Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Sweetheart Rebels

Radio Nowhere

by Noizchild 1 review

Judy and Meredith go to the Miami Gay Pride Festival. More reviews=More chaps. So get to it!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Published: 2009-06-04 - Updated: 2009-06-04 - 871 words - Complete

Radio Nowhere:

Today is the Gay Pride Festival in Miami. I have to admit, I am a bit nervous. This is my first Gay Pride association. My mom is finally stomaching the fact that Meredith and I are dating. She has cut back on her snide little comments on us. No plotting, so far. But must keep my guard up just in case. Anyway, back to festival. Meredith invited me out this weekend. I didn't know at first.

"I'm not sure Mer-bear," I told her. "My mom is just getting used to us dating."

"Come on Judy," Meredith pushed. "You'll pulled through all of this time. I think you're ready for this one." I thought about that for a moment. A little trip away would be nice for a change. And it would be nice to not have to pretend in the city anymore.

"Alright," I said. "I'll go with you!"

"Great!" she said. "I'll pick you up Saturday morning."

"Okay," I said. "Love ya!"

"Love you too, Judy!" my girlfriend replied. We blew a kiss into the phone and hung up. I flopped back onto my bed and breathed out nervously. A gay pride festival. Wow! Never been to one before. I've heard of them in our circle of college of friends. Meredith never bothered to invite me out to any at all. Easy to imagine my surprise when she invited me out to this festival this year. Maybe, I have come far. If that's the case, this festival thing won't hurt.

On Saturday, Meredith waited in the year for me. I came out onto the porch to greet her. She looked me up and down. I had on a simple white dress with my rainbow colored gay pride jewelry that she bought me for Christmas last year. My love smiled at me in a naughty way.

"My!" she called out. "Are we all sweet and white today?" I blushed some.

"Well, I am a virgin today..." I admitted shyly. Then, I looked away blushing even more. Mer-bear smiled at me proudly.

"Ready to go?" she asked.

"Yes I am!" I replied. Surprisingly, mom didn't say a thing about my little trip.

"Just come back safely," was all that came out of her back. I nodded to her on that one, but I kept my guard up still. She's plotting something I just know it! Trust me on this one. That train's never late! I walked out to the motorcycle and hopped on. Mer-bear smiled at me and started up the bike. I held on the whole time. So good to be out in the open again. I looked up at the sky. I hope it doesn't rain today! Meredith drove us all the way to the festival site. She stopped the bike and took off her helmet. I did the same and looked around.

Let me tell you now, I have never seen so many bright colors before in my life! It's like someone took many buckets of paint and dumped them all over the place. Strangely, I felt at home here. These were my people here. I finally found a place where I could belong. Mer-bear nudged me on the shoulder. I quickly looked up at her. She smiled at me warmly.

"Let's go," my love told me. I nodded at her slowly.

"Okay," I agreed. We headed right into the action. People of many races greeted us. I felt as it I would drown in gay pride. But, I kept my head above. It's too early to drown yet. Save that for later. I have to have it all together if I am going to experience this event known to man as Gay Pride Festival. My love nudged me in the back of the shoulder again. I turned back to her.

"So Judy-bug!" Meredith called to me once we got through. "What do you want to do first?" I looked around some. So much to do here. Finally, something caught my eye.

"Let's go to the LGBT seminar!" I called. My love grinned at me.

"Okay," she said. "We can do that!" I happily hugged her tightly. Then, I took her over to the tent. I learned so much in over one day. It all made me much prouder to be gay. I even got to make some new friends at the festival. Meredith and I exchanged numbers and e-mails with them. I am now confident that my mother will come to accept my relationship with Meredith more often. Meredith even feels to come out of the closet to her mom and aunt. I will be right there when she does. I know she can do it. At the end of the day, I danced around outside with my new gay friends. Mer-bear stayed behind and watched me though. (She says a dance like a white girl. But, I don't care. I love her and she loves me. That's all that matter today and forever! Wink)

I Just Want to Hear Some Rythm

Author's Note: Okay everyone, I'm taking a short break on this fic to: 1.) Come up with some new titles and 2.) Get caught up on my other projects. We'll be right back. See you soon!
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