Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Two's Company
Two's Company
3 reviewsNatalie is excited about finding the perfect apartment...but something is included with it that she never imagined. I suck at summaries but please read. The title sucks too but I tried.
Two's Company
(#) kelly-khaos 2009-07-01
I like this story so far. I wonder how Natalie is gonna react to the whole roomate thing.
Update soon please!
xoxo - KellyTwo's Company
(#) blood-redstar 2009-07-01
This story sounds like its going to be really good :D
more more more please :D lol
xoxoxo HollyTwo's Company
(#) IeroMyHero 2009-07-01
Hmm, one thing, this is sorta extremely unrealistic. Is it really appropriate that a woman lives in an apartment with a random man whom she just met? That's so weird, like nobody in their right mind would do that, it's just not safe. Just pointing that out.
Otherwise, not bad. I'm curious to see what exactly you meant to do with the plot.
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