Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Emancipation of Rena, Amber and Elladora

Chapter 3

by qternalanimator 0 reviews

A new face is introduced and the girls stir some trouble!

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Ron - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2009-04-18 - Updated: 2009-04-18 - 2296 words

Qternal: I'm sure by chapter 3 you all will know the disclaimer!!! Harry Potter ain't mine! But the original characters Rena, Amber and Elladora ARE MINE!!!!


The sun seeped through the windows of the Gryffindor Girls dorm; Amber was a light sleeper so she had been up most of the time. Elladora happened to be giggling in her sleep and Lavender snored badly. Amber decided to rise out of bed, as she could no longer remain a victim of the snores and the giggles. Being part Veela, she always looked perfect, she got out of bed and her hair looked perfect and there were no bags under the eyes. She could just drag her trunk out from under her bed and pull out her uniform, which was neatly folded, in her perfectly tidy trunk.

In the bed next to Amber’s, Elladora stirred to life. She sat up and let out an enormous yawn. Whilst doing this, she slowly transformed her hair red and in plaits.
“Being a Metamorphmagus is easy peasy!” Ella mumbled blindly and pulled her trunk out from under her bed.
“Morning,” Amber said as she pulled on her uniform and walked over to the mirror to check her appearance.
Elladora pulled out a set of creased robes from her trunk and began to put them on.

Amber looked over at Lavender, Parvati and Hermione. She watched them loll in their beds whilst Amber stood ready and Elladora pulled on her uniform.

“Do you still have those fireworks?” Amber asked sneakily.

“Yeah, I do. Why?” Elladora whispered in Amber’s ear.

“Get them out. I wanna give Parvati, Lav- Lav and Hermy a surprise…”

Elladora’s jaw dropped open and broke into a smile. She pulled out her trunk and opened it again. She opened a secret compartment full of canary creams, fake wands, extendable ears and any other contraband that was sold by Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. Elladora looked around and pulled out an assortment of fireworks.
“Just one?” Elladora asked and Amber nodded.

Elladora threw Amber a firework and left the room. Amber set the firework up quietly and set it alight. It would take some time to go off so Amber casually left the girls’ dorm and saw Elladora talking to Ginny.

“Hey Amber!” Ginny greeted friendlily.
“Ginny…” Amber replied.
“Umm, I gotta get going. Nice talking to you Elladora!” Ginny said hurriedly and ran out the common room.

“You chase everyone away! You are so cold!” frowned Elladora and furrowed her eyebrows.

“Ha! No I’m not! I’m standing in the sun!” Amber retorted and pointed to the window, “And I’m not unfriendly! I’m a warm and happy person!”
Elladora looked stunned at the reply and suddenly broke into terrible fits of laughter. Tears sprung into her eyes and she pointed at Amber. Amber frowned and gave Elladora a death stare. She then stormed off out of the Common Room and down the steps to the Great Hall.


The Great Hall was rather empty as it was so early. Amber and the Creevey brothers were the only Gryffindor students there. The Slytherin table was empty and it seemed Padma Patil was the only Ravenclaw there. At the Hufflepuff table sat Luna Lovegood, Justin Flint Fletchley and another girl that Amber didn’t know.

“I’ll show Elladora! I am friendly! Humph!” muttered Amber. For a bit of fun, she turned on her Veela charm and sauntered over to the Hufflepuff table.

“Justin? Justin? Justin’s zoned out,” Luna said as she waved her hand in front of Justin, who was gawking at Amber.

“Stupid, he’s a guy. He’s probably drooling over some girl standing behind us with large boobs and a skinny waist,” the other girl replied. She has shoulder length black hair and seemed a bit short.

Amber laughed: “I might have a skinny waist but I don’t think I have big boobs!”

Luna and the girl turned to face Amber.

“Hi Amber! This is my friend Rena Grechin Lupin, Professor Lupin’s daughter,” Luna said and adjusted her large sunglasses with huge stars on the corners.

Amber sat down next to Rena and Rena glared at her: “I hope you are not gonna suck up to me to get good marks. Dream on!”

“Please! I don’t need to suck up! I’m good,” Amber replied with a very boastful smirk.
Rena glared at Amber and finally gave up: “Why are you here then?”
“Well, the Creevey brothers are drips and Padma isn’t exactly my best friend. You two were my best bet,” Amber said aloofly.
“Three,” Rena said pointing at Justin, who still looked zoned out.
“Oh yeah… Justin?” Amber said and fluttered her eyebrows a lot. Justin looked at her with a big goofy smile on his face,
“Be a dear and go find Elladora for me.”

Justin nodded and got up; he slowly walked out of the Great Hall, leaving Rena, Amber and Luna alone.

“How’d you?” Rena asked surprised.
“She’s part Veela. Grandmother right?” Luna said and looked at Amber. The sunglasses were so bright that Amber felt very disconcerted and just nodded. Rena saw this and pulled them off of Luna’s face.
“Luna, those are unsettling!” Rena reprimanded and put them into Luna’s robes’ pocket.
Amber smiled: “What year are you in Rena?”
Rena sighed: “Sixth year, why?”
“What subjects?” Amber asked once again, she was now twirling her hair around her finger.
“Potions, Ancient Runes, Herbology, Transfiguration, Charms, Arithmancy, Defense Against the Dark Arts. Why are you asking me these things?” Rena said crossly and furrowed her brow.

Amber got up as the Great Hall began to fill up and the Hufflepuffs were giving her weird looks: “Just checking to see if by any chance we’ll be in the same classes!”
Amber walked over to the Gryffindor table and looked around for a seat, there was one next to Elladora, who was sitting alone at one end of the table… or one next to Hermione Granger. Amber shook her head and sat next to Elladora. Elladora looked at Amber and dropped her head in forgiveness.
“I must warn you Ella, I only sat next to you because the only other available gap was next to Hermione and you know I can’t stand her,” Amber said haughtily and glanced at Elladora.
Elladora dropped her head and her shoulders drooped: “Oh…”
“And I made two new friends, just to let you know!” Amber told Elladora and began to strum her fingers on the table.

Suddenly the staff entered the Great Hall, they all took their seats and Dumbledore stood at the oak podium. The school fell silent, as they wanted for the first breakfast speech of the year.

“As you all know, I like to say a few words before a feast. They have usually been the same but now I have four new words to say!”

The school remained silent in anticipation for the new words.

“Squishy. Protozoa. Wally. Idiot.” Dumbledore proclaimed and then took his seat.

The students stood aghast for a few moments, all wondering how Dumbledore ever got the position of Headmaster. Slowly but surely, the school all took their seats and the table exploded with food.

Amber was an evil little cow but she knew that if she lost Elladora as a friend then Elladora would be all alone so she looked at Elladora who was still looking like a lost little sheep.
“Even though you really scathed my character this morning…” Amber began, “You are the only scatter- brained idiot that I can handle so I guess that forgiving you will be easy. Even though you really and truly bruised my over inflated ego!” Amber added so that Elladora wouldn’t have to rip into her, Amber was forgiving but she wasn’t a doormat. If Elladora called her a name, she would hex her right on the spot.
“I’m sorry I said that to you! I was terrible!” Elladora wailed and flung her arms around Amber, Amber sat there with her eyes looking all bugged out from lack of oxygen because of this over excited hug. Amber eventually pulled herself out of this death- grip and then began to put food on her plate.

McGonagall left the Staff Table and walked down to her House. The Gryffindors watched and as she arrived at the table, they all greeted her in a scary unison.
“Morning Gryffindors. I’m going to hand out the timetables now and I have an announcement for the Gryffindor sixth year girls,” McGonagall told everyone and started at the far end of the table, and this so happened to be on the side where Amber and Elladora were seated.

“Ah, Elladora Black. What subjects do you want to take?” McGonagall said and pulled a long piece of parchment out of her pocket and handed Elladora a blank timetable.

“Umm… Potions… Charms… Transfiguration… Defense Against the Dark Arts… Astronomy… Herbology… Oh! I also want to take Care of Magical Creatures as a seventh. Is that okay Professor?” Elladora asked nervously, squirming about in the seat.

“Well, as far as I can remember, all those marks were good. I was especially pleased with your Transfiguration mark! Your father would have been pleased! So, I see no reason why not to let you take those subjects!” McGonagall told Elladora, who was now smiling broadly. McGonagall tapped Elladora’s empty timetable and words slowly began to crawl across it.

“You’re next Amber. What subjects do you have in mind?” McGonagall asked. McGonagall looked at Amber and saw Tom Riddle in the girl’s face. McGonagall got a shiver up her spine but remained calm, cool and collected.

“Well, I’d like to take seven subjects,” Amber asked and looked up at Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall looked over all of Amber’s marks, she had ‘O’ for all of her subjects, except History of Magic and Muggle Studies (For those, she got ‘E’). Last year, Amber had taken all the subjects available and had used a Time- Turner. Amber had her very own Time- Turner that had belonged to her father but at the end of last year, Amber broke it into pieces out of frustration.

“I don’t see why not, what do you want to take?” McGonagall replied.

“Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, Herbology, Ancient Runes and I’d like to take Care of Magical Creatures as a seventh,” Amber told Professor McGonagall and got up to collect her timetable and get to her first lesson.

“Those were all ‘O’ subjects, I think Professor Lupin will be especially pleased to have you in his class and Professor Slughorn, I would think! Here…” McGonagall said and handed over Amber’s timetable.

“Thanks Professor,” Amber said as she looked to see the order of her day and Professor McGonagall carried on sorting out timetables.

“Potions first lesson!” Amber said drearily, she hated Snape with a passion. She knew things about Snape that would make the staff’s head turn but she kept her mouth shut about him and endured his constant appraisal. She would just have to sit in class and he would praise her for being a good student! Amber knew that he was just sucking up to her because of who her grandfather happened to be and nothing else!

“Yeah but look! Professor Slughorn and Snape are splitting lessons. Professor Snape is taking first, third, fifth and seventh year. That means we have Slughorn this year! Yippee!” Elladora squealed in utter delight.
“Brilliant! Look! We have Potions with the Hufflepuffs, we might see Rena there… cool!” Amber said as she looked across the Great Hall to see Professor Sprout handing Rena a timetable.
“Who is Rena?” Elladora asked and looked across the room to the Hufflepuff table.
“I told you, I made a new friend today who happens to be in sixth year,” Amber told Elladora in a matter- of- fact voice.

“Right! Sixth Year girls listen to me!” McGonagall announced once she had finished handing out timetables. The attention of all the sixth year girls was fixed on McGonagall in anticipation.

“Your prefect Hermione Granger has given up her Prefect- ship due to it interfering with school work. I shall be keeping a keen eye on you girls to see who fits the criteria for a Gryffindor prefect. So be on your best behaviour!” McGonagall announced and then left to her classroom.

“Oh! I forgot to tell you! Hermione thinks that the firecrackers were put in the room because she’s a prefect, that’s probably why she gave up,” Elladora whispered in Amber’s ear as they got up to get to Potions. Amber smiled widely and suddenly got a spring in her step as they walked to the dungeons.

“But, we can’t attack her anymore if we want to be prefect!” Elladora reminded Amber, “I really do want to be prefect!” Elladora carried on with a sudden goofy smile on her face.
Amber realized what was happening and gave Elladora a big shove so she flew into the wall.

“WHAT WAS THAT FOR?” Elladora yelled as she stormed back to Amber’s side.

“You were thinking about the ‘other’ benefit of being a prefect and you shouldn’t have. It’s creepy,” Amber said cringing.

Elladora smiled: “I can’t help the fact that Won- Won happens to be the boy sixth year prefect! Besides, if I’m not obsessed about something then my hormones are out of order and then I need hormone replacement! And that costs a lot of money!”

Amber sighed and shook her head: “How do I put up with you!”
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