Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Foster Homes To Songs And Poems

Ch.5: Wake Up

by Fuck-Is-A-Funny-Word 0 reviews

Waking up, a too chipper nurse, and...what?!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-07-06 - Updated: 2009-07-07 - 388 words

"Beep. Beep. Beep." What is that?

"How is she?" What are you talking about?

"Beep. Beep. Beep." That's really annoying.

"I don't know. I think she was beat up." Who was that?

"Alright. Well, she has cracked ribs and a broken nose."

"Okay. Thank you, Doctor Palms."

"Just call the nurse with the button right next to her bed if she wakes up."

"Will do. Thanks again."

The voices stopped and I felt a soft hand in mine. I tried to open my eyesm but I was too weak. "Who's there?" I croaked.

"It's me, Frank," he whispered.

"Frankie?" I asked, managing to open my eyes up a bit.

"Iz, are you okay?" he asked, stroking his thumb across my hand.

"I'm fine, Frankie," I responded, squeezing his hand. "Who was it you were talking to?"

"The doctor...Oh! I almost forgot, I have to call the nurse."

"How do you almost forget?" I laughed.

" forgetting?" he said questioningly.

"Alright then," I said, still laughing. He pushed the nurse call button and a nurse came in right away.

"Hello, Miss Iero. Good to see you're awake!" she said way too happily. I just smiled and waved. "So, you're feeling any better?"

"I guess," I responded, wishing her chipper mood away.

"Well that's good, isn't it? Everything seems to be in order."

"Okay then. Thank you," I said, faking a smile to her and disliking her each second longer she I saw her face.

"Alright then, sweetie. Bye."

"Bye bye," I said just as bubbly as she and said under my breath, "Fucking crack head."

"Well then, you're just so nice aren't you?" Frankie said, trying to stifle his laughter and failing miserably.

"Yes, yes I am. What's your favourite colour?" I asked randomly.

"And apparently very random...Black and orange. How about you?"

"Black and orange, too."

"That's awsome. Favourite band?"

"Green Day, of course. Yours?"

"Same! Billy Joe Armstrong is my idol. I learned to play the guitar because of him."

"You play the guitar? Are you any good?"

"You'll have to listen to yourself."

"But don't have your guitar."

"I don't, you're right. You ARE going to live with me, though so you'll listen sometime!" he said cheekily.

I seriously forgot all about this. I'm so sorry. Don't hurt me. D;
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