Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Seize the Day

Chapter 6

by frankismyhomefry 3 reviews

Chapter 6

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2009-04-29 - Updated: 2009-04-29 - 1728 words

Chapter 6

“What do you want?” I asked. My voice was laced with venom.
“Everyone is out looking for you. you’ve got everyone worries sick and scared shitless.” Brendon said.
“Like you give a flying fuck what happens to me” I said
“Katy don’t be like that. I care about you more than you know. I thought I made that obvious last night”
“I was drunk as hell and don’t remember a god damn thing that happened last night so do you really think I am going to sit here and pretend that I know what the fuck you are talking about. Oh Brendon, I could tell you care about me oh so much, I mean its not like we fight at all baby” I said very sarcastic.
“ fucked up way of flirting. Look Katy, I like you a whole fucking bunch. I don’t know why we fight. I’m tired of it though. I don’t mean a damn thing I say. Half the time I pull shit out of my ass just to have something to argue about, cause it means I get to spend time with you. but when you walked out tonight, I knew I did something wrong. I don’t know what I said but it hurt to see you in that much pain. And when we couldn’t find you after the show, I freaked. I thought I had lost the one thing that has been getting me through this tour, and that’s you. I thought of all the worst things that could happen, like you getting killed… I blamed myself. I still do. I’m sure the girls blame me too. I know Annabel does. For someone so small she sure as hell packs a mean punch. But I deserved it” he said. A silence fell between us as he climbed up on the railing with me.
“ I was raped twice by my stepfather” I softly said. It was barely above a whisper.
“What?” he asked just as quiet
“No I heard you. Are you seri…oh my God…I'm such an asshole. I am so so so sorry Katy”
“Brendon I don’t want your fucking sympathy. What you said… it hurt me far worse than anything else ever could. I know what the pain in being raped is like. And having you wish that on me fucking tore me up. It hurt even more coming from you than anyone else cause somewhere in this fucked up relationship we have I fell for you. and that scares the fucking shit out of me” I yelled as I climbed down from the bridge and started walking. Brendon followed right behind me.
“I'm sorry. If I’d known I wouldn’t have said anything about it…will you just wait a second” he said as he grabbed my arm and spun me around
“What Brendon! What's left to say? I can’t stay on this tour anymore. I can’t take the fighting anymore.” I said as I tried to wipe away the tears that were falling from my eyes. Brendon’s hand beat me to it though. He kept one hand on my wrist while the other was cupping my face.
“I don’t want you to leave. I'm falling harder for you with everyday that passes. We’ll stop the fighting. I’ll stop being a asshole and stop saying shit just to get you riled up. Just please stay. If not for me than for the girls, don’t take this away from them. Don’t leave me. Stay with me” he whispered as he looked me dead in the eyes. I have the biggest urge right them to just kiss him so that’s what I did. I bit my lip before pulling him close and crashing our lips together. His hands came to rest on y hips as he held me close to him. we were both fighting for dominance before I finally let him have control. We were interrupted by his cell phone ringing.
“Its Ryan….Hello….yeah I’ve found her….no don’t let them come, I’ll bring her back…No….God damn it Ryan I am not going to fight with her…..Annabel can fuck off cause I care about Katy too and I'm not going to hurt her….we’ll be there soon….I’m hanging up now Ryan bye.” Brendon said as he hung up his phone. While he was on it I took the time to look at his eye. Annabel really did hit him pretty good. He was already starting to form a black eye.

“I’m sorry for everything” he whispered to me
“I'm sorry Bels did this to you. you don’t have a reason to be sorry. Its ok. You didn’t know” I said as I gently touched his eye.
“Its not ok. I was an ass from the beginning. I made you run away from everything. And this isn't near as bad as Annabel wanted to do.”
“Brendon really its ok. The girls, they’ll get over it. They will have to because I am tired of hiding my feelings for you from everyone, from myself.” I said as I shivered from the cold.
“You’re freezing. Here put this on” he said as he took his jacket off and placed it on my shoulders.
“Thanks” I said
“No problem. From now on I am gonna make sure you are always safe. I am gonna protect you in every way possible. I promise you that” he said as he took my face in his hands.
“You cant promise that Brendon. No one can”
“ I can and I will. I will do everything in my power not to hurt you or let anyone else hurt you. I don’t care if we end up dating or not, I’ll always protect you”
“you want to date me?”
“Eventually yes. I’d ask you right here right now but its not the right time. Way too much has happened today plus we need time as people getting along before we can do anything else.” He said which made me smile.
“There’s that smile I love. We should probably head back before Annabel or the other girls decide to castrate me.” he said as he laced our hands together.
“we wouldn’t want that to happen” I said as we began walking.

On our way back we talked about a lot of different things. We had a lot in common that not many people would notice. We were talking about stage tactics and fans when we reached the bus.
“I cant believe you and Ryan. Are you sure you two aren't secretly gay?” I asked while I cracked up laughing.
“ unless you and Harper have dicks that we don’t know about, no we aren't day. It was just something to get the girls riled up. You know what would be fun, if you came out and sang Lying with us. The fans would love it.”
“That would be interesting. Maybe I’ll pop out one night.” I said things got quiet then.
“Thanks for finding me tonight. I'm glad it was you and not one of the others as mean as that sounds” I said
“no thanks for telling me everything. I am still sorry I was an ass.”
“ I wasn’t the most pleasant either” I said as he leaned against the bus and pulled me close to him.
“yeah you weren’t. you can get real bitchy.”
“Aw thanks” I said with an eye roll
“ just telling the truth. Its not necessarily a bad thing. Actually seeing you all mad and annoyed was pretty hot. I’ve popped a couple boners cause of you being bitchy.”
“I so did not need to know that” I said with a laugh
“ I’m being serious. Its even worse when you come off stage all hot and sweaty and sometimes it looks like you have sex hair from rocking out so much. Mini me makes his presence known” he said which made me bust out laughing even harder. My laughing was cut short by the bus door opening up revealing a highly pissed off Alicia.
“ What the hell were you thinking! You could have gotten seriously hurt” she yelled
“girls lets take this on the bus. I’m sure the whole world doesn’t need to hear this.” Brendon said as he put a hand on my back and gently pushed me towards the bus door. Alicia disappeared back on the bus. I could hear the others talking inside as we walked on. Ryan and Harper were cuddled up on the couch. Harper looked as if she was asleep. Audrey was sitting in Jon’s lap next to them. Annabel was pacing the room while Spencer was trying to get her to stop.
“Care to explain why you ran off without telling anyone. Do you know how fucking worried we were about you? you could have been killed out there” Alicia yelled
“ Well if Brendon hadn’t started shit she wouldn’t have ran off in the first place Licia” Annabel yelled back
“Yelling isn't going to help the situation at all you two. Give her a break. Its been a rough day for all of us, especially Katy. If I were her id have ran too” Audrey said
“ Can you all shut the fuck up. I am trying to sleep.” Harper said
“Can I get a word in yet or are the four of you going to continue this shit. Bels it wasn’t Brendon’s fault so if you can please stop making him feel like shit I would appreciate it. It was my choice to leave. I just needed some time to breathe. I should have wrote a note or something but I didn’t. what happened, happened and its not going to change. I had a shitty ass day from the beginning and now I’m exhausted so I an going to get changed and go to sleep. We can argue about this in the morning if you wish but for now the only thing I want to do I forget about it” I said before walking past everyone and going into the bathroom to change.
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