Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Foster Homes To Songs And Poems

Ch. 6: Unexpected

by Fuck-Is-A-Funny-Word 1 review

A surprise. Nervousness. And...maybe even a kiss?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-04-08 - Updated: 2010-04-08 - 603 words

"I don't, you're right. are going home with me, so you'll be able to listen somethime," he said cheekily.


"I said, you're going to live with me so you'll be able to listen to me play," he said calmly.

"I can't go him with you! I live in a foster home, remember?" she asked incrediously. Why would he say that? He knew she can't go...unless...nah. That's not happening.

"I know you lived in a foster home."

"Lived? I still do." Has he gone nuts?

He sighed, exasperated. "No, you don't! Don't you get it, Iz? My parents are adopting you!"

Her eyes went wide. "Are you serious?!" Maybe this'll be the last home.

"I am, I am! You're going to be the only girl in our group, though."

"Really? Are you friends hot?" she asked jokingly. Maybe.


She nodded.

"Okay, well Gereard. Gerard Way is sexy. Mikey is cute. Looks like a mouse. Haha. Ray Toro and his awesome fro is like a loveable teddy bear. He's adorable. Last but certainly not least is Bob Bryar. He's pretty shy, hates cameras and stuff. He's hot, though. Buff dude."

She stared, wide eyed. "Are"

"Wh-why? Do you..not like gay people?" he asked, slightly nervous. Her eyes went even wider.

"Of course not! I've gotta say, they're pretty amazing people," she smiled.

"Oh..oh good, heh," he said, releived.

"..Well?" she asked. He didn't answer her question.

"Oh, right. I'm bi," he smiled.

"Is anyone else?"

"No, just me and my lonesome self." He pulled a kicked puppy look.

"We'll that's okay. You'll get find someone else who like guys to join your group. Besides me, I mean," she laughed again.

"If only," he joked. "Maybe Gerard will turn for me."

"I'll be praying for you and your love life," she smiled.

"Well, thanks," he said, voice dripping with sarcasm. "To be frank, haha frank, anyway. To be frank, I kind of like this girl. I met her earlier today. What should I do?"

"I would wait and get to know her more, maybe a month or two," she sai, saddened by what he confessed.

"What if someone asked her first, though?"

"Well, then wait for her. She'll think it's romantic. I know I do." Frank smiled at that.

"So, what do you want to do?"

"Well...this is a hospital. I can't get out of"

"Let's play I Spy!" Frank yelled in excitement.

"Okay! Me first/ I spy with my little eye...something red."

"Okay. That plant?" Frank guessed.




"The...stains on the floor?"

"Gross, no."

"Okay, I give up!"

"Well, don't you give up easily," she teased.

"Shut up!"

"It was my blood bag, by the way," she said cheekily.

"...that was fucking hard!" he exclaimed.

"Dude, that was practicaly the only red thing in here," Iz laughed.

"No way! That bird was red!"

"What bird?"

"Uh...the one that was here a minute ago?" he grinned.

"Are you sure you saw it or was it something else? Let's in the shape of a red heart?" she suggested with raised eyebrows and a smirk on her face.

"Maybe it is?"

"Really?" she asked, lifting her head. Her hair fell in her face.

"Really," he exhaled. He leaned into her and brushed her hair out of her face. He leaned in more and soon, so did she. They were centimeters apart. They leaned in more, lips brushing against lips. Finally...

A cliffhanger appeared! [: Aren't I nice? So..I'm back. Sort of. Don't hurt me. R&R
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