Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Oh Baby!

Thundercats Are Go!

by shehadtheworld12 18 reviews

Yeah.. I went there. You don't wanna miss this!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Humor,Parody - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2009-07-31 - Updated: 2009-08-01 - 1563 words - Complete

A/N: Well since my class is finally getting easier, I can update more (: Math is still a whore! Everyone has done her xD

3 Months Later

It's been 3 months since we last spoke on the fathers. They were ready to blow any minute, and coincidentally the fathers were expected to give birth around the same week of August 13th.

Bob eventually did get sued, but the judge decided a pregnant man could not be held accountable for his actions. He was let go with a warning, and a promise to not hurt cameras, even if they did deserve it. Bob agreed, but with rules. A camera could not be in eyesight of him. A camera could not flash in front of him. A camera could not be in the same room with him, unless he's taking the pictures. No one gets hurt that way. Him and Belle have also become closer, but they were too shy to admit their feelings for one another. They had all the clothes and baby things ready, since Belle pretty much forced Bob to put them away. The other fathers had yet to organize their baby's belongings.

And Gerard eventually did sell his 80 boxes of chocolate.

"Lindsey! Can you get my shoes?"

"Where are they?"

"In front of me." He said simply.

"Why you can't you get them?"

"You know I can't bend down Lindsey!"

"Fine." Lindsey sighed as she picked up Gerard's smelly shoes. She sprayed it very quickly with Lysol, before helping him put it on. He was fully bloated now. His belly was so protruding, Lindsey swore he could change the capacity level on an airplane. He sweat quite frequently from him always sweating, and the summer heat, something Lindsey was tortured from. All the fathers were going along quite nicely, except for Frank and Mikey of course.

"There." She sighed with relief.

"Thanks so much. Now give me a hand? I feel like I could eat a wizard."

"Huh?" Lindsey narrowed her eyes as she helped him up from the couch."

"I'm starved Lindsey, gosh!"

"Well let's get to the barbeque then. You don't have to be so mean."

"Christa where's my Juicy Juice?"

"Your what?" Christa called from the living room.

"My Juicy Juice!"

"Oh. It's in the pantry." Ray smiled as he headed for the pantry, but the smile soon faded, as he saw a Juicy Juice jug, not the individually wrapped plastic straw juice boxes. Ray took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. No one messes with his Juicy Juice.

"Christa, why is there a Juicy Juice jug?"

"Err. Cause that's what you asked for?"

"But you know, I like the juice boxes! I have to have a straw to drink my juice!"

"They ran out."

"And it's white grape to top it all off! I wanted strawberry!"

"I'm sorry Ray!"

"What I am gonna do now? It's no fun drinking out of a stupid plastic cup. I enjoy unwrapping the plastic white straw and plunging it through the juice box. I enjoy sipping through the straw, and tasting the delicious strawberry. I can't do that now."

"When they restock the juice boxes I will get you a case."

"But I want it now." He pouted sadly.

"Jamiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia! Oh my god!" Frank cried.

"What?!" Jamia came in with a fright, she had been so scared Frank would go into labor any day now.

"Jamia. Look to you're left. Oh. my. god. Do you see that big ass spider?!" Jamia put a hand to her forehead and breathed deeply to stop her heart from beating so fast. She turned to her left and indeed see a spider in the corner of the living room. She rolled her eyes and quickly got it with a tissue and dropped in the trashcan where Frank refused to move until he was sure it was really dead.

"Frank it's dead okay? We're gonna be late."

"Fine. I hate this! I hate spiders! They're gross!"

"Well Frank, they're apart of the world too. Imagine what they think about us humans."

"I don't know and I don't care." Frank mocked like a child, while Jamia bit her lip.

"C'mon. Let's stop being dramatic and head on out. I'm sure the spider won't follow you."

"How do you know Jamia?! How do you know?! They. Are. Everywhere."

"Cause it's summer, Frank. They need shade. They won't bother you."

"Okay. But you best believe I'm carrying a can of Raid with me."

Back at uncle Billie Joe's house, a nice perfectly planned baby barbeque was in motion. Food galore, and even small baby gifts were given to the fathers. a large gazebo was out in the backyard with black curtains and a pool. Bob was helping Belle make a salad, while Ray was playing with his Nintendo DS, and Christa and Alicia were putting pies into the oven. Jamia was trying to calm Frank down about the spider incident while he just kept going on, and on, and on.

"Mikey. Please limit yourself." Alicia said worriedly. She couldn't say it out loud, but Mikey was huge. He belly was just out there. He knocked down candles the other day, and he still expelled gas. She figured it was because he was eating all the damn sushi. His favorite Mexican food wasn't doing justice either.

"Alicia? You worry too much. I'm fine okay? I feel like a brand new person, and I have never looked this good before." Mikey smiled as Alicia bit her lip.

"Uh-huh. Just watch it please."

"Okay...Jax? Can you please quit kicking my stomach? I promise I'll enroll you in soccer classes as soon as you can lift a ball." He sighed as he put a hand on his tummy. He felt both feet kicking him, but really it felt like more.

"Can I just tell you's, that I can't wait until I get this birth over with. I feel so expanded." Bob said tiredly, as he sat down and closed his eyes for a second. When suddenly Frank squirmed and trembled.

"Bob. Don't. Move."


"Cause there is a bee on the top of your head."

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!" Bob said getting up running away, or rather wobbled, while smacking his hands on his head.

"Leave me alone! I didn't do anything! Why do you keep stalking me?!" Bob shrieked, tired of many encounters with the yellow and black insect.

"Isitgoneisitgoneisitgoneisitgone?!" He yelled.

"Okay! Okay! It's gone. Relax."

"That gunker. You don't understand, I've been fighting this bee the whole day."

After the bee left, and the sun was halfway down. Everyone gathered around the gazebo to eat dinner and relax. Frank kept the can of Raid on the floor, ready and prepared just incase, a spider happened to show it's face. Ray was still secretly pissed off he didn't he get his Juicy Juice.

"Oh my gosh a spider!" Mikey yelled.

"Ah! Where?!" Frank grabbed the can of Raid.

"Haha. You are so easy."

"Alicia? Can I ask you a question? How do you manage to stay married to an asshole like him?" Frank pointed with his fork at Mikey, who smirked.

"Strawberry SHORT cake." Mikey retorted.

"Starbucks whore."


"Guys quit it. All you do is argue." Alicia frowned.

"Argue? Never. We're just expressing how we feel towards each other." Frank said coolly.

"In a non positive way." Jamia mumbled under breath.

"It's actually entertaining really." Gerard intervened.

"Stop encouraging Gerard!" Lindsey, Jamia, Alicia yelled in unison.

"Well that was rude." Gerard frowned.

"Now if she does it like this will you do it like that?
Now if she touches like this, will you touch her right back?
Now if she moves like this, will you move like that (come on)
Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake It!
" Blared from the radio, Mikey had brought out. Thankful, Billie Joe was nice enough to let them borrow the house while he was away on tour.

"I love this song!" Frank tried to shake it, while everyone else laughed. How often do you see a pregnant man dancing? Exactly.

"Calm down Frank." Gerard laughed.

"Why? Are you deja jealous of my shaking skills?" Frank smirked and sat back down. The sun was already down, and the sky was a dark blue, with stars coming into view.

"Ah not again! Mikey control yourself!" Gerard pouted while fanning himself.

"Sorry guys! It just happens."

"Just happens? Just happens that you explode your gas everywhere?" Ray laughed.

"You try being pregnant and gassy." The fathers gave him a look.

"You know what I mean!" He snapped. Everyone laughed and went back to their own conversations.

Frank had no encounters with spiders. Bob had no encounters with the bee. Everything seemed at peace. Until......

"Eww. Bob I think you peed." Frank giggled.

"Huh?" Bob mumbled.

"OH MY GOD YOUR WATER BROKE!" Belle shrieked.

"What? Oh my god! What do we do-OWW son of a PEACH!" Bob yelled grabbing his stomach.

"You wanted to get it over with, Bob." Frank said simply, while Bob glared.

It all starts here. Only two chapters left and I'm gonna break it up (: Many surprises in store, and I hope you guys are ready! Thanks guys for all of your previous reviews. You are awesome.

By the way, Juicy Juice rox my sox. Sorry, just felt the need to share that...

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