Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Oh Baby!

A Few Thank Yous.

by shehadtheworld12 14 reviews

I love you all!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar - Published: 2009-08-18 - Updated: 2009-08-19 - 171 words

Thank you guys for reviewing. This list to the people who were dedicated readers xD Thanks guys!

X-InkyBlackLace-X (:

xstarx (:

Amy__Revenge. = Your are too amazing. Haha. I luff you! xD Btw, to answer your brother's question, I may conisder it xD

GimmeAllYourPills (:

Jajajajaime16 (:

Leeshdiddy22 (:

Lostmyfearoffalling (:

MyChemicalFangirl (:

MyChemicalSuicide (:

MyFamousLastWords. (:

Moonshyne (:

Nadialexandra (:

Sickly ill

TheChemicalRose (:

Thegayestgoth aka my very best friend forever (:

Tomgirl567 (:

VampyGee (:

Your reviews were so awesome to me. I would like to thank you all personally for them, and I'm glad you enjoyed it, because honestly:

1. It was my first try as alternate universe.
2. I thought I would get shunned for writing it xD
3. I had NO idea what kind of reactions I would get, but you proved me wrong!

So there. I am sad to say this story is officially finished but I must. Thank you guys AGAIN for reviewing, I know I said like a gazillion damn times already, but yeah. (:

So as a token of my gratitude, please accept the bag of Skittles I give to you.
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