Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Parents Suck...But Grandparents Don't!
Parents Suck...But Grandparents Don't!
(#) KrissElEkTRik 2009-07-20
OMFG, seriously, your gran does own! I suppose my parent and grandparents don't really understand all the MCR stuff, but your situation kinda reminds me of me, my mum, and Tokio Hotel. My mum seriously thinks I'm a lesbian, no joke. And she says I shouldn't be listening to suicidal music, and she calls me a freak for learning German. Despite the fact that TH saves lives, not on an MCR scale though, they're unbeatable. But seriously, that's my rant over... but your Gran understands, so thats cool, and she gets them.
Kriss xAuthor's response
Hahaha. Yeah, my grandma is amazing. She takes me to hot topic. It's great.
I think it's honestly one of the worst things when parents can't accept their kids. It's idotic. I'd accept my kid. Even if I didn't like what they liked. Thanks.
xoxoxParents Suck...But Grandparents Don't!
(#) MyFamousLastWords 2009-07-20
May I have your grandmother?
No but seriously, that is some serious uberly epic stuff.
At least she understands MCR and all that craic.
F oxox.Author's response
NO SHE'S MINE!!!!!! Jk. She's so great.
It's crazy, because my mom's sister is completely different than my mom. She's all about independence and being your own person. From my mom's side, aside from my grandma, she's the one that's like, "Do you what you want. Go to art school. Be in a band."
I've got some epic family. My other aunt is awesome too.
Thanks. xoxox.Parents Suck...But Grandparents Don't!
(#) _Amy_Revenge_ 2009-07-20
Oh my gosh that's hilarious! But then again..grandparents are sometimes WAY cooler then parents XD Like my mom's mom is really cool and my dad's mom is..really weird. But anyway, maybe you should just live with your gma! ^^
REVENGEAuthor's response
I should live with my grandma, because she's awesome. The problem is, my grandpa wants me to be a doctor. Actually, according to him I don't have a choice. I WILL be a doctor. I'm gonna have to cut myself off from my mom and him when I'm like 18. Oh well. Yeah, then I could be near my aunt and cousins too, which would be bad fuckin ass. Don't worry Thalia, I'd take you with me! We could have a three way with James.Parents Suck...But Grandparents Don't!
(#) RachelxFrankie 2009-07-20
That's exactly what it's like with my parents and grandparents. I played Helena on piano for my grandma, and she said it was a beautiful. It also made her cry, because my grandpa died in October of last year. (His funeral was on Frank's birthday, BTW.) I played Helena for my mum, and she hated it. Once she stole my tight pants, MCR shirts, artbooks, CDs, anything to do with MCR. God, why can't she just let me listen to what I want to listen to? Sigh
FrankieAuthor's response
Awww. I'm sorry about your grandpa. Cool that his funeral was Frankie's b-day though. My mom doesn't even know I HAVE MCR shirts. I have to hide them. sad isn't it? I don't get why parents can't leave their kids the fuck alone. What ever. Do what you want!
Funny story too- today, i was drawing Frank, and my three year old cousin comes up and says, "Vangie, who's that?"
And I said, "It's Frankie."
And she goes, "is he in your class?"
And I laughed and said, "I wish. But he's friends with Gerard." She knows who Gerard is. She thinks I'm friends with him. I'll break it to her eventually, if she ever likes MCR. Just thought it was funny.Parents Suck...But Grandparents Don't!
(#) xstarx 2009-07-20
ur grandma owns! i want my mom two listen two I dont love you but she wont and i thinkk its nice sweet song and makes me wanna cry. and for the gurl about tokio hotel, i like them two and one time my parents tookk away my tokio hotel cd and i threww a fit and i got it backk dayys later. but i thinkk myy parentss thinkk if theyy take away myy mcr cd ill lose it.Author's response
I had my mom listen to famous last words. YOu know what happened? SHe listened to the first fifteen seconds, then said, "He says heart too weird. I can't listen to it."
My mom thinks I don't have MCR on my ipod anymore. Stupid bitch. Haha.Parents Suck...But Grandparents Don't!
(#) E-JayLovesGerard 2009-07-21
I mean this in the nicest way possible.... STOP BITCHING PLEASE?!
We kinda get it. Parents suck. its their prerogative though. I bet you'll be like it when you have kids.
xox EAuthor's response
Hahaha, I get it! I was waiting for someone to say that actually. I just figured there were some people that wanted to bitch, and I'd give them a place to do it :] I just thought my grandma deserved some recognition for awesomeness. I'm done now xoxoxParents Suck...But Grandparents Don't!
(#) E-JayLovesGerard 2009-07-21
I feel badd now. i've had time to think of what i said and i apologize...
I bitch alot too.... well, half my life has been spent bitching sooo yeah :D
xox EParents Suck...But Grandparents Don't!
(#) InsertWittyNameHere 2009-07-21
Your Grandmother rocks(:
'nuff said. x]
&& she can work an ipod.
My Grandma can barely work the TV not to mind a complicated ipod. aha.
I Love how she gets MCR too, I have the exact same relationship with my older cousin. He bought me my first MCR CD for christmas one year and it changed me drastically.
Btw, I have two Ipod's, My old one and my new one which my mom doesn't know about xD One is filled with shitty dance music and country while the other is filled my MY music. I do this because my mom does a monthly check on the music in my ipod, so she can make sure that I have no music that's a "bad influence" on me. >.
Parents Suck...But Grandparents Don't!
(#) nicole_ownsxxx 2009-07-22
It's weird how things work like that. My dad, who i love and let's me be myself, is awesome, and my mom, who is a hypocritical bitch, sucks. Yet, I hate my dad's mom. I actually snuck out of the house when she stopped by to see me once by crawling out the bathroom window. She never knew.
My mom's mom is the most amazing woman I know. She doesn't really like rock, but she'll listen to it if I have it on and not say anything.
She also doesn't like my mom. We vent frequently to each other. XD. It's very therapeutic.Parents Suck...But Grandparents Don't!
(#) vampyGee 2009-07-25
i love your grandma!
That is great, really great, at least the kindhearted elderly can love mcr too!
my grandparents would call me a devil worshiper for listening to mcr, except my granpa, hes cool with my music!
so you play piano and draw well?
tell me why i don't personally know you?
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