Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Reaver Legacy

Reaver Legacy

by waterfox 5 reviews

when Dumbledore left harry on the doorstep, harry's coin of fate was tossed, landing on one side he would defeat voldemort and be the pillar of goodness, on the other he would destroy voldemort and...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Fantasy - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Luna - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2009-04-21 - Updated: 2009-04-21 - 1182 words

I do not now nor have I ever owned ether harry potter or the legacy of Kain franchises. This is a test pilot
fic to see if anyone would be interested in reading it. Reviews will help with updates but they will be few
and far between. Thank you and on with the fic.
The Reaver legacy
A Paradox created

As Dumbledore an McGonagall aparted away, while Hagrid drove/flew away on his borrowed
motorcycle the where unaware of a fourth party remaining lurking in the shadows, having watched their
interactions over the past few minutes and becoming more and more curious about what was so
important about the bundle the dropped off in this human infested settlement, and if it was so
important, why leave it unattended.

As the figure stepped from the shadows, his monstrous appearance came within full view for anyone to
see, for this creature was most obviously not human, at least not anymore. Fore even though he walked
like a man, had arms and legs, a face ears and eyes that is where all resemblance to humanity ended.

His skin was a rotting yellowish green color that rippled with muscles that showed clearing that this was
not some......thing that most would be willing to physically fight with. His arms did end in hands but they
were cloven, four fingers and thumb on each had having been replaced with three orange talon like
appendages that gripped and curled, much like human fingers. His feet too where disfigured and instead
of toes where two talon like appendages that in design, loosely resembled the hoofs of a deer. His face
however was what truly set him apart as something inhuman, it was tightly drawn across his skull, so
that every ridge of bone could be seen, his silvery main of hair was framed and held back by a crown of
horns circling his upper skull. His eye’s where a bright yellow that seemed to pierce every shadow that
he cast his gaze upon. Within his mouth, prominent fangs protruded from his gums, giving him a more
feral appearance. His clothing consisted of black leather pants, black gauntlets that covered from his
palms up to his fore arms and a red cape, that hung over his right shoulder, attached to him by a broach
that connected two ends of the crimson garment together across his chest. Upon his back he carried a
sword, the blade subtlety twisting and turning like a snake slithering across the ground. The cross guard
a jawless skull with oversized canine fangs further adding an image of terror and pain.

This demonic God, was the vampire time traveling lord, Kain, the balance guardian, who had cast his
homeland of Nosgoth into a virtual wasteland, barely able to sustain any form of life, and this bundle left
on the doorstep of number four Privet Drive had caught his attention.

Kain’s view

‘As I stepped through the time stream portal, the overwhelming stench of massive human population
assaulted me, and filled me with the basic instinctual urge to feed, as all vampires feel when surrounded
by so much sustenance, but I being of a higher breed of vampire was easily able to...restrain such urges.’

‘Upon further observation of my surrounding’s I noticed three humans across from me on the other side
of the road. One a elderly woman that seemed concerned and unsettled for unknown reasons, next to
her a giant of a man who, I’m unashamed to say easily dwarfed me by a good three feet, but it was the
last one that truly held my attention, and it took everything I had not to rip his throat out from where he
stood. At first glance he seemed little more than an decrepit old man, ancient by human standards with a
long flowing beard, and horribly repulsive purple robes, but this wasn’t what angered me, no it was the
feel of this old fool, his aura reminded me for too much of Mobious, the treacherous guardian of time,
and Nosgoth’s greatest manipulator.’

‘ as I continued to watch I noticed a bundle of cloth held within the old man’s arms, and all three seemed
to be discussing whatever was in it, and for good cause, for even from hear cloaked in shadow across the
street, I could feel the power of whatever object was wrapped up, swirling around the air, I was amused
that the humans hadn’t noticed. As they placed the object down onto the doorstep of the house then left,
I approached the bundle, reality began to shift and twist around me, I knew what this was. A paradox
was being formed, centering on the bundle and whatever action I would decide to take.’

‘ as I stood over the bundle, I was surprised to find that what was excreting so much raw energy and
power, was little more than a sleeping human baby with a fresh scar upon its head resembling a
lightning bolt. As I stared at the child, reality still warping around us, I considered the ramifications of
taking this child. On the one hand I would be taking with me a human child who could not be turned until
further along in life at which point I would turn him into a vampire, placing him as the youngest of his six
other vampire sons. On the other, leaving such a powerful being in the hands of humans and in obvious
reach of the old fool that reminded me of Mobious, left a bitter taste in my mouth.’

‘coming to a decision I picked up the bundled child cradling it in my arms, and as I did, reality stopped
shifting around me as the future found the path of least resistance to help set its self back to its chosen
path. Noticing a letter attached to the blanket, I unfolded it and began to read, as I read further along I
become more and more sure that my decision would be both beneficial to the child and amusing for me.
Coming across the child’s name, a sense of revulsion swept over me, for no fledgling of mine would be
called Harry Potter. Considering for a moment, a decided to name the child Harrell, for this child would
surely call forth a great change of destiny.’

‘Opening a portal in time a walked through it with young Harrell, back to Nosgoth, and to my empire
where my six other sons awaited my return, looking down upon my future son, I decided to add a new
twist to my cruel joke involving my children who where once the leaders of the Sarufan vampire hunters,
now my undead lieutenants sons, yes babysitting their future little brother when he is human and young
should amuse me or a while’

And so with that thought the portal closed around Kain and young Harrell, forever changing the
wizarding world’s destiny, for history arbores a paradox.

And that’s it, read and review so I know what you think.
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