Categories > Books > Harry Potter


by stealacandy 2 reviews

Albus Dumbledore, interferng bastard, meet... Albus Dumbledore, interferng bastard, meet... Albus Dumbledore, interferng bastard, meet... Albus Dumbledore, interferng bastard, meet... Albus Dumbled...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Dumbledore - Published: 2009-08-22 - Updated: 2009-08-22 - 608 words

A Plot Bunny by stealacandy

A/N: I just had a brilliant plot bunny, something that has neer been done before (to te extent of my knowledge) which is no mere fete!

Lily sends Harry away to protect him Sirius snatches him before Hagrid arrives Harry is kidnapped by alliens (Loki from Stargate, anyone?) High Elves Jedi Knights fairies smurffs a magical assassin from North Korea devils of the underworld Porky Pig a conclave of veela on maternity leave a conclave of gay veela on paternity leave Buffy the Vampire Slayer Anita Blake the Vampire Slut (Or not. Thankfully, Blake's on the big no no list for fanfiction...) the crew of Star Trek, the Original Show the fans of Star Trek, the Original Show Potter-family house-elves the Secret Service (makes you nervous?) Peter Pettigrew, in a quest for redemption Van Helsing's butch of a granddaughter The milkman, by name of Creevy Elminster The head of the Russian mob A bunch of snakes, one of which tried to eat Harry, discovered he was too big to swallow, and decided to nurish him instead, because it makes so much sense Mustrum Ridcully and Nanny Ogg, his secret lover the heir to the British vampire throne. (Why is there a British vampire throne, anyway?) A she-wolf from the pack living in the nearby forest who just happened to pass through the populated village at the time of Voldemort's attack, in spite of the fact that wolves shy away from people, not to mention, went extnct in the British Isles hundreds of yeard ago... Crumple-Horned Snorcaks Luna Lovegood Crumple-Horned Snorcaks AND Luna Lovegood a computer-created simulation of future Harry Potter a rabid plot-bunny Merlin and his cross-dressing wife, Godzilla a freind from outer space the last Mohican / whomever.

Albus Dumbledore is desperate to recover him, so he casts a massively powerful, extremely complex tracking spell to find Harry Potter, no matter where he is. Unfortunately, The nearest unsheltered Harry Potter is currently sleeping in a basket in front of no. 4, Privet Drive, Little Whinning, Surry, one dimenssion away. So Dumbledore goes there and recovers Harry Potter of that dimmension, thinking it is the one from his own. And does... whatever.

Albus Dumbledore is very much conerned when his complex divining devices don't show Harry being taken in by the Dursleys. Feering the worse - that he was wrong and Minnerva right about them (How ould he ever live it down?) - he casts a massively powerful, extremely comlex tracking spell to find Harry Potter... hidden behind some imposter's poor attempt to fake bloodwards in a house full of what can only be death Eaters using Polyjuice to pretend to be Harry's Aunt and Uncle... who try to hide Harry from him in the cupoard under the stairs, when he goes there to recover Harry, thinking it is the one from his own dimmension. Dumbledore recovers Harry, transfigures the Dursleys into cuecumbers, or... whatever, and goes away.

Albus Dumbledore is very upset and more than a little alarmed when Arabella Figg floos to tel him young Harry Potter has disappeared from no. 4, Privet Drive. A quick look at his divination devices tells him the blood wards he has only recently so painstakingly created aren't working - as if they were never there! - and all his tracing gizos gone wonly. He therefore casts a massively powerful, extremely complex tracking spell to find Harry Potter...

Albus Dumbledore is rather worried when he learns that...

Albus Dumbledore is really pissed as he discovers...]

Albus Dumbledore...

Albus Dumbledore...

Albus Dumbledore...

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