Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > No Words

No Words

by bruised-and-beaton 0 reviews

Love is only complete when two people know how the each other feel, but they don't really know until they speak. Yet speaking doesn't always mean words, it could start with a dream...

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Erotica - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2009-05-03 - Updated: 2009-05-04 - 616 words

A/N: This is my very firsy fanfiction, so please go easy on me!!!!
Two bodies up against each other, moving together, gracfull movements...Taking one human and mixing him with his mate, creating a beautiful, romantic feeling between the two...His purple hair is untidy, complety ruined, but his strong figure is unbarable to the fiery red head he shares his love with...

As Atlanta awoke from her dream, she did everything in her power to grasp even a glimpse of the pleasurable thought, that feeling. To be able to feel that warm, loving sensation one more time. But, even as she began to picture a hint of what she thought was real, it faded again. Groaning, Atlanta swong her legs out of her bed. Theresa, still asleep on her bed next to Atlanta's was completly oblivious of her friends' awakening. Atalnta rolled her eyes as she realized her friend would stay like that for another hour or so. City people were very diffrent than countrey folk, she had come to understand. Their different sleeping patterns were just the start of. There was the clothes, the money-or lack there of in Atlanat's case-, the lifestyles in genral.
Atlanta shrugged, deciding to forget about her differnces with her best friend and went into the bathroom to shower.

Archie sat up abruptly in his bed. His own erotic dream slipping away from memory. Dreams like those seemed to be coming true more and more often now. It wasn't that he was some perverted, horny teen, he just couldn't stop thinking about what it would be like to spend his time making love to Atlanata. Of course, his dream would probably never come true. Atlanta had always led a life full of values, she even wore a cahsity ring for god sake! The only way Archie could ever sleep with her was if he was to marry her, and that wasn't going to happen unless he confessed his true felings! Which also was never going to happen, in te near future at least...

There's no point in putting yourself in that kind of awkward position. Archie thought to himself. The thought was more or less correct. If he told Atlant that he was 98% sure he was in love with her, he would seem like a total dork! What man tells a woman how much he loves her with percentages! Shaking his head, Archie stood and went down stairs to get food onto his now, grumbling, belly.

Archie was surprised to see the girl he had dreamt about in the kitchen, pouring herself some ceral. Her hair was wet, indicating she had just come out of the shower. The picture of Atlanta's wet, naked body in the shower made Archie suddenly feel thankfull he was wearing baggy pants. (A/N: Catch my drift?)
"Oh! H-hi Archie!" Atlanta chimed, a hint of emberassment in her voice. Archie snapped back nto reality, just in time to nod his greeting back to the girl. Seeing his pale face Atlanta frowned. "Are you OK?" She asked. Archie began to stutter, something he always did when he was nervous. "W-who m-m-me? Yea-yeah, I'm fine, j-just haven't w-woken up completly y-yet."

Atlanta smiled and rolled her eyes. "OK. Your sure?" Archie nodded. Nice on jackass! Archie thought to himslef, Now shereallythinks you're an dork.

God, Atlanta muttered silently. What a stupid, asshole I am, he must know I like him and it's making him feel awkward. Stupid, stupid, STUPID! Love is only complete when two people know how the each other feel, but they don't really know until the speak. Yet speaking doesn't always mean words, it could start with a dream.

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