Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Sucks [Might chenge.]


by E-JayLovesGerard 1 review

Hammers are EVIL!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2009-05-19 - Updated: 2009-05-19 - 1697 words - Complete

I followed Mikey into the school grounds. He was my only friend there so I had no choice but to follow him. He walked right up to Pete and the other poplars’. The gang ‘oooooh’d as Mikey stopped in front of Pete.

‘Gee’s babysitting you tonight.’ Mikey spat then turned, grabbing my arm and walking away. I caught a glimpse of Shannon’s face. He was fuming. Shannon was Pete’s right-hand man/ Mess with Pete, you mess with Shannon. Unlike Pete, Shannon was huge! Not just in height but size as well. He was at least 4 times wider than me and that was just muscle.

‘Did you have to be so harsh?’ I asked Mikey as we walked back to our usual seats. We sat at the top of a small hill. Mikey had 3 other friends but I didn’t like them. Zacky, Syn and Johnny were nowhere to be seen.

‘I was just telling him. He’s an arse to me, I’m an arse to him.’ He said, laying back in the sun. I sat beside him, knees to my chest. I was a little testy about school. Sure, I was still the new kid but people saw me and just decided they didn’t like me. I pulled my phone out, intending to text someone but someone had that idea first. The black device vibrated in my hand, shocking me for a moment.

Hey Frankie. I hope ur okay. Just letting you know, you will tell me what’s wrong. Even if I have to torture it out of you.

Xo g

I read the text over and over. I knew what kind of torture he meant and he was fucking good at that. After reading it for the 30th time, I closed the phone and shoved it in my pocket. What was I going to say? Would he get freaked out that I was dreaming about his brutal death? Would he believe that I was so….

‘MIKEY!’ A booming voice called, breaking my thoughts. I looked down the hill. Syn and Johnny were running up it. Zacky tailed behind. I got along with Zacky the most. He was quiet when he as busy, thinking or in a badd mood. But he was loud, obnoxious and fun to be with when he wasn’t doing anything that involved quiet. He was fun to talk to and he seemed to like me. I always laughed when I thought about them. Of course, they didn’t go by their real names. Zacky was actually Zacky but he changed his last name to Vengeance. Syn was very unlucky to be stuck with Brian Haner and Johnny, like Zacky, changed his last name to Christ. I guessed they just had a few too many to drink and kept those names

‘Hey Frank.’ Syn greeted me as he sat on Mikey’s other side. I gave him a wave and went back to thinking. I didn’t get one question formed though. Zacky came and sat next to me.

‘Hey Frankie.’ He said, a small smile playing on his lips.

‘Hey Zacky.’ I replied with a whisper. I knew he was about to ask if I was okay (I was so sick of that question) so I cut him off before he started. ‘Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking. I might go see Mrs. Robertly, I have something to turn in.’ I lied, getting up and leaving my friends. I walked past the library, science block, math block. The whole school itself. I stepped off the grounds, taking a seat on the bus bench across the road. I reached into my bag and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. After sparking one up, I turned my attention to the schools agriculture area. 4 cows, 2 sheep and a few hundred chickens ran around in the caged area. Thing would have been so simple if we were all animals. Animals didn’t dream, they didn’t feel pain like humans. They had a good life. They lived till they hit a certain age, some got eaten, and others just died.

‘Get your arse back in those school grounds.’ A familiar voice scolded. I looked beside me, Sir. Bobbert sat beside me. He wasn't in a hospital gown anymore. He was back in normal jeans and tee’s.

‘Shouldn’t you be in the hospital?’ I asked, eyeing the small marks on his skin where the needles had been inserted.

‘Nah, I got released. Something to do with me being too loud when it comes to the music…. And I am better. Don’t tell Gerard I got kicked out of the hospital please. Now tell me, why are you out here? And since when do you smoke?’ He asked, watching me as I drew back and disposed of the smoke during his speech.

‘I won’t. And since I was 14. Badd habit.’

‘Yeah, it is….. Any chance you love me enough to pass one?’ Bob asked, putting on his best pouty face. I pulled my pack back out and offered it to him. He took one and lit the end. I always watched the smoke rise. It looked so pretty for something so deadly. ‘Thanks.’

‘What are you going to do?’ I asked, still watching the smoke rise and disappear into the air.


‘What are you going to do today? Gerard’s gone out with E-Jay and Nic. Ray’s been missing since…. This morning and I don’t know where Matt is.’

‘Oh…. I don’t know. Might go looking for Ray I guess. Any clue where he went?’ Bob asked, scratching the back on his head with his free hand.

‘Nope. He was there when we ate breakfast…. Gerard tackled me to the floor… and Gerard sent him to go see you!’ I stuck my finger in the air, signaling I had gotten my answer. Bob looked at me with a weird expression then burst out laughing.

‘Man…. You…. Look…. So…. Fucking…. Funny!’ He gasped between breaths. I rolled my eyes and waited for him to calm down enough to speak. It took him a while. His cigarette had burnt away by the time he was stable. ‘Sorry. And back to Ray. I left at 6am this morning. Wonder if he’s still there…. Well, get your arse in school before I tell Gerard and your mum.’ Bob got up and left. I did as I was told and went back in. The bell went as I made it to my home room.

‘Good morning, Mr. Iero.’ Mrs. Carmel said when I took my seat. ‘You’re early.’

‘Yeah.’ I mumbled. Slowly, the other students made their way in. For those 20 minutes I just sat a stared at a spider chasing a moth. How it kept my attention was beyond me. I was first in and first out. The second the bell went, I ran. There was 10 minutes between home room and first period classes and I was the usual target for shoulder blocks and flying bags. I had to get to the first building (home room was in the last) before Shannon and Marcus, another of Pete’s stupid cronies. Wood work was horrible. Shannon chased me with a hammer while the teacher went to the store room.
Most of the day was spent hiding at the back of the classroom or sitting quietly with Zacky.

‘See you tomorrow.’ I waved to Zacky and headed towards the front gate. Mikey was already there, chatting to someone I didn’t know. ‘Hey Mikes.’

‘Hey Frank.’ He returned his attention to the other guy. ‘I’ll speak to you later. Tell Alicia I said hey.’ He turned back to me. ‘Gerard’s picking us up. He’ll be here soon.’ I was happy I didn’t have to walk back. I was exhausted after running from Shannon for half an hour. We sat on the grass, waiting. We weren’t waiting long, Gerard pulled up right in front of us.

‘Have a good day?’ He asked when we were in and strapped. Mikey dove into a minute by minute recount of his day. I wasn't listening. I was still trying to figure out what I was going to tell Gerard when he asked what my dream was about. I was so absorbed with it that I didn’t notice Mikey was talking to me.

‘FRANK!’ He yelled and threw his shoe at me. I snapped back into reality and threw his shoe back at him.

‘That hurt!’

‘Well, you should be listening! Back to what I was asking. Pete said Shannon got you today.’ He said, putting his shoe back on and turning around in his seat.

‘That’s not a question and no, he didn’t get me. Just chased me with a hammer for half an hour.’ I grumbled.

‘Shannon? As in Shannon Bisbee?’ Gerard asked, looking at me through his review mirror. I nodded. ‘Pete’s bringing him over tonight.’

‘Im dead…. Fucking hell!’ The thought of Shannon being trapped in the house with me was mortifying.

‘No need to worry, Frankie. He won’t touch you while we’re there. Just don’t go anywhere alone with him.’ Gerard said, smiling in the mirror.

‘How stupid do you think I am?’ I teased. We started joking about how stupid those boys where. I felt a lot better. Gerard pulled into the drive way, killing the engine.

‘Careful tonight. Okay? I don’t want to have to kill a couple of teenage boys.’

‘Can do.’ I smiled and jumped from the car. I raced Mikey to the front door. I thought I’d be nice and let him win but he misjudged the steps and smacked straight into the door. Gerard and I started howling with laughter. ‘Now that’s priceless!’ I laughed.

‘Fuck you.’ Mikey spat as he opened the front door. Gerard regained his composer and followed me in, sneaking a quick kiss while Mikey’s back was turned.

I thought you all deserved 2 chapters since i havnt updated in god knows how long. well tell me what you think :) xox E
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