Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The hardest part is losing you...

I Write Sins Not Tragedies

by XxLovexMCRxMusicxX 3 reviews

I open the door and he has blood shot , puffy eyes, and ghostly as if he was crying. “Mikey what’s wrong? What happened?” I tell him and let him inside and close the door behind him. “I-It...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2009-06-24 - Updated: 2009-06-25 - 617 words

Chapter 2: I Write Sins Not Tragedies

I wake up in a white room that smells of blood, rubber, and disinfectant. My head is pounding with the little beeping sound, What the hell is that?! I ask myself. I open my eyes to see white walls, tubes and wires, needles everywhere. I can’t feel or move my fingers.
Oh shit. What the fuck did I do?!


Shit! Shit! Shit! Ugh! Obviously my suicide attempt didn’t work out too great, now huh? I try to move my right hand and all it does is twitch just a little bit. I notice all the white blood stained bandages on both my arms that almost go all the way to my elbows. And it looks like my arms are both strapped to the bed! How Delightful! At least my nose doesn’t itch… Wait I take that back. Arg!

A nurse with black hair and tan skin with tattoos covering her left arm and a couple on her right forearm comes in with a food tray and a blood bag.

“Good morning, Mr. Way. How are you feeling?”The nurse asks. “Well… besides the fact that my nose itches, I can’t move my hands and that my arms are strapped to this god damn bed… I’m spectacular. Yourself? ” I say to her with an annoyed attitude. I didn’t mean to take it out on her but... dammit! It’s just so fucking frustrating! “I’m sorry to hear that, Mr. Way” She said un strapping my arms and scratches my nose. I look at her name tag, Lindsey Ann Ballato. “Um... thank you Lindsey.” I tell her and try to move my right arm, nothing happens. “You’re welcome, Gerard” Lindsey said with a smile and left the room.

☠ ♥ ☠ ♥

I’m playing my guitar not giving a shit about anything and someone knocks on my door. I put my guitar down on my bed get up and start walking to the door. I look at the clock. Hmm… its 11:09 am. 2 more minutes to make a wish, yay! I look through the peep hole, I get on my toes to look through it. Hey I’m only half an inch shorter than it and that shit is up on the top of the door. It’s Mikey.

I open the door and he has blood shot , puffy eyes, and ghostly as if he was crying. “Mikey what’s wrong? What happened?” I tell him and let him inside and close the door behind him. “I-It’s G-Gerard…”Mikey choked out in between sobs. Gerard? Great. Just what I fucking need. Is he having his stomach pumped again, or what the fuck? “What happened, Mikey?” I tell him trying to hide the annoyance in my voice. “H-He’s i-in the h-hospital, F-Frank…”Mikey says to me calming down a little bit. Yep stomach pump. “Why is he in the hospital, Mikey?” I ask him already knowing why he’s in the hospital. Typical, Gerard.

“I-I found him w-with hi-his arms a-all slashed up… there was b-blood e-everywhere… h-he almost over dosed on pain medication, Frank! He was barely breathing when I found him! He looked so tired… so worn out Frank!..” Mikey said and stopped crying now he was just horrified.

H-He Nearly K-Killed himself? W-Whyy? “I-Is he okay?! What happened why did he do it?”I asked Mikey franticly. “I don’t know why. The doctors fear that Gerard might never be able to feel or move his hands again…”Mikey said sadly and a tear streamed down his cheek.

He’ll never be able to-move his hands ever again?!
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