Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Cardinal Regrets

Scared of the Past

by lyrical_lies 0 reviews

Memories resurface....fillerish...

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2009-08-25 - Updated: 2009-08-26 - 1086 words

so i dont really like this chapter but whatever its just a filler...

Who was she? I know her from somewhere. Who was that girl?

The question ran through Brendon’s head for the next day and a half. It had been driving him crazy and he had to know. There was something different about her, besides that fact she attacked a stranger to defend people she had never met. He had been thinking about it and realized the mystery lay in her eyes. At first Brendon thought his fascination with them was because of their pail grey color, but the more he thought about it the more he saw something familiar in them.

“I’m going out.” Brendon said as he left the room.

“Whatever, just be back before ten, that’s when we shove off.”

“You won’t leave without me.” Ryan looked at his best friend and smirked.

“As long as you’re at the next show I don’t give a fuck if you get there on the bus or hitchhiking. We leave at ten and if you’re not here, I hope you like strangers.” Brendon laughed walking out of the room and to the elevator. He knew they would never leave him here and Ryan was just being a child.

Gray was sitting at her booth in the small diner again. She had avoided the place the night before in the hopes that she would not be found by anyone looking for her. It had become her favorite place to sit and be alone and she didn’t want to give it up. No one ever came in here and the waitress wasn’t nosy so Gray was left in peace. She had just finished her ginger ale when the bell on the door chimed. She didn’t look up. She didn’t want to know who was invading her quiet. That was until the new body sat itself across from her. Glaring, she looked into the face across from her. One of the boys from Friday night. He recoiled a little but stayed seated where he was.

“Hey, um…I just wanted to thank you for your help the other night.” Gray softened her face a little and the boy took it as an invitation to stay.

“Yeah well… he was bugging you. How did you find me?” She said quickly, leaning forward across the table.

“Why?” Brendon raised an eyebrow and chuckled at her response.

“So I can avoid that particular mistake in the future.” The hardened look reappeared on Gray’s face as she leaned back from the table.

“Well you are in the same diner, in the same booth you where in the last time I saw you. It wasn’t exactly hard to find you now was it!” Brendon didn’t see where this conversation was going but even just sitting her talking to her was fine with him. He wanted answer but those questions could wait.

“Touché.” Gray said with sarcasm. She was getting annoyed with this boy and wanted to know why he had wanted to seek her out. It couldn’t possibly be because he wanted to thank her. But she couldn’t see his ulterior motives for this conversation yet so she kept him going.

“Why are you here?” she abruptly asked.

“I thought I said; to thank you.” Brendon cocked his head to the side.

“No, I mean the real reason. No bullshit.” It took Brendon a few minutes to respond but the answer he can up with surprised Gray so much that she sat there speechless, which, for Gray, was a first.

“You…you look familiar, do I know you?” Gray looked down at the table.

“No you don’t.” But before Brendon could say anything the waitress came over, asking if she wanted a refill.

“No,” Gray finally spoke. “I’m not staying.”

“Yes you are. She’ll have another glass.” Gray shot him the dirtiest look she could muster and he recoiled again but she did not dispute his statement. They sat in silence for what seemed like hours.

“Brendon why are you here?” He sat stunned for a minute, not knowing how she knew him.

“I didn’t think you knew who I was. Last time you…” He was looking down at the table, embarrassed. Gray didn’t know what he meant by that and after a few awkward moments gray stood up.

“Look I don’t know what you’re doing here but it doesn’t matter. I wont come here again so don’t bother looking for me, please.” To Brendon the last bit sounded more like a plea than anything but he couldn’t let her leave, not without knowing.

“I still don’t know your name.” He said following her out of the stuffy diner and onto the dark, wet street.

“My name is irrelevant.” She quickened her pace in the same direction of the hotel.

“Its not to me.” Gray suddenly stopped, cocking her head to the left then looking behind her. Obviously she had heard something.

She mumbled “Shit” under her breath and walked even fast, Brendon jogging to keep up.

“Look I see the only way to get rid of you is to tell you my name. I’m Jessica, nice to meet you, see you never.” She looked back again and kept going.

“Your name isn’t Jessica. I know its not but ill settle for it, for now. Where are you going ‘Jess’?” Brendon smirked when she shot him a glare.

“This way, see you later.” She said swiftly still walking toward the hotel and the bus.

“Really, well it just so happens that I have to walk this way too. Ill walk with you.” Gray stopped and made to turn around but just then, Brendon heard the sirens and a police car rounded the corner. She hesitated, scared of the car but not wanting to walk with Brendon. The cop was getting closer and Gray more agitated with every second. And then Gray did something Brendon never expected. She pulled him on top of her, back against the wall of the building next to them and whispered, “Just go with it.” And with that she kissed him.

Soooo i hope you hungry for more!

as usual please rate and review! it takes like what? 2 minutes..please!

oh god im starting to sound desprate...ill stop now and watch dexter or something...

so long for now!
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