Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Equinox

Tired Minds (Part One)

by rawrlittledino 2 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2009-04-09 - Updated: 2013-02-11 - 2092 words - Complete

Gabe had told Izzy where to go, as he could sense the little vampire. They thought this was strange, thinking that William had ordered the kidnap of Patrick and Evie and would be protecting them by use of magic. Izzy and Pete went to find them, even with Pete sulking at the fact he had to go and rescue the two people he hated most right now. Izzy practically pulled him along by his ear, making him groan as they approached the small house that Gabe assumed was the vampire’s, and roll his eyes when Izzy told him to be quiet.

“I still don’t see why we should save them, I think we should let their sorry asses rot in there-” Izzy slapped him around the head.

“Because they’re part of the team, plus, you can’t tell me that Evie means nothing to you,” Pete rolled his eyes, but didn’t answer. He knew Evie meant everything to him, but that didn’t mean he had to admit it. He just didn’t want to go and save her – that meant he was being nice to her and he didn’t want to be nice to her. He wanted her to suffer for what she did, and wanted her to feel bad. Not for her to feel like he was forgiving her for sleeping with his (ex) best friend. They crept up the stairs in the house, not wanting to alert anyone in the building to their presence. They approached a large wooden door that had muffled sounds coming from behind it, and leant against it to try and hear what was going on behind the wood.

“-But sire I thought you would want both of them-”

“-Do I look like I want charity humans? This man means nothing more to me than a piece of meat, considering his wife doesn’t care for him anymore, why should I?” They heard William’s voice cough, and Izzy looked back to Pete with worry etched onto her face. William continued to speak and they listened back to the door.

“-The girl however could be of use. Although I have my queen now, I could always use a girl to do chores for me. It’s always a nicer view when it’s a female cleaner rather than a male one,” The two heard him smirk loudly and Pete gulped, leaning back into the door to catch the last of the conversation.

“-Do you not want the man then sire-”

“-No, you incompetent fool, I don’t. Please don’t think this little escapade of yours excuses you from your end of week totals however, I still need those kills,”

“Sire! Please! How is this not enough?! I-” Izzy and Pete heard Grace moan as the pop signalled William’s departure, and Izzy looked to Pete before kicking the door to the room open. The vampire was sat on a chair in the corner, and Patrick was strapped to a chair in the centre of the room, hands tied and blindfolded. Izzy went over to Grace to pick him up by the scruff of his neck, and glared into his face.

“Where is Evie?” She spat, and Grace wriggled around slightly under her hold. She wasn’t that much taller than him, only a few inches, but she was just tall enough to lift his feet off of the floor. He groaned at the pain in his back as she hit him against the wall, and sighed.

“William has her now,” He smiled smugly and Izzy dropped him to his feet, and he brushed himself off.

“And that’s all you know, is it?” She asked, and Grace nodded warily.

“That’s all I know.” He sighed, and stared back at her. Izzy nodded, knowing his was telling the truth.

“Then I’m afraid you have no use to us,” She said, and proceeded to stab him with the stake she had in her hand. Watching as he turned into dust, Pete looked over to her as he began to walk over to Patrick. Patrick had heard the entrance from under his blindfold and turned to where he heard Izzy’s voice coming from.

“You came,” He muttered, and Pete unravelled the rope from around his wrists. Izzy nodded even though Patrick couldn’t see it, and pulled the cloth from his eyes. Blinking to adjust to the light in the room, Patrick looked up at her and smiled.

“Thanks,” He whispered, and Izzy rolled her eyes.

“Yeah. Sure, Pete-” Pete nodded and called to Gabe, who answered in Pete’s head.

’Did you find them?’ Pete nodded to the voice and spoke back to Gabe.

“Only Patrick. Evie got taken to William’s mansion,” Gabe swore loudly into Pete’s head and Pete smirked. Looking back to the two, he sighed as he stared back to the ceiling, as if Gabe was talking to him from there.

“What should we do?” He asked, and Gabe sighed.

’Tell Izzy to go and fetch Evie. You bring Patrick back here,’ Pete nodded, but looked unsure.

“But what about what happened last time?” He looked to Izzy and questioned her with his eyes. “Reckon you’ll be alright going to the mansion by yourself?” Izzy nodded slowly.

“I’ll be fine, I’ve only got to fetch Evie, I might not even run into William.” Pete nodded.

“Then let’s go,”


Izzy got into the mansion with no problems, her knowledge of all the passages and ways into the place made it easy for her to get into the place undetected. Walking along the stairwell she noticed that the whole building seemed a lot quieter than usual. She wasn’t surprised; they were probably getting Crystal ready for the ceremony that was tonight. She had completely forgotten about that until she started to wonder why it was so quiet. Squinting her eyes to try and sense for humans in the building, more specifically Evie, she came across a room at the end of the hall that she assumed was Crystal’s bedroom. Next door to this room was a locked door, and Izzy frowned, knowing that a human that she hoped would be Evie was behind it. She squinted her eyes again trying to decipher exactly who was behind the door in the room, when she heard a voice from inside.

“Welcome to your new home, Mrs Wentz,” The voice that Izzy knew to belong to William came floating through the door, and she frowned, knowing that right now she couldn’t stand up to William. Hoping that he would leave the room she hid behind a tapestry on the other side of the hall and used all the power she had to block her mind to stop William from sensing her. She could hear mumbles coming from the room and could just about make out their voices as she held her breath.

“Well, it won’t be Mrs Wentz soon, will it? Your husband can’t stand you now, can he?” He sniggered slightly, opening the door. Izzy heard Evie snap at him and try to get out of the room.

“Fuck you,” She hissed, and William laughed, before Izzy heard him shut the door on Evie, the lock clicking loudly. Footsteps went past her and she let the breath that she had been holding out, glad that her attempt at hiding herself from William had worked. She stood still and waited until the noise from William’s footsteps had faded away, and removed herself from her hiding place and walked up to the door. Knowing she couldn’t kick the door down without making noise she leant down towards the lock and used all the energy she had left to use her mind to unlock it. Hearing it click she opened the door slowly to see a small dark room, and a small light on in the corner. She looked up to see a shocked Evie, who smiled softly at seeing her rescuer.

“Hi,” She whispered, and Izzy rolled her eyes, leading her out of the room. She turned down the corridor and pushed Evie out of the mansion once they were downstairs, knowing that Evie’s breakout wouldn’t stay quiet in there for long. Before she knew it shouts came from upstairs and the two ran out into the grounds to get to the area where they could disappear from using Izzy’s power, as the main grounds were protected from it. Almost at the gates, Izzy stopped to see guards running their way, and frowned, pushing Evie out of the gates and through the barrier. Evie frowned when Izzy didn’t follow and yelled over to her.

“What are you doing?” She asked, and Izzy waved her hand.

“Just go, go back to the warehouse and tell the guys I’m getting Crystal out. I’ll let myself get caught and it’ll take me right to her-” Evie pulled at her through the gate and rolled her eyes.

“Stop trying to be the fucking hero, she doesn’t want to come home and you’re just going to get yourself killed,” Izzy shook her head.

“I’ll drag her back kicking and screaming if I have to,” She pushed Evie again and watched as the guards got closer. “Just go, Evie,” She yelled, and Evie groaned before running off into the grass on the other side of the street. Once she knew she was safe she looked back to the mansion, only to see darkness. She knew the guards had caught Izzy, but what they would do to her was a different matter. Running back to the main road, she shivered slightly on her walk back, dreading the look on Patrick’s face when she told him she had let Izzy get caught by William. Approaching the warehouse she was met by Joe sitting on the front step, frowning at his knees and playing with his fingers. Evie walked up to him slowly as he widened his eyes as he saw her.

“Evie! How did you get back? Where’s Izzy?” He rambled, and Evie sighed.

“I’ll tell you when we’re inside. What are you doing out here?” She frowned and Joe looked uncomfortable for a minute before sighing.

“Just thinking. I make too many rash decisions I think,” He muttered, and Evie tilted her head, creasing her eyebrows together slightly.

“What do you mean?” She asked, and Joe sighed.

“I mean I jump into things too fast.” He looked up nervously and gulped, quickly looking back to his shoes. “Never mind.” He coughed, and walked quickly inside the house. Evie frowned again and heard Joe shout into the lounge, and soon she was greeted by everyone in the front room.

“-Evie what happened?-”

“-Where’s Izzy?-”

“-What did William do to you?-”

Where’s Izzy?” She heard Patrick repeat himself and sighed, shushing all of the people wanting answers. She turned to Patrick first and held pity in her eyes, along with annoyance at her endangering Patrick’s feelings like this.

“She let William’s guards catch her, she said she was doing it so that she could get Crystal back,” Patrick widened his eyes and Gabe stood, shaking his head.

“But she won’t come back willingly-” Evie rolled her eyes.

“Izzy seems to have this insane idea she can force her to come back. I don’t know, maybe she knows something that we don’t, but I doubt it,” Gabe sighed.

“Sometimes her intuition and senses can kick in without her realising, maybe Crystal is asking for Izzy’s help and she just doesn’t realize it,” Evie shrugged.

“I don’t know, I just know she’s back in there and we don’t know what is going on.” Patrick sighed.

“Then we have to go and get her,” He muttered, and Andy shook his head.

“I’m sure she’s got a plan, Patrick,” He said, and Patrick shook his head stubbornly and folded his arms.

“You don’t know that,” He mumbled, and Evie shrugged.

“Patrick let’s just leave it until tomorrow, and if she’s not back, we’ll go and find her okay?” Patrick huffed slightly and nodded, before stomping off towards his bedroom. Evie looked back to Andy and frowned slightly.

“Do you really think Izzy has a plan?” She asked, and Andy raised an eyebrow.

“Not for a second,”
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