Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Unusual You


by caitmonsterrr 3 reviews

frank isn't gay. gerard's a flamer. this can't turn out well...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-04-05 - Updated: 2009-04-06 - 1171 words

Routine was setting itself in Frank’s life, imitating the tar resting in the hollows of his lungs. On the dot, at the same times every day, the sixteen-year-old would smoke away his anxiousness, ridding himself of anticipation of something new. But to say the least, Frank was bored of this same old routine, the deadly habit that he started so young. Depression found its way into his life, being the effect of too many nicotine puffs and shots of stinging bitter alcohol, and mostly redundancy. His sadness and anger added a few extra pounds around his torso, but in no way did it make him look fat. It was merely just a comfortable chub. He put on a false front, hiding his true emotions under a million-watt smile. Frank buried himself alive under baggy pants and loose, worn-out hoodies, afraid to show his real self: the side of him that was sick of routine and habit. He wanted, no, he needed something to break up the routine, add some flare into his life again.

Each day, he would sit out on the front porch of his house, observing the normality of his neighbors and sucking the life out of one of his daily ten or so cancer sticks. Frank prayed that for just one of his busy neighbors to just slow down for a moment to take in the beauty of their life. But to his dismay, the day refused to come, making Frank go another day of his pathetic life without the thrill of something unexpected.

“Frank, honey,” his mom consoled him one afternoon while he was on the porch smoking cigarette number five. “I’m worried about you.”

Mrs. Iero’s face showed sincere compassion for her depressed son. And the worst part for her was that Frank had become so withdrawn the past few months; he doesn’t answer phone calls and he refuses all invites from friends. Lately though, those invitations and phone calls have started to dwindle, everyone knowing that it was impossible to get through to Frank’s own world of depression and routine.

Frank insisted after seeing his mother’s worried face, “I’m fine, Mom. Really.” He gave her a weak smile, trying to reassure any doubts that filled her mind.

“Okay, honey,” she said, running her thin fingers through his black hair. He breathed in the toxins and blew them out of the side of his mouth, careful not to hit his mom with the smoke. “Just let me know if you need anything,” she offered, kissing his forehead and getting up to leave.

Frank sighed, abruptly turning around to face the standing woman. “Can we move?” he asked quickly without thinking. He was praying that she would say yes, needing to change up his life a little, and this was the only way he could think of doing it. He was ready for a new town, new people, and especially new experiences. He needed something to excite him, and moving had offered everything he wanted. Frank looked up to his mother, sending telepathic messages to her, but silently laughing at the though that he had even tried doing that.

“Will it make you perk up again?” she asked genuinely curious. She quietly added, “I miss my old Frankie.” And she did. This new persona Frank had adopted in the last months pained her, as well as confused her to no end. Part of her believed it was her fault that Frank was so down. Either that, or it was the divorce of her and Mr. Iero finally taking its toll on Frank’s fragile teenage mentality. Little did she know, the divorce had actually been an event in Frank’s life that had broken up the normalcy, and sadly, he praised his father for being the fuck-up he was.

Frank nodded to his mother’s question as well as verbally confirming it, “It would help me so much, you have no idea.” He stubbed out his cigarette before digging into his pack to retrieve another. Before he could get a grasp on it, Mrs. Iero swatted his hand away from his pocket.

“Enough for today, Frank, please. I hate seeing you smoke your life away.” Slight sadness filled her aging eyes, and Frank nodded. He didn’t want this habit either, but said habit had dragged him under, not bother to unleash him as his life flew by him in an array of colors resembling a summer rainbow.

“So...” he began, trying to bring up the topic of moving once again. He put on a hopeful smile in attempt to sway his mother’s decision.

“I’ll think about it. Are you sure this is what you really want?” Mrs. Iero was taken back by the fact that Frank was so eager to just pack up and leave everything he had behind. She wasn’t aware that that’s what Frank was trying to distance himself from.

Frank shook his head happily as a smile grew evident on his pale face. “I want this more than anything.” And he meant it: every fucking word of it.

“Well if it’ll make you my Frankie again, I guess it’s worth a shot.” She knelt down to hug her son as he mumbled out an enthused thank you. “Do you know where?” she asked him, referring to the location of their soon-to-be new home.

Frank simply answered, “Anywhere,” as his smile spread to his ears. Things were finally changing for him, and for a split second he felt some kind of restoration appear in his heart as he slowly started to break out of the routine that had him so cooped up in his own world. He would finally have a chance to start over, to meet new people, and to experience new events he’d been craving since the beginning.

“I’m happy that this will help you out. I’m willing to do anything for you, Frank dear.” Mrs. Iero wrapped her feminine arms around Frank’s small figure before placing a kiss oh his cheek.

“Thanks Mom. I really appreciate it. You’re beyond amazing,” Frank squealed, holding his mother tight in a hug.

“I love you, Frankie.”

“I love you too, Mom,” Frank replied, thankful that he had such a caring mom. He was blessed beyond belief, and he was content in her motherly embrace.

“Come inside soon and we’ll decide where our next home should be located. I’ll let you pick anywhere you want...within reason, that is.” Frank nodded in agreement and stood up along with his mother, ready to break free from this routine trap.

a/m: new story! it's posted on my deviantart as well... enjoyyy it! R&R please my lovelies :D

i'm rather fond of this story, so i hope you guys like it too. gee will be in it later. i have 6 chapters written, so i'll try to update daily :D

XOXO caitmo OXOX
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