Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > I Wanna Be The Fucking Savior
I Wanna Be The Fucking Savior
(#) ixamxnotxaxnugget 2009-06-17
Ama-za-zing. :)
Loved it, dude.
William looked like he was anorexic, but obviously wasn’t, since he was scarfing down a doughnut.
Serisouly made me laugh out loud. (mostly because its true) xD
Are most of the famous guys supposed to be dressed how they used to dress? (ya know, since Pete doesn't have that streak, Bill's hair isn't that long, Ryan's hair isn't styled like that anymore, and Gabe's new thing is bright flannel)
Even though I'm guessing most people would agree that they liked their old style(s) better. ;)
(That's not supposed to be taken offensive or anything either :))
Ryn and Brendon are adorable/super cute. ^_^
Sigh Cliffhangers...
I'm stoked to read the next chapter!!! :D
Lovvved it.
Veryy awesome. :)
-NatalieI Wanna Be The Fucking Savior
(#) frankismyhomefry 2009-06-17
amazing once again. this seriously has got to be one of my favorites. seriously cant wait for more!
RynI Wanna Be The Fucking Savior
(#) CaroBECKETT 2009-06-17
Oh shit.
Ohhh shit.
I thought my cliffies were murders !
This just made my da even better.
One) I love william and I, I think we are adorable (:
Two) ah, shit, Brendon, smooth, killing your ex.
Three) don't date him ! Don't do it, he'll kill you (but if he doesn't, its all cute)
Four)haha, ryan ross and bill beckett on a skinny contest :x
Five) Gabey ! Natalie ! My favorite pairing ever !
-caroI Wanna Be The Fucking Savior
(#) let_it_go 2009-06-17
Homg, adorable.
And I would love to be in this... If the chance came up... But, anyway, on to a review...
I love that it's an epic cliffie, and that Ryn is getting caught up in something that I don't even know exists yet in the story... Woah.
And adorable. LOL. Cause I need to tell you again.
HarperI Wanna Be The Fucking Savior
(#) CHELSEAsmile 2009-06-17
That was great!
And I loved how you put me in a BMTH shirt cos they're one of my all time favorite bands. No lie!(:
I loved it. Everything except for the cliffhanger. lolz
Update soon? :DI Wanna Be The Fucking Savior
(#) BonePalacePaige 2009-06-19
Dude, you rox.
I read this chappy a while ago, but when he said that he killed the one chick, I died laughing.
Here's a description (copied and pasted from just about every other description)
Appearance: Dark brown hair, red lowlights. I have side bangs, hair is layered, the front barely touchs my shoulder, back is 3 inches off my shoulder. I tease my hair, but its not like BAM in your face teasing, its pretty subtle. olive skin. dark brown eyes. I'm 5'2, I'm pretty thin, not but like anorexic. like, I have meat, and stuffs. double piercings in my ear.
Fashion: I wear alot of straight legged jeans, and capris. Skinnys when I want to. I own 234897 band shirts, hoodies are amazing. I like flannel. CANNOT WEAR NEON. I hate neon clothing. Well, at least on me. I can't pull it off. I dress like your average ficwad kid :3
Attitude: Most of the time I'm pretty talkative. I go around dancing. Ridiculously spaztic and load. I talk with my hands, and I talk pretty fast. I'm really not a girly girl. I'm known as the music kid at my school, because I know quite a bit about that topic. I have a really strong conscience. I'll do something witty and feel bad about in a few hours. The last thing I wanna do it hurt someones feelings. I'm a good friend, I'll take a bullet for anyone close to me (for like location wise, but like, close friends/family) :3 I've made alot of mistakes in my life, and I don't think I'm really worth much. I'm pretty innocent, but I don't take peoples crap. I always have something to say. I'm just your basic good kid, with an edge ;)
Likes: Music, sharpies, nail polish, piercings, tattoos thick rimmed glasses, rootbeer, snow/rain, texting, photography, tennis, friends, hugs, signing yearbooks, cats, uncertainty.
Dislikes: Stupid people. I have no tolerance for stupid people. Whorey people, violence, drugs, snakes, clowns, demi lavoto,
Interests: I play a whole shitload of competitive tennis. I play piano and saxaphone. I'm smart. Thats about it.
I Wanna Be The Fucking Savior
(#) MyChemicalFangirl 2009-07-01
Sorry for being one of those annoying reviewee's who review the first chapter then dissapear,
I'll try and keep up.
It's just so much has been going on right now and I've been to busy to read fic.
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