Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Cardinal Regrets

Cardinal Regrets

by lyrical_lies 0 reviews

Run far enough and you can get away from anything, anything but your mind. And when past regrets catch up to Grey there are bound to be broken peices. {edit}

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!] [V] [X] - Published: 2009-08-08 - Updated: 2009-08-26 - 800 words

-chapter edit-
so this is my newest story and i love it so far! i think it has the strongest plot ive ever come up with. ill post the first couple of chapters but if i dont get any feedback i wont likly post past the 4th chapter. please rate and review!! lots of love... Shane

PS yes i did change my name again ( i swear this is the last time)

It was cold and wet and Gray was sitting alone in her corner booth. Friday nights were always the worst. She felt so dejected watching everyone around her having fun and living it up. The only consolation Gray had tonight was the fact that she was alone, or she had been, Five men had just entered the little diner.

What the hell are they doing here at three in the morning?

The men sat down two booths in front of her and to her surprise ordered nothing but an ice cream Sunday.

“ Oh man I’m spent. Spencer you must be exhausted!” One of the group said.

“Na I’m alright, Eric you look bad though.” Eric just shrugged his comment off apparently too tired to argue

“ Thank fuck we don’t have a show tomorrow! I’m spending all day in my bunk.” Another was quick to comment. The rest sort of chuckle and agreed

“Bed, Jon!” the first shouted

“Brendon what are you talking about?” the unshaven man asked

“Not bunk, a bed!” they all just stared.

Gray realized she had been eves dropping and lowered her head again not keen on the idea of being noticed. But just then the waitress came over to her and asked if she wanted a refill on her ginger ale.

“Ah no thanks I’m fine,” Gray said in a barely audible tone.

All five men turned in surprise to the girl sitting unnoticed in the corner. They all quickly returned to their conversation though and tried to put the girl out of mind. Brendon was not as successful as the rest were. Her whole demeanor had struck him. From her black hair to her light grey eyes to her sultry disposition. Something familiar about her…

Just as Gray was about to leave, a man staggered in. He looked older and more worn than the previous group. At first his intended target seemed to be the run down waitress but once he noticed the other men in the diner, he stopped. A wide smile now plastered across his face.

The new man approached them. With an overly loud and in a mildly slurred voice, he spoke.

“I just saw you down the street didn’t I?”

“I’m sorry I think you have use confused with someone else” Spencer said

As Gray stared on, becoming uncomfortable, she couldn’t help but wonder who these men were. First the strange behavior from the waitress and now this drunk? But she quickly got her answer.

“No! your Brendon! And that’s Ryan and that’s Jon and Spencer and Derrick!”

“Eric actually” Eric said and the rest just sniggered

“Look were just trying to relax ok? Can you just leave us alone.”

“Well not very friendly are you? How bout you sign me some stuff eh?”


Gray had had just about enough of this man. She had come here to have a peaceful evening and now she had to listen to a drunk harass a bunch of celebrities. Gray stood up ready to leave she threw a ten on the table and walk towards the door but the unstable man caught her arm.

“Let go” Gray said through gritted teeth. The man recoiled a bit but continued.

“Common sweetheart take a picture of me and the boys, eh?”

“leave her….” But before Brendon could finish his sentence the man was face down on their table, arm locked and twisted behind his back. She had pinned him in less than 3 second.

“You don’t get to call me that, ever!” Gray just about shouted. Everyone was staring at her.

“And just for good measure apologize to these boys for being rude…. now!”

“I-I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it” the man now completely sober.

“Good” She said, abruptly letting go of his arm and walking out.

Brendon stood up, walking out the door. He looked down the street but saw no one there. He had only been a few strides behind the mysterious girl and yet she was no where to be seen. He walked back in and grabbed his jacket.

“What happened?” Jon asked

“Shes gone.”

please rate and review. tell me what you think!! feedback is what fuels me so please!!
ps sorry this is so short ill go and post another chapter.

Lots of love
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