Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I’m Not O-Gay (I Promise)

I’m Not O-Gay (I Promise)

by TornAndFrayedPages 4 reviews

Said Mikey, rolling his eyes as he walked away from the hunter, the daring, the lean, the devilishly-handsome hunter who slunk back into his stance as the not so devilishly-handsome prey turned its...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-04-03 - Updated: 2009-04-03 - 291 words

It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and Franklin Anthony Iero was on the prowl. Cat-like and stealthy, he slowly crept past all the innocent, sleeping bodies in the other rooms. Slowly now, carefully, past Ray's room, past Mikey's and Bob's the hunter slipped down the hall until he had reached his prey. Creaking slowly, the door pushed open with the greatest of care until the sleeping form of his slumbering victim was revealed. Slowly now, he prepares himself to attack, crouches down and prepares to spring, as the unwitting sacrifice sleeps on, unaware that at this very time, the hunter stalks him. The hunter, the all-talented, all-graceful, and, most importantly, all-amazingly-good-looking hunter, who stalks his prey even in the day, for he sees all, knows all, never misses a single detail....

"Frank? What are you doing?"

Damn. So much for all-knowing.

"Nothing! Um, why don't you go make some coffee or something, Mikey? I'm, um, thirsty." said Frank as he paused, mid-crouch, in shock.

"Ok-ay then. Sure. Alright. I'm going to go do that." said Mikey, rolling his eyes as he walked away from the hunter, the daring, the lean, the devilishly-handsome hunter who slunk back into his stance as the not so devilishly-handsome prey turned its back on him. He was lucky this time. But luck will not be on his side the next time they meet. The hunter would make sure of that.

"And people think Gerard is the weird one..."

My first story!!!!!! What do you think? I'm sorry it's so short. I think I know where this is going next, so I'm sure I'll continue it! Unless you hate it. But you don't hate it do you?
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