Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > The City Is At War

Have some class

by adalae 1 review

Harper gets incriminating photos of Caleb and the guys

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2009-07-31 - Updated: 2009-08-01 - 763 words

Chapter Three: Have Some Class

A couple of days had gone by silently and Harper and Adalae were feeling victorious. Feeling confident that they had won, Adalae had packed her bags and ran off to visit her family in Florida, leaving Harper to ‘man the fort’. Harper decided that to celebrate the victory - a party was absolutely necessary.

The next night the apartment had been party-proofed. This meant all of the breakables were locked in Adalae’s room (since she was out of town) and the door locked – Harper having the only key. She was stocked in beverages and snack-y foods and slowly people began to trickle in. With Harper’s Internet celeb status there were many people she didn’t now and, unfortunately, some familiar faces in the crowd. “Hey there Caleb,” Harper said with a grin and plopped down on the couch next to her rival.

“Hey there Harper,” Caleb responded sipping at his drink, “Nice place.”

“Why thanks,” she smiled, “Just keep an eye out for crickets. I don’t think we got them all…”

Caleb let out a low chuckle and continued to sip at his drink. It wasn’t really awkward between the two of them but the tension was thick - at least on his side. He looked around the room and found some of his friends getting into place. He grinned and stood up to face Harper, “A lovely party, Harper, can I get you another drink?”

Harper raised an eyebrow and nodded, “No,” she muttered and stood, “I don’t feel like getting roofie-d tonight. Thanks though,” she laughed and walked by him. A moment later Caleb had her by the arm and Harper spun around prepared to smack him for grabbing her when Austin cut the lights. A gun sounded. Voices screamed. Caleb fell to the ground. Kyle flipped on the lights and Harper looked down to find Caleb on the ground clutching at a red spot forming on his stomach.

Kent yelled that he was going to call 9-1-1 and Harper bent down to help Caleb. “Aww Harper,” Caleb muttered quietly. Harper looked down confused and tried to keep him quiet but he continued speaking, “You do care.”

“What?” Harper asked thinking he was delusional. Caleb began to laugh and moved his hand to reveal a fake blood bag beneath his shirt. All of the other guys in the room began to laugh as well and so did the rest of the party when they figured out it was a hoax. Kyle revealed a bright orange cap gun and fired off a couple of rounds and everybody resumed to dancing to music and drinking. Harper stood and kicked Caleb in the stomach and he groaned in response, “Not cool!” she yelled and threw her drink all over him.

The party continued for the night and Harper kept her distance from Caleb and the guys for fear of getting arrested for murder. She considered her options – keying their van, slashing their tires, whatever else Carrie Underwood said to do in that song – but decided she needed something big in return. Big and public.

By the end of the night a mostly sober Harper brought out the camera on the wasted guys from Forever the Sickest Kids. Being as sneaky as possible she caught them in her room playing dress up with her clothes. –Priceless- Harper thought to herself as Kyle tried to squeeze into one of her skinny jeans. She should have felt violated but knew that she would eventually get the revenge she deserved. Then it happened. Harper figured out what the next day’s blog would be about as Caleb emerged from her bathroom with a mini dress over his jeans and Kent attempting to do makeup on him. She took a few steps back and began to rejoin the party when Austin burst into the apartment and ran straight to the room with a giant black bag of….well Harper wasn’t quite sure. She slipped back next to the door to watch Austin and Jon unload a plethora of plastic pink flamingos and lawn gnomes to set up around Harper’s bedroom.

Grinning with pleasure Harper waved the guys off with their designated driver an hour or so later. She walked back up to her room and packed all of the lawn gnomes and flamingos in another bag and began to plot her revenge. She turned off the music and the only sounds to be heard was the sound of her printer printing all of the incriminating photos.
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