Categories > Original > Fantasy > Footprints to Pawprints

Footprints to Pawprints

by pandaxbear 0 reviews

A werewolf prince, a human girl. Worlds collide.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-07-29 - Updated: 2009-07-30 - 562 words

The forrest is a quiet place. It is a safe place. A place of forgetfullness and dreams. Almost an entirely different world. Almost magical. My Hideaway. There, i can forget everything. I can breathe. I can pretend im not myself. I can imagine I am the queen of this forrest. That i am becoming part of it. I can blend in with the beautiful red/orange leaves, turning with autumns kisses. I can run with the soft river. I can ride the breezes, and whisper to the trees. Its as if I belong here. In this sanctuary of nature. Its my second home.

Until i hear my step father yell "SAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!". I cringe. "I HAVE DISHES THAT NEED TO BE WASHEDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!". I sigh. John and his blunt, angry tempers, that always seem to involve me. With one last look, i sprint back to my house.

When I arrived at home, John was waiting for me. "Dishes" he grunted. "Dont worry, I heard you" i muttered to myself. My step father John, always had a job to be done by me. Washing the car, re-painting the front door...dishes. Besides his new job as a business man, my mother and I were the only ones who worked. My mother did laundry and cooked, while i cleaned the rest of the house and did whatever odd job was waiting for me back home. I stumbled into the kitchen area where my plump mother was sitting at the table reading a weightloss cook book. It sounded like an oxymoron to me. Noel smiled and looked up from her book. "Hi Sara, look what i got from the library". She held up her book for me to see. "I think ill lose alot of weight with these recipies". I nodded. if i had a nickel for each time she said "ill lose alot of weight with...", i would be a rich rich girl. as i started the dishes, my mind drifted back to the forrest. i loved it. it was my love. i wished i could become the queen of it. i wanted to have that beauty all captured up and given to me. to lay in the small medows and live in its tall trees.
as all this was going through my mind, my little brother Joseph came in, took a clean cup out of the cupboard (instead of using his original cup), poured some water in it, drank, and left it there. i rolled my eyes. lazy little jerk. speaking of jerk, i could hear my other little brother David playing Gears of War quite loudly. He and Kevin, NEVER worked. ever. they played video games, ate, and skate boared with their friends. and my step father (their real father) spoiled them to death. sometimes i wished i were 18, so i could move out.

Later in my room i gathered up my supplies for the next day. Monday. August 10th. First day of school. and as if this wasnt punishment enough, i had to wear the most hideous uniform ever. it was a short black skirt, with a white dress shirt , and a sweater vest (the vest color choices were an ivy green, or burgundy). lovely

After i had showered, brushed my teeth and done other necessary things, i crawled into bed; slipping into a dream full of trees and green, and rushing water.
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