Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Unusual You


by caitmonsterrr 1 review

it's moving time!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2009-04-06 - Updated: 2009-04-06 - 649 words

“So, this is it,” Linda stated, looking at Frank for agreement. Frank nodded, a glowing smile on his small face, showing his naturally straight teeth. His hands were placed on each side of a map of New England. A thumbtack marked the spot of relocation, and under the piece of red plastic read the city, “Belleville, New Jersey.”

“This is it.”


Frank’s legs shook in utter excitement, a feeling that he hadn’t expressed in months. He was nervous and anxious, no doubt about it, but he was more thrilled to have something different happen to him.

The car ride was around three hours- more than long enough for Frank. He never was very good at staying still for too long. His anxiousness always took over and he acted on impulse a lot, always trying to add flare in his seemingly boring life.

Frank thought about things as he observed the “Welcome to New Jersey” sign. He thought about his old friends, his old teachers, and mostly of his ex-girlfriend.

She was absolutely beautiful. Rich chocolate brown hair delicately flowed down her feminine back, and her big light blue eyes shone and never ceased to light up the room. Such a beautiful girl for such a beautiful name. Jamia. She had broken up with Frank, saying he was too far in his own little world and she wanted more attention. He begged and pleaded to her, claiming that she was the best thing in his life. Thinking that he was lying, Jamia just scoffed and walked away, leaving Frank to his bitter self.

Frank sighed at his memories that we haunting him so mercilessly. Oh how he wished that something good would come out of this relocation. Why was he even moving? Everything would always end up the same anywhere he went.

“Well with that attitude...” Frank’s mother spoke with a smile almost as if she could hear his thoughts. Frank gave a little laugh and weak smile before returning to the scenery zooming past him.

The buildings that began surrounding him kept getting more and more dilapidated with each block. Broken windows were present on almost all the brick buildings, and the doors looked as if they could fall off their hinges at any moment.

Frank groaned at the sight, trying to think of what he had gotten himself into. Surely they could have afforded something nicer than this dump, right? He could have sworn he just saw to black guys going at each other with knives. The thought made him shudder. Why would his mom allow this? Oh yeah. ‘Cause it would help with his “depression.”

“Okay. Three more miles and we will be home,” Linda announced, shaking Frank’s arm in the process.

He swatted away her hand, showing that he was awake and fully away of their surroundings. His earlier suspicions were confirmed as he saw a three-gang shoot-off. Yup, he was going to die here. He could feel it. At least death would be something different, right?

“Here we are!” The old Volvo pulled up in the gravel driveway and Frank quickly shut his eyes, afraid of seeing his new home. Mrs. Iero playfully slapped his shoulder. “Oh, it’s not that bad, you drama queen.”

Queen. The harsh word jolted Frank’s heart, causing him to recall the name his supposed “friends” planted on him the day he wore a pink and purple studded belt. “Oh come on!” he’d groan. “It’s a goddamn belt for Christ’s sake! It’s not like I dress like a flaming homo!”

Speaking of flaming homos...

a/n: hola my lovelies :D
i got three reviews on the first chapter! haha that's like the most i've gotten on this site. haha. but yea. here is chapter two!
i had something important to say, but i forgot what it was. oh well...
XoXo caitmo
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