Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Going Under

Going Under

by ErinLilli 0 reviews

Mikey and Erin have been together for well over 11 months; Erin and Mikey are expecting their first child...All is well; until Erin starts changing...and some old enemies return.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2009-06-15 - Updated: 2009-06-16 - 342 words

Erin's P.O.V.

"Kati, you are out of your damn mind if you think I'm wearing that!" , I exclaimed.

It's now been seven months since Mikey proposed to me and six months since I told Mikey I was pregnant!

"Why won't you wear it?" , Kati asked.
Wow, that was such a stupid question.
"Oh, I dunno...Maybe cuz I can't fit in it! After all, I am six months pregnant. GAH!" , I shouted.

Sometimes people can be so stupid! I mean, I'm not that 95 pound girl anymore. I happen to be 105 pounds since I'm six months pregnant. And here's a worse wedding is tomorrow!

"ohhhh....sorry Erin. I forgot about-" , I cut her off.
"Goddamn, Kati! How could you forget? I am like...really fat!" , yelled.
"Sorry Erin." , Kati said getting quieter.
"It's okay, I gotta learn not to be a bitch." , I said laughing.
I seriously need to find a dress. I want my wedding to be the one perfect thing in my life.

"Omg Erin! Look at this dress!" , Kati said handing me a black and white dress.
"Wow Kati, someone is a little too hyper," I said laughing.
"Sorry. I'm just excited though....."
I tried the dress on.
I liked it.

I walked out of the dressing room, and went toward Kati.
"Well?" , I said looking nervous.
"Erin, if I was a lesbian, I'd marry you myself.." , Kati said giggling,
"Damn it, Kati! Don't go all bisexual on me. I'm not in the mood." , I said glaring at her.
I seriously think she likes to torment me with stuff like this.
"Erin, I remember when you told me that you were bi-"
I cut her off.
"Shut up Kati! You think I want the whole world to know that i am bi? , I almost shouted.
Everyone stared at me and Kati.

"Yes Kati?" , I asked.
"Does Mikey know that you are bi?" , Kati asked.
Oh no.
"Shut the fuck up Kati!" , I yelled.
"Holy shit! He doesn't know!" , Kati yelled in excitment.
I said nothing.
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