Categories > TV > Dark Angel > We'll Fight Till The End!

The Realization Of Defeat

by Loralee_jk 0 reviews

Category: Dark Angel - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Alec - Published: 2009-06-10 - Updated: 2009-06-10 - 1057 words

The Realization Of Defeat

To have to walk through a damp bug infested jungle is one thing, but to have to do it running with an injured leg was a completely different thing. For X5-353 this was exactly the situation he was in. Only a month ago had he met up with Syl, Jondy and Jack. Jondy had been on her own since Max fell through the ice and presumably died. He still remembered Syl telling him that Zack escaped again the same night he did.

He now cursed himself for not getting his contact number before they had been attacked. Looking back it was completely stupid on his part. He had four days to get that little bit of information from them. In that time they robbed eight stores and four house together. Not even realizing that people would talk about kids that could jump over eight feet tall fences or outrun guard dogs.

Apparently no one at Manticore had decided it was important enough to mention that there was something called ‘News’ that would record everything you did and show it to everyone else. He even saw himself on it when he crept into a pent-house back in Seattle. It was a nice house like all the others they been in. He crept inside through the skylight and waited for the owner of the house to leave the room so be could steal one of his gold cat statues. There were three and he grabbed the biggest one with a red ruby on its collar. He shoved it in his beat up stolen back pack before dashing out to tell the others what he grabbed. He supposed that’s how Manticore found them too.

Maybe it was even his fault for listening to Syl and Jack. He and Jondy wanted to play it safe and take only what was needed. But Syl convinced him that they wouldn’t get caught. And now thirty-eight days later, here he was. Twenty-two states away from Manticore, running through a sweaty jungle with a bullet hole in his thigh.

To be fair they had been attacked during the night. Then again they should have had someone posted. But they had gotten to carelessly cocky together in such a large group. They had been swarmed from everywhere. But Manticore had foolishly though they couldn’t get out through the sewers. Once the four of them had all crawled out someone had grabbed Jack. So Seth had stepped in tackling the 6’1 man to the ground. Syl yelled for everyone to follow her. The X5s all had but they would find them. Time was all they needed. Seth told then to run into the sewers and he would stay on top ground. He had truly though he would have been able to shake them off him by now. But he haven’t. he’d pulled so many stops and tricks he was positive he lost them in New York. But he hadn’t. He’d even managed to get shot.

Seth knew he wouldn’t be able to out run them for much longer. Everything was on their side. The young X5 had nothing. Not even food. He haven’t been able to stop in the last town to get anything. And that had been two and a half days ago. Seth had been up for the last thirty-six hours running, jogging and if allowed walking. His feet hurt and there were cuts all over them. Seth had lost his shoes during the 1st attack when everyone was still sleeping.

353 P.O.V.

I smiled to myself as the familiar pain in my side came back. I had slowed down to a jog before I finally had to stop. A fell to my hands and knees painting as the burning feeling ran through my throat and I looked around for any type of water. My throat had been hurting for so long I sadly knew I’d drink any form of water.

I think I would have been able to keep going if I’d only eaten in the last town. It was all catching up to me in a fast rush of pain and heat. First black annoying spots came fallowed by the dizziness and finally the ground jumped up to meet my face. Besides waiting for the hard pain to hit my nose and cheek I could remember just knowing I wouldn’t wake up here. I remember wondering what I would wake up in. I knew that no one would even know what happened to me.


Donald Lydecker sat in his chair in Manticore for the twelve night in a row now. He’d hopped to of had his X5 back a couple of days ago. He was sure it was Zack. The more he though about it the more it seemed exactly something he would do. He was after all ‘Big brother’ to all of them. Then again if it was him maybe he wasn’t surprised that they hadn’t been able to catch him yet.

Donald decided to have a glass of water that night instead of his regular Scotch. He’d gotten himself drunk to many times that week already. He wanted to stay sober when they brought him in. He wanted to see his face when he opened his eyes. He wanted to be the one standing over him to welcome him back home.

All he had to do was wait. Wait for his phone to ring with one of his men on the other side telling him that he was bringing him in.

As soon as he downed the rest of his ice water sure enough the phone rang. He picked it up after the second ring as to not show how eager he was. He smiled a real smile when the news he’d wanted to hear was told to him. They were just coming in the back and would be there to meet him as soon as he was ready. He hung up the phone and grabbed his keys before slamming the door behind him. Ignoring the load noise it made. He took the shortest way to the back. Having to pass the doors with Shirleys unit in it, he could hear them all scurry to their beds.

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