Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Emancipation of Rena, Amber and Elladora

Chapter 2

by qternalanimator 0 reviews

After the butt wiping, what will these girls do next!?

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Ron - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2009-04-18 - Updated: 2009-04-18 - 1079 words

Qternal: Here is the second chapter already! HE HE HEH! Remember I don't own Harry Potter but I own the concept of my original characters. Don't touch them!


“Cool! You really whipped his butt!” Elladora complimented Amber as they walked up the steps into Hogwarts.

“How dare he try and pick me up! The nerve of him! I’m so mad I could punch someone!” Amber scowled as they walked down the corridor into the Great Hall.

“You already did! You punched Malfoy’s lights out!” Elladora replied, finally becoming more serious. Her ‘Weasley High’ usually lasted for a long time and slowly wore off.

“You’re right. Ah well, punching him was sweet bliss!” Amber drawled as they entered the Great Hall and sat at the Gryffindor table.

Many others followed and finally, the last to enter were Ron, Harry and Hermione who sat down by Amber and Elladora. Ron sat next to Elladora and Harry sat next to Amber. Hermione sat next to Harry.

Elladora’s face went redder than a cherry and she was suddenly breathing very funny. Amber felt extremely sorry for Elladora but nothing could be done.

“So… anyway… he then gets out of the carriage with blood pouring out of his nose! Man, what a start to my school year!” Ron exclaimed animatedly and clapped his hands together, “man, I’d love to shake the person’s hand that punched him! The hand that punched him in particular…”

Amber smirked and held her hand out to Ron, the one that punched Malfoy.

“Umm?” Ron said surprised and looked at Amber’s hand.

“She punched Malfoy!” Elladora managed to blurt out. Amber smiled wider; Elladora was making progress with her ‘Ron’ problem.

“WHAT?” Harry exclaimed in shock.

“Don’t joke! The odds of that are very minimal!” Hermione stated, glaring at Amber.

“Actually I did punch him for your information!” Amber retorted madly.

Hermione glared at Amber: “Who are you anyway?”

Amber frowned and turned to Hermione: “Be careful, if the Phoenix sings then your face is gonna stay that way.” A whole group of people sitting near Amber heard and broke into terrible fits of laughter, even Elladora managed to crack up laughing.

Everything stopped as the first years and Professor McGonagall entered for the Sorting.


After the Sorting and Dumbledore’s speech, the tables were laden with bowls of bacon, scrambled eggs and any other delicious food that your mind could desire. Hermione had been considerably quiet after Amber’s retort. But Ron couldn’t stop talking to Amber; he was amazed that a girl could hurt Malfoy so badly.

“How did it feel?” Ron asked eagerly.

Amber didn’t really enjoy this conversation but she saw how aerated Hermione got when Ron spoke to her so she kept talking:”It was a HUGE thrill! I should find reasons to punch his lights out more often!”

“Harry! Are you this year’s Quiditch Captain?” Elladora blurted out, pointing at the Captain badge.

“Yeah. Why?” Harry asked simply.

“What positions are open?” Amber said, giving Harry a sideways glance and taking a bite of chicken.

“Umm, Beaters and Chasers. Why?”

“Put me down for a Chaser position!” Elladora said excitedly.

“I’ll try out for Beater,” Amber said as she picked out the mushrooms from the mince, “By the way. I’m Amber and she’s Elladora.”

“She’s Amber Geneva Tromedlov and I’m Elladora Black!” Elladora said and stuffed some bacon on her plate.

Harry was surprised by the mention of Elladora’s surname: “What… what was your dad’s name?”

“What’s it to you?” Amber asked, she could see that Elladora was on the verge of tears. Her father was a touchy subject.

“I… I just wanted to know…” Harry stammered.

“Well don’t. It’s none of your business who our families are. We can’t help the fact that my… I mean Voldemort killed your folks,” Amber ordered and slammed her knife and fork onto the table. Everyone stared at her as she sat there with her head tilted down. It took her a little while before she picked her head back up and just in time too. The main course had disappeared and the table was decked with pudding!

“Ice- cream!” Elladora said as she scooped a large pile into a bowl.

Amber spotted a Treacle Tart and reached out to take some and at the same time, Harry Potter did. Seeing this, she grabbed the spoon so she could dish up for herself first; she took quite a lot and left a very small amount for Harry.

“Hey all!”

Ginny Weasley walked up behind Ron and Elladora.

“Hey Ginny!” greeted Hermione excitedly.

“Ginny,” was all Ron could say between mouthfuls of chocolate cake.

“Hi Ginny, “Harry said very airily.

“Hi Ginny! I’m Elladora! Want some chocolate mousse?” Elladora greeted, smiling widely.

“Hi,” muttered Amber as she pulled a plateful of chocolate frogs towards her.

Ginny looked at Amber weirdly and smiled at Elladora: “I’ve seen you two around. You and… Amber right? You two are well known at school. People are amazed at how pretty Amber is and how cool your hair always looks, Ella. Are you two hanging out with my brother now?”



Everyone turned to Amber and at the same time, the pudding disappeared.

‘That’s a bit harsh!” Ginny said scowling.

“Why would Elladora and I want to ruin this ‘powerful’ threesome? We have better things to do, now excuse me as I happen to be tired,” Amber said and left the table.

“Wait! Bye!” Elladora said as she ran after Amber.


“That was mean!” Elladora protested as she caught up with Amber.

“They make me sick, being so ‘perfect’. They have no consideration for any of us!” Amber replied as they walked up to the Fat Lady.

Snot True was the password.

“Welcome back to Hogwarts!” the Fat Lady said as they entered the Gryffindor common room. The fire was already lit and the common room had a warm feeling that Amber seemed not to feel.

“You are such a cow! But I hang out with you anyway!” Elladora giggled and opened the door to the dormitory.

“Hah! You are a scatter brained idiot and I hang out with you anyway!” Amber replied with a grin. Both girls got into bed, tired and worn out. But both excited about what their new year at Hogwarts would bring.

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