Categories > Movies > Queen of the Damned > Disterbince in the Night

Disterbince in the Night

by EvilAngel1990 1 review

An extra chapter for Interview with a vampire.

Category: Queen of the Damned - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Akasha,Armand,Claudia,Lestat,Louis,Marius - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-08-16 - Updated: 2009-08-16 - 948 words

The night wind blew into her room while she brushed her long sivler hair. A noice emited from outside her glass window. She fled to it and tried to grasp the siuation below. Her neighbore, and friend, Sarah, was below waiting for someone. Not long after a boy with sun colored hair and water in his eyes appeared. He gently kissed Sarah's neck then suddenly her body went limp. The boy held her in his arms tightly as if he were holding a child, then relieced her and her useless body fell to the dirty ground, dead. The silver haired girl stood in shock at her window. The boy looked up at her and realized he had been seen in the action of killing his victem. A smirk played on his lips as four other vampires appeared around him. The street-lamp light eluminated them mystiriously. Two were men and the other two were females. One of the females stood in some anciant Egiption clothing. Her ravin har was down and landed in the small of her back and she curled her arms around one of the blond guy's shoulders in a possesive and provocitive way. The other girl was a meer child. Her golden locks in tight curles and in a beautiful sun dress with the cutest black dress shoes stood on the opposite side of the guy and slipped her small hand into his larger one. One of the men was tall in stature and very regal looking and stood slightly off to the side of the tall raven-haired beauty. He wore red velvet that could make him stand out in a crowd and his white hair was cut short at the shoulders. His eyes were hidden from her thanks to the shadow that the lamp created. The last one was a kind-looking man that stood beside the young girl and placed one of his hands on the little one's shoulder. His facial features were gentile and sad. His hair was a deep chocolate brown which came downt a little past sholder langth and amplified his bright green eyes. All five vampires smiled wickedly and bared their fangs at the silver graced girl. Her silver eyes showed much fear when they all smiled. She slowly backed away from the window and tried to convince herself that this was mearly a dream that she was having. Suddenly a great pain enveloped her neck, and she cried out. Her voice became lost as she felt the pain multiplied and intencified as she felt more bites on her body one on her left arm and two on her right and one on her thigh and felt her blood being drained. The vampires all stopped mear seconds away from killing her and let her body fall onto her bed gentily. The poor girl heard the slicing of flesh and closed her eyes tightly. She wanted nothing more than for all of this to be a bad dream.

"Do you wish to live forever or die as you are now?" came a strong and seductive voice of a man, who she guessed was one of the three male vampires who had teleported into her room behind her. Her heart was raceing and her mind was realing, trying to make sence of everything. Even if she wanted to answer she didn't think she could because the pain was so sevier.

"Why give her the option, Lestat?" came the voice of a woman, she guessed was the egyptian woman because she had an accent that sounded like she came from the desert, "She is a filthy pesent and doesn't deserve her life to be spared."

"But it's not right that she needlessly die her like this, Akasha. Lets give her the dark curse. Let's just see what kind of a vampire she would make, besides it would even the gender score." came another man's voice. It was compasionate and gentile like the brunet she saw.

"Louie, we don't need another mouth to feed, do we Armand?" came a gentile girl's voice.

"No,Cloudia, but Louie is right. We shouldn't raise too much suspision to ourselves either. Turn her Lestat, and make it quick." came the final male voice.

Now the young dieing girl knew all their names and would use this to her advantage. It won't be that bad to be a vampire, I guess. I won't have to worry about growing old and dieing for a while. I guess it's okay. she thought and as the sent of blood flared into her nostrels she gentily licked the sorce and began to suck lightly on the wound before her, being careful not to take too much. When she let go her body was wracked with unimaginable pain and anguish. She wanted to scream out but nothing escaped her lips. She then stopped moveing and breathing. Her eyes closed for a long moment. When she opened them again she took a small gasp of breath and sat up. Her skin color had not changed at all and neither had her hair unlike when Louie, Cloudia and Lestat changed. Their skin became pale and their hair looked like they had just stepped out of a salon. Truely strange but she sat up strait and looked around with a curiosity and astonishment that surpassed that of Louie and Cloudia when they first awoke. She then turned to the group of vampires and said only two words...

"I'm hungery." she said with a small sharp fanged grin.

All the other vampires smiled at this and looked at eachother with a proud smile.


That's it for now. If I get some reviews I will add a chapter or two.
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