Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forbidden
Chapter 73
7 reviewsCheyenne helps Lyn, Franks wants to rendezvous in secret and new years a costume party
(#) lacerationgravityxxx 2009-05-11
great update!
i can't wait to see what you have planned for us! i think it's going to be very exciting!
thanks very much!Forbidden
(#) TheWorldiSaVampire 2009-05-11
Oh man! Did I mention how much I love Lyn? She's great! Can't wait for the next chapter! PLEASE update asap PLEASE!Forbidden
(#) doyleangel 2009-05-12
Ok, wow, really? Just when you think things might, might be ok...Chey kisses Frankie, and they're both still flustered by it. Are they gonna realize they have feelings for each other? Is Alicia gonna turn out to be right? Oh no, And Lyn, now going to give Gerard his much drama...SO MUCH!!!!Forbidden
(#) MCArmyWife 2009-05-12
I LOVE this story and I gotta say I agree with Lynn - Gerard needs to get what's coming to him. Can't wait for the next update!Forbidden
(#) cutegirl12356 2009-05-13
OMFG! THIS IS GREAT! I feel bad for Jamia a little bit but the best relationships come from friendship....OMFG GERARD IS AN ASSHOLE! Frank's a good guy but he's married....omfg what's going to happen next!Forbidden
(#) marcialj83 2009-05-13
Plz don't let Chey sleep with Frank, plz don't. Jamia doesn't need to be hurt more and everything is coming to a head. Plz I am begging don't let Frank and Chey sleep together.
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