Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Achieving Clarity
Resolving Relationships
20 reviewsWho went with whom to the Yule Ball? Observations are made concerning Ron. Luna has a very good birthday. What is Draco up to?
Achieving Clarity
(#) whatareyouevensaying 2009-04-07
A bit too soon for the "I love you"s in my book, but the chapter was still excellent. My favorite part was the end, though, since it really is suspicious to see Malfoy walking around with a pair of firsties. Dunno if any other authors have thought of that, but great work either way!
Looking forward to more.Author's response
I dunno, I experienced love at first sight myself, I knew I was going to marry that girl.
I was wrong, of course, but that didn't make it any less real. . .
Besides, Harry's known Hermione for most of six years by this time, perhaps he's just now realizing he's always loved her.
Think of Luna as the one helping them achieve clarity here.
Oooooo, that'd make a great title, dont cha' think?
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) Wolfric 2009-04-07
Good chapter. Thanks for writing. W.Author's response
Thank YOU for reading!
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) Max 2009-04-07
"You should know that being good at chess doesn't make you a brilliant leader or strategist. Chess pieces have fixed rules and limitations - real battle strategies are infinitely more complex than any chess game, and in actual battle the rules can change from one second to the next."
-Serious bonus points for pointing that (why can't most people seem to grasp that simple concept is beyond me)
-I also liked how you pointed out that DD wasn't training Harry to fight, he was setting the boy up to kill himself (assisted suicide via Voldemort)
-On a similar note, DD's sanctioned training with Snape wasn't to protect Harry's mind, it was to batter down his mental defenses so that Voldemort could get into Harry's head (hence why the visions kept getting worse after each "training session"). The fact that Snape got to torture Harry was just a bonus for that petty vile overgrown bully.Author's response
Thank you for reading and reviewing,
It’s gratifying when I see so many people with like opinions. How does that old (but true) saying go?
“Great minds. . .”
It’s also fun watching this one time one-shot growing into the monster bunny with no tail in sight. . .
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) DrT 2009-04-07
Quote: You see things as they are, I see infinite possibilities - but when we agree on something, only a fool would ignore us.
Well, I could hardly disagree with that!Author's response
It's good to see you publishing again, love your work!
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) stick97 2009-04-07
Always enjoy a story where Harry ends up with a smart witch. Hr/L and hints of Padma make for a great story.
Amazing the difference a loving smart woman makes already.Author's response
Yeah, smart witches RULE!
Oh, and speaking of our favorite Patil, there will be some heavy Padma hints in a later chapter.
Stay tuned!
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) pi3142 2009-04-07
Woo hoo... three smart women! I heard that Daphne & Tracy were pretty smart too.... hint hint
You know what they say about what's behind every successful man... a harem of successful women who know how to lead their man!Author's response
Yes, behind every great man there is a woman, usually rolling her eyes. . .
Harry and Luna and Hermione make a thruple, let's not be greedy.
Then again. . .
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) grookill 2009-04-07
What is Draco up to? Readers want to know!
I don't have any complaints about the admission of feelings but the oath was a bit over the top for me. At least you kept away (rather pointedly) from the cliche "lights, bells and whistles", and for that I thank you.
Author's response
Thanx for reading and reviewing.
Canon readers will know that the cute little girls are Crabbe and Goyle enjoying adventures in polyjuice.
And you've hit on a point that not many people seemed to have caught, at no point did our trio make an oath, they admitted their feeling for each other, and declared their intentions to court.
Nice catch there.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) Wonderbee31 2009-04-07
Very good, and a nice way for them to continue to get together. Liked that if things go right, Padma might become a member of the group later on as well. Anything with Draco and firsties is bad imo, and here's hoping that if he does do something wrong, that Snape won't be able to protect Daddy's little mistake.Author's response
Thanx for reading and reviewing.
Yeah, I do like Padma in the mix, but we’ll leave that for the epilogue. . .
You’ve probably figured out that the ‘firsties’ are actually Crabbe and Goyle having adventures in polyjuice, just like in canon, unlike canon, there will be a consequence for this particular ‘potions experiment.’
Neither Dumbles nor Snape figure prominently in this tale, there will be at least one funeral at the end of the story, possibly more.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) DarQuing 2009-04-07
I really enjoyed this chapter. Some might say its a bit early for the 'I love you', but Luna seems to be one of the few people who know what they want and Hermione's known Harry since they got on the train. Hopefully, the three of them can find a way to help Draco out of his situation. A friend pointed out to me that he's not really a bad person, he's just been thrust into a bad situation. He has a generally bad attitude, but that doesn't make him a bad person. I think I'd consider him an anti-villain (yes, its an actual word).
Bit of a long review, isn't it? :)
Please update soon! :)Author's response
Thanx, as always, for reading and reviewing.
I agree, it’s early for the ‘I love you’ card, but, as you say, Hermione and Harry have been closer than lovers for most of the six years they’ve known each other. Luna, on the other hand, sees infinite possibilities, and in most of them, she comes to love Harry more than anyone.
I have written a few stories in which Draco is redeemable, but not this one. He crossed the line when he took the dark mark, and there will be no help for him. Sorry.
Hope you still stick with the story to its conclusion.
N!Achieving Clarity
(#) DJ32 2009-04-07
More of your great work keep it up.Author's response
Thanx, doing my best.
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