Categories > Original > Horror > Strangers in the Night

House of 1000 Corpses

by Grudge_Lady 0 reviews

Marilyn and her friends really know how to push Mickey and Brittany's buttons.

Category: Horror - Rating: R - Genres: Humor - Published: 2009-06-16 - Updated: 2009-06-16 - 676 words

Marilyn and all her look-alike friends trotted down the stairs to see Brittany and Mickey looking somewhat normal in the costumes as Merry Angel and Spaulding. The girls looked around for Amanda. Amanda came out of the bathroom, trying to balance the huge axe. The girls all screamed while Mickey and Brittany laughed.

“We like don’t like that costume!” cried Vanessa as she back up to the wall.

“Ah, you don’t like my professor outfit?” fake pouted Amanda as she hugged her giant ax.

“Um, like, you’re like no professor,” said Sophie. “You’re like a serial killer.”

“Come on and sit down girls,” said Brittany as she took a seat in one of the chairs. “We’re going to show you one of the greatest horror films ever.”

“Twilight?” asked Raquel.

“Twilight ain’t a horror film,” sneered Amanda.

“It had like vampires,” said Sophie.

“No they like watch like Freddy vs. Jason and Bug,” said Marilyn who leaned against the chair.

“So which one are we like watching?” asked Vanessa.

“House of 1000 Corpses,” smiled Brittany.

“Sounds scary,” said Marilyn.

They all sat down while Brittany put in the film. Mickey got up and decided to make herself a grilled cheese. The film started and everyone became quiet. Mickey was putting the cheese on the bread when she heard the play menu:

“Well shit the bed! Howdy folks!”

She whipped around and saw her clown man on the television screen. She trotted over to Brittany. “Can we watch this first, please?”

Brittany laughed, “sure, Mrs. Spaulding.”

Mickey leaned against the back of the chair which Brittany was using, watching Captain Spaulding insult the audience. “You can kiss a dog’s titties for all I care!”

Marilyn and her friends erupted with laughter. Mickey, Brittany and Amanda all looked at them. It was funny, but not that funny. “He said TITTIES!” laughed Raquel who grabbed at Vanessa’s flat chest.

Mickey sighed, “Brittany, you can just play the movie now.”

Brittany played the movie while Mickey finished making her sandwich. After the “horror show” went to a commercial, Captain Spaulding came onto the screen to promote his Museum of Monsters and Madmen. The girls once again erupted with laughter. Amanda sighed, “he didn’t say titties!”

“He’s like so going to molest Marilyn!” laughed Sophie.

Mickey about choked on her sandwich with laughter. She walked over to the group. “Please, he likes cushion. The better the cushion, the better the pushin’,” said Mickey thrusting her hips.

Mickey sat down on the arm of the chair Brittany was sitting in and continued to watch the film. Suddenly, they all heard Brittany trill and purr. Otis had come onto the screen. Sophie gagged, “who is that!?”

“Otis,” purred Brittany.

“Are you like in love with him?” asked Vanessa.

“She’s the biggest Otis fan girl,” said Mickey.

“You are like blind!” said Marilyn.

“She is not!” cried Mickey as she stood up.

“Do you like think he’s like hot?” asked Marilyn.

“He’s attractive,” admitted Mickey.

The girls all cried out and carried on. “At least he’s like not as like ugly as that faggot from Vacancy,” said Marilyn

Mickey gasped. “Mason is not gay!”

“He like sure like acts like it,” sneered Sophie.

“If he were gay, he wouldn’t get off on snuff films,” huffed Mickey.

“I don’t know why you’re like taking this so anally, cousin,” said Marilyn. “You’re like gay too.”

“At least Mason isn’t like as homosexual as Otis,” giggled Vanessa.

Brittany about broke the chair’s arms. “I mean like who the heck like dances around in a cheerleading top like when you’re a guy?” asked Sophie.

“He’s a psycho!” cried Brittany. “A very hot psycho!”

“Come on, girls, let’s go upstairs and watch a normal horror film,” said Marilyn.

Amanda, Mickey and Brittany watched the girls go up the stairs. Brittany now was making a deep growling noise. “Girls, I think it’s time to get them back.”
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