Categories > TV > WWE > So Much More Than Meets The Eye

When The Raven's Away, The Mice Will Play

by RhiannonLeighBlack 0 reviews

Category: WWE - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-08-22 - Updated: 2009-08-22 - 1672 words - Complete

Darkness enveloped the room. Raven's deep even breaths resonated quietly from where he lay on his bed. Moonlight filtered through the window, where he'd forgotten to close the mini-blinds. Just down the hall, quiet moans of pleasure could be heard from Gypsy and Tripp's room, along with thunderous snores from the one next to it, which CM Punk occupied; and outside on the street, a group of teenagers strolled by, laughing and talking loudly about the movie they'd just seen. It was a typical Friday night for most people.

Nightingale sat inside her cage, her back against the rear facing wall, her knees hugged to her chest, just staring and listening.

It's been so long since I've tasted fresh air...felt the cool night breeze dance across my skin...I'd give anything to be able to come and go as I please, to be able to have a somewhat normal existence. Freedom is so often taken for granted, and we seldom realize how precious it is until we lose it.

Jade eyes flickered to Raven's slumbering form, and the suitcases next to his bed.

I can't wait until he's gone. One entire month without his rules, his snide remarks, that lecherous stare of his, and best of all, one whole month without having to sing. He's the one leaving but I feel like I'm the one getting a vacation...I hope Punk sticks to his word, and I hope that the communists decide to keep Raven AND that butter faced thing he wants to bring back with him.

For the first time since Raven had returned to the warehouse, a smile graced the face of Nightingale.

Punk's company had been refreshing; the man was hilarious, he pulled one liners out of nowhere constantly, and made light of the fact that he'd been forced to strip down to his skivvies after being bested in a round of strip poker.

She'd be lying if she said she didn't find him attractive. With dark, straight shoulder length hair that framed his face, that boyish lopsided grin of his that seemed to be punctuated by the piercing on the left side of his bottom lip, he was nothing short of extremely cute. He had a beard, not a bushy one, but just enough scruff to show that he wasn't mid puberty, with a ghost of a mustache to go along with it; and his hazel eyes seemed to dance when he laughed. He seemed to be a genuinely kind person beneath all that biting wit and sarcasm.

He's much too smart to end up staying here for long--and I'd love to know what brought him here in the first place. It certainly wasn't drugs or sex, that's for sure.

He'd been regaling her with tales of mischief from his childhood days in Chicago when Raven returned from the docks, immediately sending Punk away so that he could talk privately with Kidman about their trip.

From where she sat, Nightingale had the tiniest view of the night sky. By some miracle, she caught sight of a shooting star. Closing her eyes, she leaned her head back against the bars, silently sending up a wish.

Please...let me have my life back...


"Baby it's 5 am, where's the fire?"

Tripp glanced back at the bed, guilt written all over his face as he pulled on his clothes.

Gypsy was obviously still very drowsy, and her voice was scratchy and hoarse from just a few hours earlier.

She sat up, trying and failing to blink the sleep from her eyes, clutching the sheet over her bare chest with one hand as she dragged her blonde mane back from her face with the other.

Tripp plastered a tired smirk on his face, padding over to the bed, and leaning down to plant a scorcher on his girlfriend.

"As much as I hate to leave, and believe me when I say I do, I've got to head down to the docks to help unload some stuff. I won't be gone long, I promise."

"But it's not even light out yet, you won't be able to see your hand in front of your face down there!"

"I know, but it's not my call. Raven's trusting me to prove myself worthy of the promotion while he's away. What's good for me is good for both of us, remember?"

"I know, but I still don't want you to go, even though I know you have to." Gypsy sighed, pooching out her lower lip in a childish pout, before Tripp kissed her again.

"I'll be back before you know it, with breakfast, cross my heart. Go on back to sleep."

Gypsy mumbled her agreement, laying back down and snuggling under the blanket. Tripp gave her slumbering form one last guilty glance before he quietly made his way downstairs.

I hate lying to her. I hate not being able to tell her what I'm really doing when I leave at the crack of dawn. Most of all, I hate that she has no clue that I'm doing it...but what's good for me is good for both of us. I'm doing this for us, to get us out of here and start a better life, even though she deserves much better than what I can ever give her...God I hope she can find it in her heart to forgive me later for all of this.

He'd barely cleared the last step when Sick Boy materialized beside him, seemingly from nowhere.

"We headed to the docks?" Tripp enquired, running a hand through his multicolored hair, trying to calm his nerves.

Ever since he'd agreed to he promotion, he'd been extra jumpy, and both Punk and Gypsy were beginning to get suspicious.

"Nope, to the airport. Our cargo plane just landed. We've got to get our delivery and get gone before someone spots us. Our customs guy is covering our asses for now, but there's no guarantee on time."

Tripp nodded, following Sick Boy's brisk pace as they exited the building.

It's going to take a miracle to keep my guilty conscience from causing me to blab to someone. If this is the normal business, I can only imagine how horrible the newest venture is.


"I want to be where the people are...I wanna see, wanna see 'em dancing, walking around on those--what do you call them? Ooh, feet...up where they walk, up where they run, up where they stay all day in the sun, wandering free, wish I could be part of that world..."

Punk was awakened from a deep sleep by the beautiful voice wafting down the hall. He blinked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and getting to his feet.

He padded past the door to Tripp and Gypsy's room, rolling and averting his eyes as he noted that Gypsy was doing her morning tarot reading in the nude.

Wonders never cease. Whatever floats her Titanic.

He continued on, following the voice. He paused outside Raven's door, and sure enough it was Nightingale, singing her heart out as Raven finished tweaking the new business suit of--


Sure enough, Kidman had traded in his signature grunge look for a business suit. His stringy hair was slicked back into a ponytail, and in place of his normal Chucks were a pair of expensive Italian leather shoes.

"Hey, Punk, what do you think? Could I pass for one of the corporate apes downtown or what?"

"Absolutely! I didn't even recognize you for a second there, buddy. Morning Raven, Nightingale."

"Morning Punk--come on in, I need to talk to you."

Punk obeyed soundlessly, approaching the taller man.

"Punk, Kidman and I are going to be out of town for awhile on business."

"Mind if I ask how long?"

"About a month, give or take a couple of weeks. Let's call this a trial run, shall we? If Nightingale is exactly as she is now--that meaning safe, healthy and obedient--I'll make your assignment permanent."

"You're actually going to trust me alone with your pet? I'm honored."

"From what I saw last night, you two seem to be getting along just fine--you know the rules, you know the ropes, and with business the way it is right now, this could make or break me, so I really don't have a choice. I'm trusting you kid, don't let me down."

"You can count on me, boss." Punk replied, doing a mock salute.

Raven sent him a smirk, snatching up the two suitcases he'd packed the night before, and stalked out the door.

Punk glanced over at Nightingale, who smiled brightly at him.

When the Raven's away, the mice will play...


"I can't believe you managed to get us in First Class on such short notice."

Raven rolled his eyes, and glanced over at Kidman, who appeared to be absolutely giddy over the experience.

"I pulled a few strings, there are a few people in high places who owe me favors. Besides, we have to keep up the facade of you being a rich American business man during this trip. First stop is Russia to pick up...Candice, I think her name was? As soon as she's on the ship, it's off to Italy, France, and Greece."

"My first trip on a plane, in First Class no less, and I'm traveling overseas. I know it's for business, but...this is surreal."

Kidman was gushing in excitement, and Raven couldn't help but be amused by it.

"Well Kidman, if all goes according to plan, you'll be doing this on a regular monthly basis."

"So, we're meeting Kaz in Moscow with the girl, right?"

"Right. As soon as he's introduced us, he's going straight to the airport and heading for Italy to arrange our next pickup--I think he said it was a set of twins, to boot."

Kidman smirked, and turned to Raven.

"I think I'm going to like our new business venture. A LOT."

"If it's even half as profitable as Kaz says, so will I." Raven agreed.
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