Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Emancipation of Rena, Amber and Elladora

Emancipation of Rena, Amber and Elladora

by qternalanimator 0 reviews

This is my telling of the sixth book but with three of my own characters who come along to stir up some mischeif in the perfect world of Harry, Hermione and Ron.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Ron - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2009-04-18 - Updated: 2009-04-18 - 1290 words

Qternal: Now this fanfic I dedicate to the real Elladora. She enjoyed this as much as I did! But alas on that note I do not own harry Potter but the concept of Rena, Amber and Ella is in fact mine.


Amber Geneva Tromedlov and Elladora Black sat in one of the carriages of the Hogwarts Express. Amber and Elladora were best friends and were both very popular. Probably owing to the fact that Amber was part Veela and Elladora was a Metamorphmagus and an Animagus.

But we won’t really know now, will we?

Elladora’s father had died last year so she was a bit bummed but Amber knew how she felt, even though her father died years ago. The only thing was that Amber’s father left Amber everything and Elladora’s father left his daughter nothing.

“I wonder who our Defense against the Dark Arts teacher will be.” Amber said very animatedly, her favourite subject was in fact Defense against the Dark Arts.

“Dumbledore must have a hard time finding professors, mind, he could always ask you to teach…” Elladora said cheekily and chucked a chocolate frog at Amber.

“Is everything alright in here?”

Amber and Elladora whipped their heads around to see Ron Weasley standing by the door. Amber smiled sweetly and Elladora’s jaw hung open. Elladora had the biggest crush on Ron Weasley ever and it was common knowledge to most (Well certainly not to Ron!). Elladora gawked at Ron and couldn’t speak a word. Before Ron came in, Elladora had taken a sip of Butterbeer but that was now pouring out her mouth! Amber saw this out of the corner of her eyes and discretely pulled out her wand and flicked it, this closed Elladora’s jaws to prevent any further embarrassment!

“Everything is fine Ron! Go on with your rounds!” Amber said hurriedly as she jumped up and pushed the door closed behind Ron.

“Honestly! I am not going to keep clamping your jaw shut when Ron Weasley walks past!” Amber complained as she flicked her wand again, ending the spell.

“He’s so sweet! I love his freckles and he’s so amazing! He is my Won- Won!” Elladora swooned as she wiped the Butterbeer off her mouth with the side of her uniform.

“Didn’t Lavender call him that?” Amber asked and raised one eyebrow. Last year, Lavender Brown and Ron Weasley were a couple but that was all over.

“Well yes, but it sounds better when I say it! Cause he’s mine!” Elladora huffed and folded her arms haughtily.

“Yeah… Yeah… You shall make him yours and you shall call him Squishy too!” Amber sighed and looked out the window.

“Isn’t that from a Muggle thing?” Elladora asked confused. Even though she was a half blood, she hadn’t seen many Muggle things.

“A movie Ella! It comes from a movie called Finding Nemo!”

“You’re so grumpy sometimes! You need to find a man! You’ll cheer up!” Elladora told Amber seriously.

“Right… how will it cheer me up to spit Butterbeer out my mouth every time my ‘man’ walks past?” Amber smirked.


Elladora had just hit Amber with a Tickling Charm and Amber was now in a fit of laughter.

“That… That’s unfair!” Amber managed to say.

Finite Incantatem!

Elladora lifted the charm off of Amber and looked outside. Hogwarts was in full view so they both got up and grabbed their bags.


When the train stopped at the station; Amber and Elladora were one of the first students off the train. The carriages weren’t there yet to pick up the students who weren’t crossing the moat.

“Oh great! Hagrid is late with the carriages!” Elladora sighed irritably.

Behind them, all the students were filing out of the train. Amber and Elladora watched everybody get off the train, amongst the masses Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter were visible, this was due to the fact of how tall Ron had gotten.

“Won!” squealed Elladora loudly and suddenly clasped her hands over her mouth. Ron had heard her and was approaching them!

“Oh no! Help Amber!” Elladora squeaked and ducked behind her. Amber shook her head and waited for Ron to come to them.

“Umm… hey!” Ron greeted and scratched his head, his two friends Hermione Granger and Harry Potter stood behind him.

“Hi Ron, Hermione, Harry. What’s up?” Amber greeted while Elladora peered from behind at Ron.

Ron held out a book covered with ‘EB 4 RW 4eva’ and ‘Mrs. E W’ scribbled all over it. The book was Elladora’s; Elladora squeaked and suddenly ran off.

Amber grabbed the book: “Look what you’ve done Weasley! Now I have to find her! Ella!” Amber ran after Elladora, she was standing around the corner with the biggest smile on her face.

“Ella… what just?”

“He touched my book! Ron Weasley just touched my potions book! Give it here!” Elladora said chirpily and grabbed the Potions book. She hugged it tightly like it was really Ron.

Amber cringed: “You’re one sick love- puppy. Come on! I hear the carriages!”

Amber and Elladora walked back to see the carriages. Amber could see the reptilian Thestrals pawing at the ground while Elladora couldn’t see a thing.
“How are the Thestrals looking?” Elladora asked as she bounced alongside Amber.

“Same as usual, like snakes crossed with horses…” Amber replied forlornly, being able to see Thestrals was a depressing business.

“Help me touch one!” Elladora giggled and held her hand out for Amber to take hold of and lead to one. Amber placed Elladora’s hand on the Thestral and she squealed with delight, Elladora thought it was funny to touch what she couldn’t see.

Once Amber got tired of the charade then she got into the carriage, followed by Elladora. Inside were Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson. Pansy was hanging all over Malfoy, begging for his attention but Malfoy’s attention was now fixed on Amber and Elladora.

“Pansy, go find Crabbe for me!” Malfoy ordered and just like that, Pansy hurried to do Malfoy’s bidding. But as she jumped out, the carriages began to move on to Hogwarts.

“That was mean!” Elladora said firmly to Malfoy.

Malfoy shrugged his shoulders: “How was I supposed to know that the carriages would start moving! I can’t see those things that pull them!”


Elladora and Malfoy looked at Amber who was looking out the window at Hogwarts. A grin crept over Malfoy’s face as he looked at Amber.

“Thestrals. Yeah, those things. My father says he can see them, he says he’s ridden one. More then that old man Dumbledore could even try and risk!” Malfoy suddenly said verbosely.

“Cool!” Elladora said in awe but Malfoy took no notice. His attention was completely on Amber and she wasn’t even using any Veela charm.

“So what house are you in?” Malfoy pried, trying to get Amber to talk.
Amber pointed at her robes; the red strip along the edges told him that she was in Gryffindor.

“Pity, you’re hot. What do you think about you and me going out?” Malfoy said boldly and took hold of her chin so that she’d look at him.

On the spur of the moment, Amber swung her fist into Malfoy’s face, sending him reeling back.

“Ouch! F… What the hell was that for?” Malfoy wailed in pain as he held his nose. Amber could feel the carriages pull to a halt so she jumped out, followed by Elladora.

She popped her head back in the carriage and shouted: “Try that again… and I swear you’ll be sorry!”
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