Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Going Under


by ErinLilli 0 reviews

Stress gets to Erin; She seriously doesn't know what to do. She tried finding an end to her stress;

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-06-16 - Updated: 2009-06-16 - 312 words

Erin's P.O.V.

The wedding was starting to stress the hell outta me.

I wanna get married and everything, but, I guess I'm nervous. UHHH!

I didn't wanna cut, I had to though.

I'm glad Mikey wasn't there to see this.

I took the razor and made a slash on my right wrist...


It didn't help.

I need something else.

I stormed out of the house, my wrist still bleeding.

I managed to not bleed everywhere...then Mikey wouldn't suspect anything.

I got in my car, went in the glove compartment and took out four bottles of pills.

'No, Erin, you can't you're pregnant...', I thought to myself...

My self-conscious couldn't talk me out of it.

I had begun taking random different pills.

I felt sick, much like as if I was high.

I still kept on driving.

'Wow, how could those idiots give me my license?'

I lost control and hit a tree.

Everything had went black....

Mikey's P.O.V.

Erin's car was gone...


No, maybe she went to the doctors to make sure the baby was okay.

How should I know?


I walked over to the couch and lay down on it.

I started getting tired, seeing as it was two in the fucking morning!

"MIKEY! MIKEY!", a frantic voice yelled.

'Shit, what now?!', I thought to myself.

"Mikey, Erin is in the hospital!", Frank yelled.

I personally thought he was lying.

"She is not... " I began. "She's probably in her bed sleeping-"

"No! She isn't. Go check for yourself!", Frank yelled again.

"Fine, fine, I will." I said sighing. "Idiot..." I said under my breath.

I went and checked to see if Erin was sleeping.

She wasn't.

'OhMyGod! Frank was telling the truth! Shit!' I thought.

I rushed to the hospital.

They wouldn't tell me what had happened.......
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