adam? We have no problems! Well... maybe a little. Not as big as Vanessa makes them out to be, that's for sure!

I typed on my computer that afternoon. Ness' words were stuck in my head. Adam and me with problems! That's a real laugh! I typed on bitterly. Still... Ness seems to have a point there with me. Adam and I have not really been talking like we normally have in the past. It's really awkward when we pass every each other. I blame that skank Carmen. Before her, Adam and I were great! We could talk to each other about almost everything. Adam and I were like Robyn and Greg and Rosie and Duncan. But now, that slut has come along and ruined it all for us both. Grrr! I hate that little DJ bitch! I wish she would just burn in hell!

"Sakura!" she called to me. I shot my head up quickly.

"What?!? Mother f**r!!! WHAT?!?" I screamed. I looked around and noticed that everyone was staring at me. I didn't really care, except for the person I was yelling was Greggo. He looked at me blankly.

"Uh..." he said to me. "Is this a bad time?" I blinked at him blankly. I suddenly felt so stupid now. Greg wasn't even involved in Carmen-gate and he was already a causality. He just stared at me blankly and worried. Oh well, got to make it up quick before I get into more trouble.

"Yeah..." I answered uneasily. Greggo kept staring right at me worried. I felt embarrassed all over again. Okay, dude! Stop staring at me! Just got back to your cubicle and chat with your child girlfriend on AIM! Greggo just shrugged at me unconvinced.

"All right," he replied. Then, Greggo turned around and walked away. I breathed out stressed as I collapsed back into my seat. I looked up at the ceiling and sighed. Damn it! Could this day get any worse? Suddenly, I noticed that someone was standing over me. I looked and saw Kathy looking down at me. She looked like a cop about to arrest me for a DUI after I failed the field sobriety test. I sat up looking pale. Oh shit! I'm in for it now!

"Sakura," she said to me. "My office, now." My stomach just dropped. I became like a zombie after that. I rose up to my feet and followed Kathy in to her office. She closed the door behind her. I sat down in front of her desk. Kathy did likewise on the other side.

"Now," she said. "What is going on with you?" I looked down at the floor in shame. My stomach dropped again. What could I say to this woman? Kathy and I have never been that close. Why would she even care about my personal problems anyway? But still, I have to give her an answer of some sort. I'll just keep this brief. I shrugged at my boss slightly as I shook my head.

"Nothing really," I said. "Just a petty little problem with Adam." Whew! Answered that well, if I can say so myself. Now for good old Kathy to give me a warning and dismiss me back to work.

"Well, keep your personal problems outside of work, do you understand me?" she replied.

"Yes ma'am!" I called out loud.

"Now get back to work!" Kathy told me. I nodded and hurried back to my cubicle. I felt better for a short time. But then, I felt like crap all over again. I couldn't even get my work finished at all today. I just sat back at my chair and looked up at the ceiling. I sighed aloud in misery. Oh boy! Maybe Ness is right! Adam and I do have a problem. But how do we fix it? I'm just more lost than I was before I talked to Greggo and Kathy. Why and how the hell did this all get so hard all of a sudden?

You're On Your Own When the Beat Stop
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