Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > From Dusk 'Till Dawn

Chapter 31

by arquero333 5 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-04-23 - Updated: 2009-04-24 - 1386 words

Hey guys. I'm sooo sorry. I'm not going to bore you with details: my life sucks. Let's continue :)

I saw William's teeth sink into Andy's neck and it felt like it happened in slow motion. I saw his fangs pierce his skin and the blood start to bead around the teeth. I saw Andy's face change from shock and terror to pain as he felt the piercing sting in the tender part of his neck. I felt the wind leaving my lungs as I screamed. I felt my fangs start to ache the worst pain I've felt since I've had them, although I wasn't sure if it was the pain or the anger making them ache. I saw Andy's eyes start to close as he started to fall out of William's arms. William dropped him to the ground and glared at me with a sinister smirk. With that smirk, everything seemed to go back to normal as I felt myself lunging at him with all the power I could. I pushed him as far back as I could, trying to get him away from where Andy was laying, bleeding on the ground. He flew backwards, conveniently knocking over a few of the vampires that were making their way towards us. I looked down at Andy, and knowing I didn't have much time left, picked him up. I found it fairly easy considering my strength, and I started running for the tree line again. I ran through the bush until I was in the city. I looked down at Andy, who wasn't looking good. I looked up at what street I was on and ran for the one place that could help.

~~Third Person POV~~
Patrick and Joe were leaning over the kitchen table, pointing at the map that lay on it. There was red marker all over it. There were 'X's wherever they knew Cali and William couldn't be hiding. There was circles around the probable places, and there were question marks aroudn the areas they weren't sure about.
"Well, it's not on the east side of town, we've searched everywhere." Joe sighed. He had bags under his eyes and their usual mischievous spark was missing as he crossed off one side of town. Patrick looked worse for wear.
"And its not near the mountains. Pete's checked all the caves in that area." Patrick crossed off the rocky region to the north. Since figuring out how to save Pete, they've been focusing on finding William, a key factor to changing him back into a human, and more importantly, Cali. After Andy left, they found themselves being worn thinner and thinner. They no longer had the fourth party to help with the plans, which were almost always made for four people.
There was a loud bang on the roof, which Patrick and Joe barely registered. They heard the front door open and Pete trudged in the living room.
"Any luck?" Joe asked. Pete just shook his head.
"Nothing..." He sighed. Patrick just sighed and crossed off a few more blocks on the map that Pete had been searching. Pete sat down on the couch and let his head slump against the back of the couch. Joe and Patrick could hear his deep breathing from the kitchen. Patrick went into the living room and sat on the couch.
"Don't worry... She's out there somewhere. We'll find her."He offered Pete, trying to cheer him up.
"You've been saying the same thing since she left." Pete whispered. He raised his head and looked at Patrick. "I'm starting to give up..."
"Don't say that." Patrick argued. "She's out there, she's fine, and we'll find her."
"Yeah... William isn't nearly as crafty as he thinks he is. He's going to slip up and we'll find him." Joe added.
"Yeah, I guess." Pete sighed. He got up and went to his room. Patrick and Joe just watched him go.
"You know, I'm kind of glad he's a vampire..." Patrick shook his head.
"What? Why?" Joe asked.
"I don't think he could handle it if he wasn't." Patrick answered. He laid his head against the back of the couch. Joe shrugged and sat down next to him.
"What are we going to do?" He asked.
"I don't kno-" Patrick was interrupted by a bang at the door. They both shot up and looked at it.
"What the-" Joe started. The door burst open, nearly flying off the hinges. Pete ran in the room, looking ready to pounce after hearing the big bang, until he saw who was at the door.

~~Cali's POV~~
"Guys. You have to help." I cried, standing in the door frame holding Andy.
"Cali? Where have you been? What happened?" Pete yelled.
"No time!" I screamed. "William bit him. He's been bleeding out, we need to save him!" O set Andy down on the couch as Patrick and Joe moved out of the way.
"Oh my god." Patrick breathed as he bent down beside me, looking over Andy, who was growing paler by the minute.
"Is there anything we can do?" I asked, looking at him. He slowly turned towards me and looked me in the eyes. I saw his eyes go from worried, to confused.
"Cali, are you a-"
"Yes... I am." I sighed. He smiled slightly.
"Stay here." He ordered and ran into the kitchen.
"What is he doing?" I asked Pete and Joe. Pete seemed to be too shocked to see me, and Joe was too shocked to see Andy. Patrick ran back in with a knife... He really shouldn't be doing that.
"Give me your arm." He ordered. I pulled my arm up and he grabbed it roughly before slicing a cut across my wrist with the knife.
"What the fuck are you-" I started, before he pulled my arm even further to hang it over Andy's face.
"The only way to save him at this point is to turn him." He explained.
"What? No! I won't do it!" I cried and started to pull my arm away.
"Cali! Its the only way he'll survive! Its either turn him or kill him!" He rushed, grabbing my arm again. This time I didn't fight. I'd rather have an undead Andy than a dead Andy. I watched the blood drip onto his lips as Patrick let go of my wrist to open his mouth slightly. The blood slowly dribbled into his mouth. After what seemed like forever, nothing was happening.
"Patrick, why isn't it working?" I frowned.
"We just have to wait..." He answered, not taking his eyes off Andy.
"What if we were too late?" I cried.
"If we were too late... Theres nothing we can do." He sighed.
I sat with my arm hanging over Andy's face, just praying for something to happen. I looked at the clock and guessed I'd been sitting there for about 10 minutes.
"Cali..." Patrick sighed.
"What?" I asked, feeling like I didn't want to know what he was going to say.
"Its over."
"What is? Nothings over." I shook my head. Patrick let go of Andy's mouth, letting it close.
"He's gone."
"No. No he isn't. It just takes time." I reached over and opened his mouth, pushing my wrist against his mouth.
"Cali. Come on, just... just stop." Patrick stood up and put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at Patrick and saw his eyes watering. I looked up at Pete, who looked mostly emotionless, and Joe, who looked too shocked to even react to what was happening. I looked back at Patrick and sighed.
"Okay." I whispered, getting up and looking at Andy. His skin was paler than I had even seen. I could practically see his blue veins under his skin, except for where his skin was stained with blood around his neck. I felt like I wanted to cry, but it just wouldn't come out. I took a deep breath and started towards the kitchen. I leaned against the table and took deep breaths. I heard someone come in behind me.
"What happened out there?" Pete asked. I turned around and saw Pete, Joe and Patrick all looking at me. I sighed and rubbed my hand through my hair. I started to tell them about everything.

Le sigh... Next chapter up this weekend hopefully.
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