Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Get Under My Damn Skin.

Who Knew?

by shehadtheworld12 3 reviews

Getting to know eachother, and a haunting memory.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-07-31 - Updated: 2009-08-01 - 1004 words

Bob's POV

"It don't look like nothing." I whispered carefully. I didn't want to push her limits.

"It's nothing. I fell a couple years ago, and the scar never healed." She said softly. A gut instinct had told me it wasn't the whole truth, but I let it go. It was her to tell, not me.

"So I can imagine you have a girlfriend." Ashley changed the subject. I laughed out loud, just deciding there was no point in asking anymore.

"Umm, no I don't actually."

"Sure." She said sarcastically.

"I'm being honest here. And besides, I can ask you the same question." I smirked.

"No, not me."

"Huh." I mumbled and she nodded.

"Well now I don't feel alone. Besides my cat." I cocked my head. She giggled.

"You? Cats? I didn't think much of you as a 'cat person.'"

"Seems there's a lot you thought wrong about me." I mocked.

"Back at ya." She smirked.

"I conquer." I gave in. She got me there.

"So is this where all the cops go when they're not on the job? If so, I've been misinformed." she joked.

"Not every cop, but I do enjoy coming here. It brings back memories."

"Good, I would hope." She laughed.

"Yes, good memories. I've only gotten in a fight 5 times here."

"5 times?!" Her eyes bulged.

"You're acting as if it was a big deal."

"It is! People usually get in a fight like umm...once."

"Ashley, Ashley, Ashley, you know that is not true." I chuckled.

"Well for me it is!"

"You've been in a bar fight?"



"But it's not the fighting. Charlie? He used to be best friends with my father. He's like the replacement." I smiled.

"That's sweet. Where is your father now?"

"Umm he left me and my and brother when I was 5."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know you lost your father too." She frowned.

"You're not the only one, ya know." I whispered.

Ashley's POV.

It's been so long since I smiled, and I swore it almost hurt to do so. But it was nice talking to him more, maybe he wasn't the jerk off I thought he was. Maybe he did have feelings.

"Well this place certainly has....charm." I mumbled. He laughed.

"It's been worse. They fixed it up quite a lot. It's Jersey's favorite place to drink."

"It shows."

"Yeah it is, except for the dirt bags that come in and act ridiculous. Those are the fights I get into. I can tell you're were wondering."

"Got me there. Thought I'm not surprised. You look like could take a hit, then deliver it twice as strong." Oh my god. I just blurted that out didn't I?
That was smooth...criminal...

Shut up.

"Thanks." He blushed, which made feel less of a moron.

"" It was my turn to blush this time.

Bob's POV

After 2 more beers, and some peanuts, I figured It was time to go. Ashley had agreed, and pretty soon were leaving Charlie's where, I promised I would come in a couple days to visit all over again. It's sad a bar is like my second home, but it is in some weird way.

I swear I'm not an alcoholic.

Not full time at least.

Nobody asked you...

True, but everyone has the right to say what they want.

You know, you're supposed to be on MY side.

If I was on your side Robert, my job would...well boring.

In that case, I'm so glad my inner humiliation is comedy to you.

"Well tonight was definitely different...but I liked it." She smiled at me.

"Good, cause that was the whole point."

"Thanks for inviting me. I'll keep Charlie's in mind next time I'm bored." She giggled.

"I hope so. That's only place you're going to get beer that won't steal your money."

"Indeed." She grinned.

"I better go." She said adjusting her purse on her arm.

"Yeah me too."

"I'll umm see you tomorrow." She waved.

"Yeah." I whispered with a twinge of disappointment. She always leaves me hanging. She's like a book that's just waiting to spill out her secrets.
In time, I'll get to know those secrets......

Ashley's POV

I blushed as soon as I walked away. I don't know what it is, but I just feel embarrassed after this happens. It's hard to explain, but I'm just not used to being with another person again..not after what happened before. It's a fear I can't overcome, and it's ruined so many times someone tried to get close to me, I can't allow it to happen. But when I'm with him, it doesn't feel like hate anymore. It feels like something else. I know it's not love, but it still feels nice.

I slowly let myself in to my apartment and crashed on my bed. I didn't even bother to change my clothes. I wrapped my hands around my black pillow and just let myself go where ever it headed. I didn't even realize I had closed my eyes.


"Stop it Jake! You can't do this."

"You tried to leave me." He hissed, while dangling the knife in his hands.

"Please don't! I love you!"

"LIAR!" He screamed and ran at me full force while I tried to duck but he grabbed my arm and pretty soon I felt my arm being sliced. I screamed in agony, as blood dripped down my arm as I fell to the floor and cradled it. I hissed as the cold air stung it.

Flashback Ends.

"No!" I gasped for air as I woke up and searched around the dark room for any shadows or figures. There was none and I rolled my eyes and put a hand to my heart. I felt sweat on my forehead, and I quickly wiped it off.

"Never goes away." I whispered. This is how it is. My memories are haunting and it's stopping me from being normal. I guess 3 years of therapy just wasn't enough...
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