Categories > Movies > Queen of the Damned > Disterbince in the Night

the gift's perk

by EvilAngel1990 1 review

Category: Queen of the Damned - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Akasha,Armand,Claudia,Lestat,Louis - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2009-08-21 - Updated: 2009-08-21 - 404 words

Angel stood up, her once warm with delecious living blood flowing through her body now cold with the kiss of death.She looked about with her new vampire eyes. A newly made vampire in awe of the night's beauty. She then looked to the group of vampires with an indifferent expression on her angelic face.

"What's wrong, ma cherrie?" asked Lestat, "Are you angery? Affraid? Greatful? Confused?"

Furious." was all Angel said before she lunged in attack at Lestat.

Lestat quickly faught back with his supirior experiance, but it seemed, though she was newly made, she seemed to know how to fight like one of the ancieant vampire. What was her special gift trait? Lestat and the other vampires wanted to find this out but didn't know how. He couldn't read her thoughts either. What had he made? Angel's attacks grew stronger and more elegant and faster. Lestat was soon on the defencive and loseing. It was then that the other vampires joined in and held Angel back.

"Let go of me!" she shouted in anger as she furiously kicked and pulled to free herself. Armand had her right arm while Akasha had her left and Louis had her waist. They were all three having trouble keeping her still while Lestat recovered. Cloudia was far too small and weak to even try to help hold her. Lestat stood and caught his breath and stood before her. He reached out and grabbed her chin and forced her to look him in the eyes.

"Do you know what you are now?" he asked with a grin.

"A blood drinking murderer." she growled in anger.

"No, ma cherrie, you are an immortal destined to walk the earth with us." he corrected.

"I'd rather be dead." she spat in his face.

"Don't be so haisty. Please, give us a chance to show you that it's not as bad as you are led to believe." pleaded Louis.

With his voice, Angel seemed to calm down. Her body relaxed and lostened up. "Alright. Now let go and I won't attack." Her anger still apperant in her eyes, all directed at Lestat, the one who turned her. A foul and stail wind blew into the room and the air around all of the vampires went cold as they releaced the new vampire and waited to see what she would do. The whole room was electrified with her intence fury and strangth.
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