Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Grow Up Too Fast

Five Dads

by lostmyfearoffalling 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-04-14 - Updated: 2009-04-14 - 1552 words

Ok people. Another one-shot. Mostly Charley's POV. Hope you like it. I wish this could happen to me...

"Ms. Way, how many days have you been in the seventh grade?"

I make a face of the deepest concentration. " you want that in hours, minutes, or milliseconds?"

Mr. Murzinowski sighs. "Days, Ms. Way."

"Oh!" I say, in false surprise. "You should have said that in the first place. And the answer is 74."

Mr. Murzinowkski is already tired of dealing with me. And I'm just getting started. "And how many times would you say you've been in my office?"

"At least a dozen. With our pleasant talks, you just keep me wanting to come back."

I can almost see him tugging his hair in his tiny brain.

"Ms. Way, is that the reason you punched Chris Recker in the nose last week? Again?"

"No, actually that was purely me serving him a daily dish of justice. He kept trying to lift Rachel's shirt up."

"And is that the reason that today you decided to redecorate the walls?"

I smirk. "Did you enjoy my artwork?"

"Not particularly, no. Considering the fact that you repeatedly used profane language and put down this school."

"Institution," I cough. "Sorry, something in my throat."

"Ms. Way, I feel that continually giving you In-School-Suspensions and Friday Night Schools seem to be having no bearing on you. And every time you come in here, you give me the same attitude. It's time for outside involvement."

I raise an eyebrow. "Outside involvement? Don't telling me Dr. Freud will be making an appearance?"

Mr. Murz (it takes way too long to say Murzinowski, and he's not deserving of a full name) looks ready to bash my brains out.

"No, Charley. I'm talking about your parents."

Oh my god. This is going be interesting. "Sir, I really don't think you want to involve my parents."

"I really do. In fact, we're going to call your mother and father right now."

At the mention of my mother, my body tenses. I cross my arms. "I don't have a mother."

"Well, then we'll call your father."

"I don't have a father." I stress the a. Mr. Murz wears his favorite expression; confused and stupid. I sigh noisily, drawing it out. "I don't have a father. I have five."

"Five what?"


"You have five fathers?" Mr. Murz says, disbelieving.

I nod diligently. This is going to awesome.

Bob's POV

"Suggit Toro!!!! Suggit!" I yell. I throw the Xbox controller up in the air and it hits Ray in the head. "Fourth time in a row. You suck at Halo."

"You cheat," he groans, tilting back in his chair.

"Uhuh. Dude, Dixie could beat you." Dixie runs up to me when I say her name, and tries to cover my face in slobber. I shove her back, but it doesn't work. I've practically gotten a bath by the time she's done.

"Dixie!" I groan. "Go get Toro! Give Ray kisses!" Dixie barks and charges Ray, who looks scared.

I laugh as I watch her soak him.

My phone starts to ring and I try to pick it up quickly, but Ray still hears the ringtone.

"Is that the fucking Jonas Brothers?" He stares at me.

"I lost a bet to Frankie. I have to have it for a week."

"You're blushing."

"You'd be embarrassed too if "Burning Up" played every time someone called you." I say. Then I make a shut up motion, and answer. "Bob Bryar."

"Bobert! It's Charley!" Her voice is a loudish whisper.

"Hey Char! Why are you calling me from school?"

"I need your help ok?" She says. "Is Ray with you?"

"Yeah. "

"Put me on speaker." I do.

"Ok. I don't have much time, but the bottom line is, you know how my principal is a dick?"

"Yeah." Toro and I both say.

"Well, I kinda got in trouble, and he said he was gonna call my mom and dad."

I can hear the touchiness in her voice when she says mom.

"Uhuh." I say.

"Well, I said I didn't have a mom and then he said he was gonna call my dad. I got pissed because he's such a prick and 'cause I really didn't do anything wrong."

"Cut to the chase Charley." Ray says.

"I told him I have five dads."

There's a moment of silence between me and Ray. Then Ray says, "And those dads are?"

"You, Bob, Frankie, Mikey, and my real dad."

Quiet again.

"That's good Char. That's good." I laugh.

"Thanks Bobert." She laughs.

"So, what relevance does this have?" Toro asks her.

"Do you believe me that my school sucks, and that Mr. Murz is a prick, and that I wouldn't do anything to anyone who didn't deserve it?" Charley asks.

We're quiet for a moment. I think we must both be looking back on our times in middle school.

"Yeah." We both say.

I hear Charley breathe out. She must have been holding her breath.

"Ok. Well he's gonna be calling you guys. So, I thought I'd give you a quick heads up."

"Do you want us to mess with him?" I ask.

I can almost see her smiling. "Just be yourselves. But you can mess with him if you want to."

"Ok Charley." Ray says. "You didn't do anything too bad, did you?"

"No. And like I said, I only did stuff when people deserved it." Charley gasps. "I gotta go, talk to you later." She clicks off.

Toro and I stare at each other.

"This should be fun." He says after a moment.

"Yeah. This should be fun."


"So, you're telling me my daughter punched someone?" Mikey said into the reciver of his phone between sips of coffee. He couldn't help but smile.

"Yes, that is exactly what I am telling you."

"Sir, frankly, that's impossible. Charley wouldn't hurt a fly. She's done marches for peace. She detests violence of any sort. " Mikey had to lean away from the phone so that he could laugh. Charley was into peace; that wasn't a lie. But she definitely had a habit with showing people what she meant with her hands.

"Regardless, your daughter has also painted a twenty foot wall inside our school."

"Really?" Mikey said in a politely disinterested tone. "What did she paint? I'll be dissapointed if it's just another Madonna and Child. She's made so many of those. We're very religious you know. Catholic."

Mikey grinned to himself as he listened to the principal sigh over the phone. This was fun.


"Charley punched somebody? Good for her!" Frank said, trying to reawaken his thickest Jersey accent.

"Actually sir, that's not a good thing. We don't encourage violence at our school."

"Why not? It always gets your point across." Frank said, turning up the stereo in his car.

The principal couldn't even anwer. Frank smirked. This guy was easy to mess around with.

"What exactly did Charley paint on the wall?" Gerard said, still trying to decide if he was upset or not.

The principal cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Mr. Way, I think I would rather discuss this in person."



"I'll be there in ten minutes."

Charley's POV

I stared out the window, trying really hard not to smile. They'd been great. Mr. Murz could barely understand Frankie at all, he made his accent so thick, and Mikey had been hysterical. Ray had spoken in a monotone and slurred all his words together, and Bob had answered his phone "Hello, this is Immaturity Central." My dad didn't talk for very long, but he didn't sound mad, so I figured I was ok. Now I we were waiting for them to show up, which should be even better.

Mr. Murz was tapping his fingers impatiently. "How long did they say?" He sounded like a little kid.

I smile. "They have a habit of being late." But as I look out the window, Bob's Jeep pulls up. Him and Ray get out.

"There's two of them," I say. Mr. Murz eyes Ray's afro doubtfully.

My dad's Trans-Am pulls up, earning an eyebrow raise from Mr. Murz. It's only a minute before they're all there, except for Frankie. Frank comes in a minute after everyone else. He's got a cigarette in his hand, which he puts out on the carpet. Mr. Murz's eyes are the size of quarters when he takes in Frank's red tipped hair, his nose ring. He scans the room, looking at Bob's guages, and staring blankly at Mikey's "Mikey Fuckin' Way" shirt. My dad's resemblance to me seems to be enough to send him over the edge because he says, "You know what? I don't think this is necessary." And runs right out the door. We all look after him for a minute before cracking up.

"Does this mean I can go home?" I say hopefully.

"Yeah. I think so." Dad says.

We don't go home though. Well, me and Dad's home anyway. We go to Ray's. He has the best video games. And his music selection is awesome too.

Hope Y'all liked it. I had lots of fun writing it. Rate and review and seriously, if you have any ideas for me, I'm all ears. I'll credit you with the idea too!
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