Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Sick and sad patients, On first name basis with all the top physicians

The Fire Burns Tonight, Lighting Up The Darkest Corners Of My Mind (aka: Caro's Masturbation Chappy. YOU DON'T GET IT)

by NotesFromPaige 2 reviews

Ahaa, Harper, you was inserted into story. I needed somebody for the part.... not a filler chappy, shit happens. Can you name the song where the titles from? If you're a real ATL fan you could ;D

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2009-08-22 - Updated: 2009-09-11 - 3562 words

The Fire Burns Tonight, Lighting Up The Darkest Corners Of My Mind

Caro’s POV

I heard a very loud alarm go off, the sound of my alarm clock, five feet away from where I was lying.
My heavy eyelids begging to stay open. I rolled over on the mattress to find my gorgeous man, curled up, shirtless, with a pillow over his head dramatically.
“Babe, you gonna get that?” William slurred, a mix of laziness and annoyance.
“Naww.” I refused, waiting for his reaction. He lifted the pillow from his head, looked at me, and sighed, giving me the puppy dog eyes.
“Can you please turn it off?” He asked, asking with as much innocence his voice could produce, gazing into my dark eyes.
“Make. Me.” I challenged, separating each word.
William took the pillow from him head, and whacked me lightly on the head with it.
I giggled, taking the pillow from underneath my head, and hitting him back with it.
He chuckled, throwing his pillow aside, scooted closer to me, and stroked my cheek with his thumb. I smiled, leaning forwards and giving him a slow, tender kiss, letting out a quiet moan.
The alarm began to beep louder.
William pulled away, grabbing a pillow from somewhere on the large bed, and covering his ears.
“Ahhhhhh. Its too loud.” He whined, going into fetal position.
I sat up and looked up at the clock reading 7:30. I don’t even know why the alarm went off that early, considering I go to work at 9:30, I can sleep in for another 30 minutes. I fell back down, burying my face in the covers.
I felt the bed move and looked up finding William, moving on with his bad self, and turning off the alarm himself.
He looked down at his feet, finding my discarded shirt from last night. He picked it up, and threw it at my naked back, then left the room to raid my pantry. I threw on the shirt, and fell back asleep, only letting myself sleep for the some time I had left.
All of a sudden, I heard my phone go off, it had been on the night stand next to me, it was a text from Natalie, who works with me, saying “yoyoyo. office’s closed today, something about testing the area for bacteria, I don’t even know, and the deadline date has been extended so YAY! for that.” I sighed in relief and let my eyelids shut once again.

I’m a journalist for the New York Times, and Natalie’s an editor. Kyle works in the building next to us a lawyer, and I met him when I got into a car crash, because I needed a lawyer. I knew Paige since we both went to college together at Yale. I met William when Paige and Natalie took me out for a drink, after an ex- boyfriend dumped me- William had been playing in the club. Of course, when I got into the plane crash, I met Ryan and Brendon because they were my doctors. And I met Monica because some way, some how, everybody else knew her but me. Her name popped up in numerous stories told by all my close friends, and we were always at the same parties, and it was pretty much impossible not to become friends.
It’s really a small world.

I felt myself slowly drift to sleep, but then I heard the TV go off in the other room.

”Welcome to channel eight news, my name is Tim Brown. Breaking News: We have gotten our first case of the disease sweeping the western side of the USA, Tonus Disease. The first victim is a 9 year old Kaliegh, who resides in Buffalo, NY. Not much is known about the disease, but what is known is shocking. The body attacks healthy tissue and leaves a damaging effect. It can effect all parts of the body, and causes rashes all over the body. Again, barely is known about the disease. We are not sure how it is spread or if it is contagious at all, but it’s known to kill an adult in less than a month. We have been becoming more and more cautious, and hope to fill you in more next time”

Hmm, mention of the disease that Natalie brought up.
That’s probably why the office is closed today, to test the office for signs of causes of the disease. I could honestly care less about a disease that I’m not even gonna get. I’m probably the most careful person in that office when it comes to bacteria and shit, and they don’t even know if its contagious, so there you go. Plus I haven’t gotten sick since a year ago. My immune system is pretty strong, I’m really not worried.

I got up, threw on a pair of pajama pants, and stalked out of the bedroom.
He sat on the couch, with a mug in his hand, watching the news half heartedly. He turned around, “There’s coffee on the counter” he slurred lazily. I ran over to the counter to see, there was indeed coffee. I joined him on the couch with my coffee, and sat back, enjoying my view of New York through the window new to the TV. The sun was shining, and there were absolutely no clouds to speak of. I live on one of the top floors of the wonderful apartments New York has to offer, looking over the downtown.
I smiled at the scene, getting weird looks from William.
“Aha, you okay?” He asked, waving a hand in front of my eyes to set me free from my own hypnosis.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” I reassured him.
He looked down at his watch, “Don’t you have to go to work?”
“I has the day off. Thankfully! I already have my article done, so its just a day off.” I leaned back onto the couch, gripping my mug.
“What do you wanna do today?” William sunk back into the couch cushions.
“Besides this?” I leaned forwards and gave him a playful, but long kiss, almost forgetting the coffee in my mug.
He started chuckling and pulled away, “Yeah, besides that.”
“I don’t know, maybe just chill out around the house. I’ve been so stressed lately, you have no idea. Having today off is all I really ask for. I’m so happy.” I vented, vaguely describing what’s been on my mind.
“Well, I’m glad you’re happy, you deserve a day off.” He smiled, stroking my dark locks.
“I really do.” I breathed, staring at the wall.
My life is no walk in the park.
Its serious sacrifice for my free time because even when I’m not working, I’m working. You never stop thinking, and you always have to have a plan about what you’re writing about. Not only that, but juggling that with my actually busy social life, thank you very much, its hard work.
But I honestly love my life.
It could be worse.

Brendon’s POV

I arrived at work a tad late-ish today.
Late-ish being 7:45.
We had a late start today, but I was supposed to be there at 7:15.
I parked my car in my very legit parking spot label “Dr. Urie”.
I opened the door and let the cool december air tussle my long brunette locks.
People were probably gonna hit me for this.
Being so late. You can’t be late when you’re in the medical field because everybody waits on you. But on the bright side, I brought coffee...
I ran up the parking garage stairs, into the building and into the office where I got several annoyed and disappointed stares.
“Look who finally decided to show up.” Ryan raised an eyebrow.
“Heh. He brought coffee.” Said a very bored, and annoyed Madison Clark. She was our neurosurgeon, must I say, brilliant too. A tad older than me, though. Maybe 32, I don’t know, I was too scared to ask. Know cares, she could pass for 22. She was the best neurosurgeon in all of the eastern United States, ranked number 7 in all of America. Madison knew what she was doing. We don’t mess with her. Madison had black hair that was always teased, but was often put in piggy tails because God knows how to perform surgery with hair all up in your face. Her eyes were quite literally black, lined with black eyeliner, bringing out the paleness that is her face. We always called her Abby though because her and Abby from NCIS were pretty much the same person.
“Ahaha, yeahhhhhhhhh, here you go.” I handed out the regulars, bringing smiles to the many doctors in the office.
“So, what cases-” I started my usual question.
“YOU’VE GOT A CHICK WITH A CAROTID ARTERY STENOSIS IN 10 MINUTES, BITCH.” I heard Paige yelling from the other room.
“Um, okay. Thanks...” I said quietly, others chuckling.
“Hmm, I guess I’ll see you at the operating table then.” Madison shrugged, her cheeks suggesting a smile.
“I guess, I’ll see you in there...” I gave her a thumbs up. She thumbs upped me back, and left the room.
“So what do you have today?” I asked Ryan who was staring at the wall, absent mindedly sipping his drink.
“I don’t even know.” He said, shaking his head.
“I’m glad you’re enthusiastic about your job.” I nodded, sarcastically. Ryan snorted at me, “You’re one to talk Mr. Idon’tgivetwoshitsaboutanything.”
“Why does everybody think that!? That I don’t care? I do care dammit, its just, I take it differently than you people.” I defended, once again.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” He took his eyes away from the wall, and smirked at me.
“Its just I’ve never really felt that connection with patients. I haven’t really gotten any patients that were thankful or knew what was going on. They were are emotionless airheads. Its kinda like you guys assign me all the lifeless ones.” I continued.
“That can’t be true considering you 100’s of patients a year.” Ryan denied.
“Yeah thats a lie, I have connected with a bunch. I see a scared, young, fright-filled child or adult, and yeah, I can connect, but its not often enough. Its not to the point where I come across these people on a daily basis.” I admitted.
“I guess I can’t really talk, either. I don’t really get to converse with my patients considering, ya know, their under the control of drugs....”
“I’m sure, Ryro. Look, I gotta go and do my job. Ahaha, possibly connect... I'LL see you later buddy.” I patted him upon the back and found my schedule.

(A/n: an carotid endarterectomy is performed when there is plaque on the inside of the carotid artery which can cause strokes and brain damage. the carotid artery is the major artery running up your neck.)

I headed over to the neurosurgery area of the hospital, where 16 year old Harper Gordon stayed. She had blonde hair with caramel and honey eyes lights in it, frizzy and unruly around her very pale face. Her blue/green eyes were filled with slight hope but mostly terror. I felt, well, bad. She had a carotid artery stenosis for crying out loud, and she probably didn’t know what it meant, too. I can only imagine how scary it would be to be sitting in her position, ready to have her head literally drilled on. I put on a comforting smile and approached her, cautious.
“Hey there Harper, how ya feeling?” I asked her.
She shrugged, never meeting my eyes.
“Well my name is Dr. Urie. I’m gonna be the one to put you to sleep, I just wanted to ask you a few health questions.” I loudened my voice a tad to add more authority to my voice, but not in an intimidating way.
“Okay.” She mumbled so that I could barely hear.

After a series of questions, she broke down crying, it was odd. I had never seen anybody cry over surgery.
I pulled up a chair and sat next to her bed. I tucked a piece of hair away from her face..
“Hey now,” I smiled, compassionately, “ why are you crying?”
She quietly sobbed, wiping her tears on her blanket, “Because this has happened before. I know how this ends?”
“What do you mean?” I asked, eager.
“Almost everybody in my family has had this condition. It all ended the same way. My two sisters, mom, aunt, grandma, uncle they’ve all had it, and died from either stroke or surgery or what have you. They all died. They told me my condition was chronic and was different than my family’s, that it was more serious. They weren’t even sure it if it’s even the condition they think it is. They told me I had a 50% chance of dying during surgery. They told me luck wasn’t on my side. They told me I was gonna die.” She broke down.
My heart dropped, it seriously did. Nobody should ever feel that pain. I wrapped my arms around her small frame, and rubbed her back.
“Listen sweetie, you have one of the best surgeons in all of America. I can promise you everything we go smoothly. I promise you. You’re different than everybody in your family. I can already see it, the fire in your eyes, you’re a strong girl. I know can make it, and make a strong recovery. You have my word.” I reassured her, fully willing to take her life into my hands.
She looked up at me, and smiled. Her eyes were puff and big, “Really?”
“I promise you Harper. We’ll take good care of you here.” I smiled, hoping she’d believe me. It wasn’t like I was lying (except with the whole promising life thing, because not even us miracle workers can promise life 100%) but it takes a lot to believe somebody on a subject this touchy. Especially a doctor.
“Thank you.” Her tears had started to stop flowing, and her eyes began to brighten up.
“Don’t mention it. Everything will be fine. I promise.” I held onto her hand and shook it slightly.
I walked out of the room and into the operation room, going to organize the anesthetics.
“You took a little longer than usual, something the matter?” Madison asked me, blowing up his gloves and putting them on.
“Nothing that would affect the surgery. She’s just been through a lot.” I nodded, almost poking myself in the finger with a needle.
“Ahh. Its hard dealing with kids, ain’t it?” She smirked, putting on her mask and putting her hair in piggy tails.
“I mean, yeah, but this one has a good reason to feel the way she feels.” I shrugged, taking a seat on the counter.
“I”m sure she does.” Madison gathered all her equipment and threw it onto the table. And when I say threw, I mean /threw/.

A few minutes later they rolled Harper into the operating room. She remained calm, and cool. All the doctors scurried around, and waited for the thumbs up from Madison. After they all peed, got their shit together and commented on how pretty Harper’s eyes were, Madison got frustrated and yelled at them for being so slow.... That’s about the time they actually peed, got their shit together, and there was no way in hell anybody was complimenting anything anymore.
Madison strikes fear into your bones, its a natural thing, and after she did that, she gave us all the thumbs up.
“Hey Harper, we’re gonna start your surgery now. I want you to close you eyes, and count backwards from 100. Starting, now....”
Harper nodded, and closed her eyes. This procedure was different from all the rest because she was sitting upright; all the rest meaning all the other cases I usually do.
This was the part I could never watch.
They would dig into the patient’s scalp and you know, rewired things. I was never able to watch brain surgery. It just made me too freaked out. I just do my job. I adjust the amount of drugs that go into the body. I don’t mess with the insides.
About 30 minutes into the surgery, and we were good. Harper had been doing well, and the other doctors were comentarying about how they thought she was gonna make it through...
“Oh shit.” Madison said, eyes wide, looking into her brain.
“What did you do?” I asked, urgently.
“Either one of two things are happening. She’s either now paralyzed on the right side of her body or she’s having a stroke.” She panicked, looking deeper into her head.
“What?!” I looked at her blood pressure which was dropping dramatically.
“Okay! She’s having a stroke. Thought we were screwed just then, thats a relief.” She laughed, pretending to wipe sweat off of her forehead.
I injected Harper with multiple statins in order to treat her stroke, which hopefully save her.
“Yeah, you should get your ass on task, and help the dying girl.” I hissed at Madison, who quickly serious.
Madison did her little rewiring act, and brought Harper’s brain back to normal.
“Okay. We are good now.” She sighed, relieved.
“Ya know, sometimes you care me.” I informed here, nodding stiffly.
“I do myself. Will you let me go back to doing my job, now? I’m trying to save lives here.” She retorted at me.
I backed away from her, in fear of getting eaten.

After a good hour and a half the surgery was completed.
I began to wake up the patient I felt so close to.
“Hey Harper, you’re surgery’s over. You’re done, you’re free. I told you that you’d make it.” I took the mask off of her face, waiting for an reaction from her.
She slowly opened her eyes, and smiled.
“Thank you.” She mumbled.
“Anytime, kid.” The nurses transfered the sleeping girl to a stretcher and then to a hospital bed, as I stayed back and cleaned up my stuff.

“Good work today, Urie.” Dr. Clark congratulated me.
“You too. You too.” I answered back, nodding obediently.
“Damn, that was long case.” She complained, taking off her mask and gloves.
“Yeah, it was. I think I’m gonna keep an eye on this one. I wanna see how her condition works out.” I admitted.
“That’s not stalkerish at all.” She raised an eye brow, chuckling.
“No, its not like that but I wanna know her condition. I’ve never seen anything like it. I’ve seen you perform the surgery before but I don’t think that was the right procedure.” I started.
“What do you mean?” Madison became a tad more intrigued by her tone in voice.
“All the usual endarterectomy cases don’t have those characteristics. I just don’t think that her brain has that problem. Well, the walls may be lined with something other, that too, but I don’t think that’s necessarily the big picture. I think that her condition is worse that we think it is, and I looked at her family’s records, nothings sounds like what she has?” I explained, expecting all the weird looks I was gonna get.
“Hmm. That’s interesting. You should bring it up with me later, we can look at the records, you may be on to something because I noticed the same differences.” She agreed, strangely enough.
“Cool, I will.” I existed the room, going back to the office to review my schedule.
Apparently, I have a short toe misplacement case, but that doesn’t happen for another ten minutes.
I went to the file cabinet pulling out several folders from now to back in 2000.
I took those files and walked over to the cafeteria, pulling out a chair and collapsing in it.

I’m gonna crack Harper’s case.
I’m gonna find out what’s really going on.
And I’m gonna cure it.


Dude. I don’t know shit about medical stuffs. Don’t eat me, its all in good fan FICTION.

I have this thing about giving each character a chapter where you can really understand their relations with other characters.

I promise you Monica/Natalie, next chapter, we’ll get to know yous :D

I’m so fucking tired right now, you have no idea. I feel like I’m gonna throw up.
I just ate like 23838 jalapeno flavored tostitos.
I have a thing about eating crackers during writing.
Its like my thing for bleach blondes.
Its odd.

Well, this chapter was longer than the usual.

this stories fun to write.

I am so tired, I can't even edit this.
This is the complete, unedited chappy.
I"m sorry for all the grammar mistakes.
I just gotta go to sleep now.


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