Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco
Casty Call! :D
5 reviewsI know, i only posted auditions yesterday, but i already got some awesomeness peoples that i shall like for my story. ^^
Casty Call! :D
(#) ixamxnotxaxnugget 2009-06-14
YAY! I'm in. :)
Forgot to mention I'm vegetarian. I don't know if that'd be nessesary in the story or whatever, but..yeah.
Thanks. :)Casty Call! :D
(#) frankismyhomefry 2009-06-14
Yay!! i so cant wait for this story. im so glad ot be in it.Casty Call! :D
(#) CaroBECKETT 2009-06-14
Yay ! Dude, I love ixamxnotxaxnugget (just putting it out there) Natalie is awesome.
And, im glad to be in your story (cause I like anything that involved william beckett and I, preferably together ;) ) .
I can't wait to read this, and thanks for the part :)Casty Call! :D
(#) CHELSEAsmile 2009-06-14
Yayy! I'm in. Thank you! (:
I had a feeling I would get picked for Pete instead of Brendon, but hey, I'm not complaining! haha
Thanks for the part.
I can't wait to read this! :D
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