Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 'Cause Everyone Hates You.

Chapter 23

by MyChemicalSuicide 6 reviews

Read it, read it, dooo it doooo it, you know you want to ! (;

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-08-01 - Updated: 2009-08-01 - 2630 words

I wanted this to be more of an epic win, but I think it’s kind of a fail. I tried my hardest though, and I hope you guys like it. A little bit at least. Don’t hate me after you read this, you’ll love me later. Maybe. (: Well here it is, Chapter 23.

I stayed in my car for quite awhile, head on my steering wheel, crying my eyes out, waiting for the moment when the passenger side door would open and Frank would sit down and put an arm around my shoulder, telling me that it meant nothing, that he loved me and only me, and that everything would be okay, but of course - that didn’t happen.

I knew that I couldn’t go home, so my only choice was either to find a motel(ew), sleep in my car(eh..) or go back inside(God help me).

Just go inside, you pussy. Stop being a little bitch and tell Frank off.
But I love him, ya know? I don’t want to hurt him...
He’s hurting you, isn’t he?
Well yeah...
Then go, go hurt him!
I... I think I will. This is like; the first time you actually weren’t a douche bag.
Yeah, well you’re crying is giving me a headache.
You don’t have a...
Just shut up and go.

I took a deep breath and stepped out of my car, slowly walking to the door and bracing myself before turning the handle and stepping inside. I walked down the hallway to Frank’s room, the door was closed. I took another deep, deep, deep breath and flung it open. There they were, lying on the bed together. Rosie straddling Frank, sucking on his neck while his hands tangled in her hair. I blinked quickly, holding back tears so I could actually say what I needed to say.
“Stop!” I shouted, and Rosie jumped, snapping her head back, giving me an evil smirk. Frank sat up and moved Rosie off of him, looking up at me, biting his lip and looking down at the floor.

“How... How could you do this to me, Frank?” I choked.
“I-I... I’m so sorry, I didn’t think-“
“No, you didn’t think. You’ve wanted that... that dirty whore the whole time, haven’t you?”
“NO! No, Gee, I haven’t! I swear, I don’t know how this happened.”
Don’t call me Gee anymore. Only people who... who love me call me that.” I said, closing my eyes slowly and re-opening them, still keeping my tears from slipping.
“Gee...rard, I do love you, I promise! This… this was a huge mistake!”

I shot a glare at Rosie, who was staring into space, arms cross and pouting.
I stood there, and had no idea what to say. I couldn’t think.

Say something, anything. Make him feel bad! Tell him you hate him!
But I don’t hate him. I... I love him.
Ahhhhhhh! Tell him that then!
I have! I mean, I do tell him! God this is so hard.

“Frank...” I began, “I love you, and you hurt me. You hurt me more than I’ve ever been hurt before, and I don’t know how much I can take.”
“W-what are you saying?” He asked, looking up at me with those amazing eyes, those amazing amazing eyes that could bore a hole into you.
“I... I don’t know.”I sighed.
“Rosie, can you leave?” Frank asked, looking over at her. She gasped, and left the room with a frown.

Frank patted the space next to him on the bed and I reluctantly sat down next to him. He placed an arm around my shoulders and I of course, loved the feeling, but knew I couldn’t, so I scooted out of his grasp. He sighed and nodded, placing his hands in his lap.

“Gerard, I really love you, I do. She just-“
“No, stop blaming her. This was you. All you, and you know it!” I yelled.
Frank nodded and ran a hand through his hair, “Yeah, I guess it was... I’m sorry I talked you into that, I don’t have any idea what I was thinking.”
“I think I do,” I said quietly, “Was it something like this? ‘Hmm... Gerard is a guy and that’s just gross! But Rosie, Rosie has a vagina! I looooove vagina’s! The only penis I like is my own! Ha ha ha Gerard!” I shouted.
“No! Gerard, please, that isn’t what I thought! I swear, I do love you!” He pleaded.
“Then why did you do it?” I asked sadly.
“I... I guess I just wanted clarification.”
“Clarification on what?” I asked harshly.
“On if I really do like guys.”
“Oh, yeah?” I said, I’m completely not convinced that that’s actually why, but I’ll play along, “And the verdict is..?”
“I do.” He said simply.
“Then why didn’t you follow me when I left? Why did you keep kissing her? Why-“
“Gee, I don’t know! Please just believe me; I have no feelings for Rosie! You’re the only person in the entire world that I love, and you know that.”
“Do I?” I asked, “Do I really know that?”
“I... I guess not.”
“In a way... I do. And in another way, I don’t. Frank,” I said, turning my body towards him, “I love you. Very much. But for right now, I can’t do this. My head is spinning and my heart is breaking and I just need time to think. I’m going to sleep in my car tonight.” I said, getting up from the bed. Frank grabbed onto my hand and I turned back to look at him. He stood up, “No, Gee, please. Stay here, with me, please? I... I need you.”
I shut my eyes and sighed, “Do you really need me?”
Frank nodded, “Of course I do.”
“Because, Gerard, you mean the world to me and I didn’t hurt you on purpose.”
“Why did you do that to me, then?!” I yelled.
“Haven’t you ever been with a girl?”
“Once, we barely even kissed.”
“Oh.” He said quietly, “Well, it feels different, and I just wanted to feel it once more.”
“And what if you want to feel it ‘once more’ again?”
“I don’t.”
“How do I know that?” I asked.
“Okay, do you even see a bulge?” He said, motioning to his pants.
I laughed softly, “No, no I don’t.”
“When we make out like that, do I get boners?”
I smiled for a moment, “Every time.”
“Exactly. “ He smiled, and stepped closer to me.

I took a step closer to him as well and he leaned up to kiss me, and before our lips met I could smell... Rosie. Her lip gloss, strawberry scented. I put my hands on his chest to keep him from kissing me, “I... I can’t. Not now. I’m sorry.” I said, walking out to my car. I got into the back seat and sprawled across it, resting my head on the door. There was a knock on the window and I looked up to see Frank. I opened the door and sat up. He came in and sat down with me, a pillow and blanket in hand.

“I thought you could use these.” He said.
“Thank you.” I smiled softly, taking them from him.
“Any time.”

Pretty much, yeah.

“Well... I’ll go. I... I love you, Gee- Gerard, I mean.”
“Call me Gee.” I smiled, and he got out of the car, walking back into the house.

I lay down with my head on the pillow and covered myself with the blanket, falling asleep quickly. I woke up and GOD my neck fucking hurts. I can barely turn it to the left. I took out my phone to check the time, 12:13PM. I slept longer than I thought I would. Whatever. Should I go inside..? I don’t know…

Yeah, I think you should

Sooo... I walked out of the car and into the house. I could hear someone in the kitchen and went to see if it was Frank; it was. I sat at the kitchen table and hummed quietly.

“Oh, hi Gee.” Frank said, turning from the refrigerator. “Want something to eat?”
“Sure, what do you guys have?”
“Um... We have Cocoa puffs.” He replied.
“Awesome.” I said, looking through the cabinets for a bowl.
“Sit, Gee. I’ll do it.” Frank told me, wrapping an arm around my arm dragging me back to my seat.
“No, you don’t ha-“
“It’s the least, and I mean very least, I could do.” He said, hands on top of my shoulders. I simply nodded and watched him make my cereal. He returned to the table with my cocoa puffs in hand.

Hahahah, I thought only black people could have their cocoa puffs in their boyfriends hand.
Wha- Oh my God, shut up.

He returned to the table with my cereal in hand.
Much better
-And sat down next to me.

“Hey would you mind if I ran out real quick, I’ll be back in a bit.”
“Um… yeah, sure, go ahead.” I replied. What if he goes to see Rosie? Maybe… Maybe I could follow him…
“Alright, I’ll uh, I’ll be back.” Frank told me before getting up and leaving his house.

I grabbed my cereal bowl and watched him leave the drive way from behind the curtains of his living room window. After he was far down the street, and my cereal was finished of course, I headed out and took the same roads he did until I saw his car parked in front of some random store. I parked my car a block down, in between two trucks so he (hopefully) wouldn’t see, and started to walk towards his car. I saw him walk out of Sandy’s Stuff, amazing name job; I have to give Sandy her props, and pull out his cell phone. He had a small bag in his left hand, and I need to know what’s in it. He began to talk into the phone and I slyly got within earshot of him.

‘Sorry I’ve been gone so long… I can’t wait to see you again. I have something for you. I love you.’

WHAT!? That fucking cunt, Rosie. He LOVES her?!?! FUCK THAT. I hate him, I fucking hate him. I mean, seriously? How could he do this to me? I felt the stinging of tears but I blinked them away. I trudged to my car and sped off, back to his house. I got in and sat at the kitchen table trying to remain calm so I can act as if I wasn’t following him and going total creepy stalker on him.

Like you were when you first met him?
Shut up, that was not even close to stalking him.
You broke into his house!
Technically I just tried the door and it was open, no breaking anything.
Ugh, still, you’re a stalker, embrace it.
I refuse.

“Gee! I’m home now; I have to tell you something.”

Hmm, I wonder if it would be something along the lines of “you’re a fag, I’m breaking up with you. I love Rosie, you queer bag.” I’m guessing so.

“I’m in the kitchen.” I said blankly.

He walked in and smiled brightly at me. That fake mother fucker.

“Do you have your phone on you?”
“I called it, and I got your voicemail.”
“Let me check…” I said, digging in my pocket for it, and pulling it out.

Ha you pulled it out of your pants.
Yeah, I di- Ohhh. Ha ha ha no.

“It’s on silent.”
“Oh, I left a voicemail.”
“You… Can check it..?” He said, in a very rude-like tone.
“Uh.. Can’t you just tell me?”
“No!” He snapped, “I mean, no, you have to check it.”
“Uhmm... Okay…” I said, dialing my own number and clicking send.
Probably too pussy to break up with me in person.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

“You have one new message.” The robotic voice told me. “Message from; number 221-612-1995 at 1:29PM” Okay, brace yourself Gerard, brace yourself.

“Sorry I’ve been gone so long… I can’t wait to see you again. I have something for you. I love you.” Frank’s voice said, and my eyes grew wide. It wasn’t to Rosie…? I sighed in relief.

“Frank…?” I asked after I shut my phone, “Why couldn’t you just tell me that?”
“Cuz I saw you when I left the store, and when I hung up I saw you’re face looked hurt. The car ride home I was thinking about why and so I replayed the message over and over in my head and I realized that you probably thought I was talking to Rosie.”
“Pssh, pfft, nooo, I didn’t think that.”
“I know you too well, Gee.”
“Okay okay, shuddup, now what do you have for me?” I giggled.

He pulled a small box out of his pocket and what the hell? He opened the box towards himself so I couldn’t see what was in it. He slowly looked up at me and smiled before taking my left hand. “This, Gerard, is a promise.” He said, before slipping a silver ring with a small heart on the top of it onto my ring finger.

What the fuck! I knew you were gay but not a FLAMING HOMOSEXUAL.
Shut up, it’s adorable!

“I know that promise rings are usually for promising that you’ll be abstinent or whatever but this has a different meaning. This is me promising to you that I will forever love you, and only you, no matter who comes along. I – will – always – love – you.”

I had to choke back my tears, and I hugged him so tightly. He put his forehead into the crook of my neck and I let a singe tear slide down my cheek.

“Frankie… Thank you. I love you.” I said after we had pulled apart from our embrace.
“I love you, too. I’m so sorry. I have a ring, too. See.” He said, putting a matching ring on his finger as well.
“Oh Frankie! I forgive you, I forgive you!” I said, kissing him softly. He worked his lips against mine and quickly pulled away.
“I made sure to sterilize my lips this morning from Rosie’s lip junk. I hate strawberries, anyway. Gerard is so much better.”
“Frankie, you’re so corny.” I said, kissing him quickly, “and I love it.”

Ending was just as corny as Frank’s little line, I know:P But like I said, this whole this was kind of a fail. Whatever, though. I hope some of you liked it, I tried to make it kind of long but I think I just dragged it out too much. I dunno, you tell me. (: Oh! I’m working up the courage for my Redlight District story, because there’ll be sex in it and gahhh I’m so nervous! OH! And another thing, I need your help. I have a slight idea of how I want to end this but I want you points at you to tell me how you’d like it to end, just so I could kind of see what you guys are thinking and maybe dabble into each of your ideas a bit so I can make everyone happy! Review?(:
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