Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Equinox

Fall Out Boy

by rawrlittledino 6 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2009-04-11 - Updated: 2013-02-11 - 2188 words - Complete


Izzy screamed, struggling against the people holding her. A man was stood behind her with his arms wrapped around her torso, and she kicked at the nurse in front of her, successfully kicking her in the chest. The doctor turned to the person behind him and Izzy watched as Patrick came out of a door, his eyes softening at the sight of her.

“Izzy,” He cooed, and Izzy squealed.

“Patrick, what the hell is going on?” She asked, still struggling at the man behind her. Patrick sighed, nodding to the doctor, who in turn nodded to the man with a hold on her, who let her go. She ran up to Patrick and put her arms around his neck, and he sighed again, wrapping his arms around her waist after hesitating for a moment.

“Izzy we thought you were getting better,” He said, and Izzy frowned.

“What are you talking about?” She asked, and Patrick sat down, pulling her down with him.

“It doesn’t matter. What’s the last thing you remember?” He asked, and Izzy frowned.

“Saving you, then I went to William’s mansion to save Evie, and then I went to help Crystal-” Patrick shook his head, looking disappointed at her answer.

“Baby, William doesn’t own a mansion,” He looked sympathetically at her face, and Izzy shook her head defiantly.

“Yes he does! Patrick why am I here? Wherever...” She looked around the room, frowning at the decor surrounding her. The walls were a creamy white, and her bed looked like something that would be donated to the homeless. The walls were blank other than a few charts and scribbles, and the door had a large window in it. Patrick sighed.

“Baby we thought you were recovering from this. Who am I?” He asked, and Izzy frowned.

“You’re Patrick.” She answered, and Patrick nodded.

“Yes. How do you know me?” He asked, and Izzy sighed.

“We met when we were both training as hunters, then I got turned, and we got married-” Patrick shook his head.

“Baby, do you believe in vampires?” He asked, and Izzy tilted her head, confused.

“Of course I do Patrick, what the hell are you talking about?” Patrick sighed, looking down at his hands and frowning.

“Izzy we’re not married. We’re still just dating. And vampires don’t exist baby, it’s all up here,” He poked her temple gently and frowned again. “Do you remember Fall Out Boy?” Izzy looked confused.

“What’s that?” She asked. Patrick sighed.

“Me, Pete, Andy and Joe are in a band. Called Fall Out Boy. You don’t remember. All this about vampires, and William being one, and all this about us being hunters. It’s all in your head baby,” Izzy widened her eyes, and shook her head furiously before pushing Patrick away.

“No, this is a trick, William is doing this, I know it,” Patrick looked sympathetically at her again, and took a deep breath.

“Izzy the doctors say the way we’ve got this through to you before, it’s not working. They say we should just throw you in at the deep end and tell you everything from the start,” Izzy crunched her eyebrows together and frowned, her arm still keeping this ‘Patrick’ away. She didn’t believe for a second that this reality was real, and was trying to understand any way that William could be doing this. She watched as Patrick walked to the door and motioned to someone on the other side, and she widened her eyes again as William walked through the door. She hissed slightly, edging back into the bed.

You,” She spat, and William frowned.

“I thought you guys had got her back to normal,” He aimed it at Patrick, who shrugged.

“I thought so too, but she relapsed. I don’t know, she doesn’t remember any reality again, it’s like we’re back to square one-”

“I am in the fucking room you know,” She turned to William and stood up. William knew what to expect when she approached him and grabbed her wrist when she flung it at him. Patrick held her back and William sighed.

“Why do you keep aiming this hatred at me Izzy?” He asked, and Izzy glared.

“I don’t aim anything at you, you’re the one trying to destroy the fucking world,” She hissed, and Patrick leaned into her ear.

“Hey, it’s okay, he’s not going to hurt you I promise, I’m right here, you don’t need to be scared,” He loosened his grip slightly and Izzy sniffed, watching as William sat opposite her bed. She squinted her eyes at him and shrugged Patrick off of her.

“How are you doing this?” She asked, and William sighed.

“Doing what?” He asked, and Izzy glared.

This, all of it, making up this fake reality so I won’t come after you,” William looked at Patrick who frowned, pulling her back to the bed and staring her in the eye.

“Izzy, this vampire thing you’ve convinced yourself is real, it’s not, it’s all your imagination, and William isn’t evil, he’s a friend, he’s in a band too,” William nodded, and Izzy sniffed.

“I don’t believe you,” She whimpered, and Patrick nodded to William who brought Pete and Joe in. Joe was carrying an acoustic guitar and he looked sadly at Izzy.

“Hey Iz,” He muttered, and Izzy frowned at the guitar.

“What’s that for?” She asked, and Pete smiled lightly.

“We’re going to play a song for you, one of our songs.” They sat beside Izzy and Patrick on the bed, and Izzy frowned.

“But you and Patrick hate each other,” She mentioned, and both gave each other a look as Patrick sighed again.

“Izzy you need to stop adding things to this little story you’ve made up, until you start focusing on our reality you’re not going to get better,” He turned to Joe who started strumming the guitar, a tune flowing into the room. Patrick started to sing, and Izzy widened her eyes at him.

Let’s hear it for America’s Suitehearts, I must confess, I’m in love with my own sins, let’s hear it for America’s Suitehearts...” Patrick sang beautifully, and Izzy sat both confused and impressed by his voice. She had never heard him sing before, and this new dynamic of her friends was confusing her. She creased her eyebrows for a second before rolling her tongue in her mouth trying to feel for fangs, but realized there weren’t any there. She then walked to the mirror in the corner midway through the boys’ song, making them stop and watch her as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Her skin was pale, and the bags under her eyes framed them, showing how tired and worn her face was. She frowned at her complexion and it was then she realised how thin she was. Patrick noticed her playing with her stomach and frowned.

“You refused to eat anything because you kept saying you needed to eat blood,” He frowned again and walked up to her, placing one hand on her waist and looking at her through the glass. “The doctors have had to force feed you to even keep you alive,” Tears started to form in his eyes and Izzy frowned, suddenly feeling guilty for causing Patrick such pain. She was becoming more confused by the second, and she suddenly realised that this reality that she had been thrust into was just as conceivable as her ‘vampire’ reality. She looked at Patrick in the mirror and frowned, just wishing she knew what was real and what her imagination was. One of these circumstances wasn’t real, and she needed to know which one. Patrick noted the confusion on her face and kissed her temple, watching her expression.

“Baby think of it this way,” He paused, searching her eyes and wrapping both arms around her waist. “What seems more plausible, vampires and the end of the world, or your mind playing tricks on you and telling you to think about supernatural things,” Izzy frowned, tears stinging her eyes. It was then she noticed in the mirror that her eyes were their original colour, a dull blue colour. She choked slightly and looked up at Patrick, before turning to Joe and Pete.

“Are you and Evie married? In, this,” She didn’t know what to call it, and frowned. Pete knew what she was getting at and smiled lightly.

“Yeah we are, we’ve got a baby too,” Izzy widened her eyes.

“A baby?” She asked, and Pete nodded, smiling happily.

“Yeah, he’s about 6 months old now,” The smile was wiped from his face as Izzy began to cry, and Patrick went up to her again.

“Which one is real, Patrick?” She asked, and Patrick sighed.

“This is real. But whatever I say you’re not going to believe it, so there really isn’t any point-” Izzy shook her head.

“Tell me, things about this place,” She sniffed, looking at him expectantly. He had told her everything before, a few times, but each time she would believe them and forget about her story, she would relapse again and fall right back into her mind. He sighed, ready to recite everything to her again.

“You and I have been dating for Seven years, we probably would be married by now but-” He sighed, and Izzy gulped, filling in the blank.

“But you don’t want to because I’m crazy,” She hiccupped and Patrick shook his head quickly.

“No, you’re not, you’re just confused.” He took another breath, holding her hand. “We’re in a band called Fall Out Boy, and we’re really big, as in, we can’t really walk down the street without being recognised,” Izzy widened her eyes and smiled slightly.

“Really?” She asked, and Patrick nodded happily.

“Yeah, we perform to thousands of kids practically every day, and we’ve had like five albums-” Pete interrupted him, giggling.

“Five amazing albums, three of them are platinum you know,” Izzy widened her eyes again and smiled, proud of them. She frowned almost instantly though, looking back up to Patrick.

“I’m really crazy aren’t I?” She asked, and looked back to William. “Are you doing this to me?” She asked, and glared at him again. He shook his head slowly, used to this from her.

“No Izzy I’m not. I know you don’t believe me but,” He stood, approaching her carefully and proceeding to wrap an arm around her. “I’m here to help you, believe that,” Izzy cringed when he touched her and looked warily up at him, shrugging his arm off of her. She turned to the rest of them.

“So everything I say isn’t real?” She asked, and frowned when Patrick nodded.

“Not everything, but all of this about vampires isn’t real. I’m so desperate for you to get better and come home baby,” He looked down at his hands. “You’ve been in here for over two years now,” Izzy looked shocked and sniffed slightly.

“Two years,” She muttered, and sat back down on her bed. Patrick took a deep breath and shooed William, Pete and Joe out of the room, leaving them alone. He grabbed some of her pills off of the table next to her bed, and handed them to her. She glared down at them before putting them back into Patrick’s hand.

“What are they?” She asked, and Patrick looked at her.

“They’re your medication, you need to take these. Your hallucinations aren’t as bad when you do, but you always refuse them.” Izzy skewed her lips to the side, unsure of the pills. Patrick handed them back to her again and she shook her head like a child.

“I’m not taking those,” She mumbled, and Patrick looked down at them.

“Please? For me?” He asked again, and Izzy took a deep breath before grabbing them and the glass of water and throwing them into her mouth. She gulped them down and gulped down water afterwards, and Patrick smiled at her once she was done.

“Good girl. You know you’re a lot better when you’ve taken those,” He kissed her forehead and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, and Izzy sighed into him, taking in the feeling of him being this close again. She was beginning to believe that maybe this was real, and that for the past two years she had been completely crazy. She knew she prefered this reality, and even though here she was mentally ill, at least she didn't have to protect the world, and at least she was in a happy relationship with Patrick here. She looked up to Patrick’s face and blinked, snuggling into him.

Deciding that this was her place, she would just have to hope that she chose the right reality.
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