Categories > Original > Drama > Sorry will cut it

I love you

by xstarx 1 review

okayy like thanxx for the first person to review this storyy..if i get 2 more reviews on the first chapter..and 4 on this one..ill do another chapter..and idr if i put her name in the first storyy....

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] [R] - Published: 2009-07-09 - Updated: 2009-07-10 - 347 words - Complete

OH. MY. GOD. I can not even sleep without Erik scaring me. I woke up to him screaming, "BRRENN!" I shot up like I heard someone shoot a gun right beside me. "Here," I croaked out. He appeared in the doorway. He looked mad. I winced. Then his look softened. "Hey, baby," he said, walking over to me and kissing my forehead. I froze. What did I tell you? He acts like a jerk then he can be nice. "W-what time is i-it?" I choked out. "Noon." My eyes widened. "Why did you let me sleep so late?" I asked. I cringed then knowing I shouldn't have said that. He shrugged and smiled, "Cause I woke up like 15 minutes ago." "Oh." "Would you like to go out for lunch?" "Um..okayy." "Yay!" Erik stood up and clapped his hands. I giggled. Now he's nice. But later I'd be panicking. "Okay, I'll let you get dressed. I'll get dressed in the bathroom." "No, Erik. I'll get dressed in the bathroom. I'm gonna shower anyway." He smiled. "Okay." "Then.." I stood up and stretched. I went to my dresser and opened a drawer. But I felt something pull me back and hands wrapped around my waist. I turned my head around and saw Erik. He kissed my lips. I stood, limp. Scared. He pulled away. "I love you, Brrenn." "You too." He smiled again and let me go then he went downstairs. I sighed then pulled out a black Escape The Fate shirt I made myself. I got some skinny jeans out and a pair of underwear and a bra. I grabbed my deodorant and headed to the bathroom. I locked the door and turned the water on. I stripped outta my clothes and got in the hot water. I washed my hair quickly. I got out soon and dried myself out. I changed into my clothes and blow dried my hair. I put on eyeliner and mascara. Then I headed downstairs. I heard Erik shout. And I heard him scream the name B-R-R-E-N-N.
Oh god. its short.
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