Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Casting Call!! People needed- CHARACTERS CHOSEN!!

Final Casting!! Check to see if you made it!

by frankismyhomefry 1 review

final ones chosen

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2009-04-08 - Updated: 2009-04-09 - 127 words

so you all made it a hard choice. but i picked the ones i best thought would fit the roles. so with further ado

The band's name is Seize the Day. which will also be the story title.

Band memeber are as follows alone with their patd pairing:

Audrey- Drummer with Jon

Harper- Guitar/ vocals with Ryan

Annabel- Bass/vocals with Spencer

Katy(also goes by Ryn)- vocals/keys/guitar with Brendon

Alicia- girls best friend and manager for a lack of a better word.

Tianna and Courtney you will both be in the story at some point but they will be small minor roles.

Will start working on this first thing tomorrow. first chapter should be up sometime tomorrow as well.

thanks everyone for auditioning
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