Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > This is how I Disappear

This is how I Disappear

by lestiie 0 reviews

The Sequal to Drowning Lessons After the birth of Lillie Hope Way Gerard and Sophie have come into some dificulties.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-05-14 - Updated: 2008-05-22 - 246 words - Complete

"Mummy, theres something outthide my window" My three year old daugter Lillie crys to me.
I glance at the clock behind Lillies head. Its 2:00am. I stagger out of bed and scoop Lillie up. I kiss her on the forhead and carry her down the hall to her bedroom.
"Im sure its just a shadow" I say comforting her.
I open her door, then I stop, stunned. Lillie lets out a whimper. The window is open. I put lillie in her bed and walk over to shut the window. I hear lillie cry and then i see him. There is a man craddleing lillie.
I run towards my baby. She's crying. But before i get there The mysterious man jumps out the window clutching my baby. Glass shatters everywhere.

"Lillie!" i scream and run towards the window.

Gerard runs into the room just as I jump from the window. Lillies bedroom is on the second story of the house, but luckily there is a pool underneathh her window. I see lillie and the man in the edge of the pool.

Gerard runs down the stairs knowin that it will probally be fastser. On the way down he grabs the signed baseball bat and sprinted after the now wet and on his way to the black car parked across the road.

The car revs and starts to drive off. I jump out of the icy cold pool and run after it, with Gerard right behind the car.
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