Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Casting Call!! People needed- CHARACTERS CHOSEN!!

Casting Call!! People needed- CHARACTERS CHOSEN!!

by frankismyhomefry 10 reviews

Read to see if you made it.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2009-04-08 - Updated: 2009-04-09 - 178 words

you all made this really hard. but i picked the characters i felt suited the roles the most. everyone will make an appearance some where even if they arent a main character. so without further ado

The band's name will be Seize the Day which is also going to be the Title of the story.

Band Members and their patd pairing are as follows

Audrey will be the Drummer. she is paired with Jon

Harper will be the guitarist/vocals paired with Ryan

Annabel will be the bassist/vocals paired with Spencer.

Katy(also goes by Ryn) will be the Main vocals but plays guitar/keys as well. she will be with brendon.

Alicia is going to be the girls best friends and basically their manager for a lack of a better term

Tianna and Courtney i will find you a place in the story somewhere so be expecting it. they will be minor roles though.

Thanks to all who auditioned. i will work on this story first thing tomorrow. and hopefully have atleast one chapter posted tomorrow.
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