Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forbidden
chapter 72
6 reviewsChristmas continued. Everyone at the Ways argue, Marcus warns Gerard and Mikey recruits Jamia's for help
(#) lacerationgravityxxx 2009-04-23
fucking great chapter!
oh God, Mikey is gonna think Frank made a move on Cheyenne! i can't wait to see what shit hits the fan in the next chapter!
thanks for updating so quickly!Forbidden
(#) TheWorldiSaVampire 2009-04-23
AAAHHHH !!! That was fuckin' awesome. Can't wait to see how things unravel... PLEASE update soon PLEASE!!!
(#) bloodredcandy 2009-04-23
great chapter! gotta hand it to youu :D
everythings getting all twisted, i like it :D
update update update pplease :D:D
Holly xoxoxoxoxoxoxForbidden
(#) doyleangel 2009-04-24
WWWWHHHAAAATTT!! Frankie and Chey actually kissing? oh no no no...but i mean, that was...kind of an accident you know? lol...And Chey has more suspicions about Gee and Lyn? Oho no, here comes the troubleForbidden
(#) marcialj83 2009-04-27
O.O thats all I can do. What? Oh man the shit is officially hit the fan.
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