Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Make The Moves, Aim The Spotlight

Can't blame me for hating it

by sasukeluver 1 review

Kaities feelings about her past, present, and future.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Published: 2009-06-16 - Updated: 2009-06-17 - 895 words

My fist shook at the monster in front of my eyes. His mouth was like a foset for blood, and his hand was the cup. He didn't say anything; only that he was sorry. He didn't kill them, I saw it all happen, but I didn't know this man. His teeth were sharp and stained. It was dark, but I could see him perfectly. He was so... so different then most guys I've seen. When a thirteen year old girl sees a celebrity, it's suppose to be great and existing, but when you've just seen your parents get slaughtered right before your eyes, it makes you feel nothing from the neck down. I wanted to cry, run away and hide. That all changed when the man looked up at me and said-
"My name's Pete. I'm going to protect you."

I saw Andrew start to move. All the guys were asleep and watching them was funny. Andy liked to talk in his sleep so he is usually forced to wait until everyone else is asleep until he's allowed. I laugh at him the most, because he's always talked about the strangest things. Like how his car likes blue berries, or how his mother was a big cat with long whiskers. I've been meaning to ask him about her.
I laughed to myself and turned back to my journal. I guess this is where I woke up. I always write down my dreams. They're the only way I could remember that night. Patrick gave me a potion that he brewed, it was a memory loss drink. Pete didn't want me to remember what happened that night. That night Joe helped me recover. He didn't really do anything really. He just let me beat him up until I fell asleep. He has always been the punching bag. When I wanted to vent, going to him was my automatic reaction. I closed up my journal and layed on my back. I didn't know how to react to watching Pete kill more people. For all I know he is the same gory, scary, horrifying vampire, or he's more clean now that he was planning on adding me. Now that I think of it, he has been more into his training and sparing. He picks fights with other vampires to see how they fight. When it comes to the Punks, he likes making them think he's all for joining them, then escapes with new techniques, then he picks more random fights to try them out. Yep, that's our Peter.
"Working in your journal again?" I jumped and looked behind me. Pete was sitting at the table behind me. The tour bus didn't have more then one bed, so most of us fight over the couch and the bed. The others find a comfortable chair or floor spot. The driver sits in his seat, ready to drive at any moment in time. I looked down at the book and looked back up. I nodded at him. It was around three in the morning and I wasn't tired sense my last out burst of nightmares. Pete doesn't sleep.
"Come on," he stood up and motioned me to the door. "Let's take a walk."
We stepped outside and the breeze felt amazing on my hot skin. Being trapped inside with a bunch of guys who don't like the word "bath" didn't help a girl that much. We walked for a while in silence.
"So," I stopped and looked at him. He's never liked starting conversations. "I really wanted to talk to you before we start teaching you how to fight vampires." I looked down. I didn't really care about any of the vampires, only Uire. "It isn't easy. It'll take hard work."
"Pete," I said. I looked back up at him. "I know. You know me, I'm don't think that anything can be earned by the thought of something. I really want to do this. I want to kill Brenden Uire." He looked at me with passion. "I can do this." I had confidence. My one and only goal was death to the creature who killed my parents. I have the ability and strengh, all I need is the training. Pete smiled at me.
"What?" He started walking again.
"You just remind me of someone, that's all." I rose my eyebrow.
"Who?" He turned around.
"You'll meet him," He stopped and turned around. That same stupid smirk was plastered on his face. "In due time. We're going to the training grounds I took the guys when I first met them, and the owners son is around your age I think." I rolled my eyes and caught up to him. I wasn't interested in a relationship, maybe after I kill Uire, but no sooner.
"Remember the last time I liked a guy?" Pete chuckeled and smiled wide for the world to see his fangs.
"Shut up, what's your point?" We both laughed at the memory of my last crush, running into a tree when Pete said 'Hi.' We circled around the area where the bus was parked at and when we came back to the bus Pete and I stopped before going in.
"You should get some rest before tomorrows show." I opened the door and cocked my head to the side. "Because you're going to be the singer for our closing song."
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